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mh AllS sWU

mwm - 1

May - Jun 2013

Ss - 2

mUq mUq xu a mSMpr merq lq

Table of Contents:



Guru Mukham


Devi AshtAngam for the month of Chaitra

ParashurAmA Charitam


ParashurAmA Krita MahAdEvA Stuthi


Trailokya Vijaya Krishna Kavacam


Krishna Amrita Stava


ParashurAmA Krita Bhadra KAli Stotram


ParashurAmA Gayathri Mantra Japa Krama



SampradAya Pravartaka PAdukAs



ParashurAmA NavAvarana puja Krama



ParashurAmA Mantra Prayogam



ParashurAmA SahasranAmam



Adi ShankarA Mantra Japa krama



Adi ShankarA Ashtottaram



Subrahmanya Shadakshara Mantra Japa Krama



KumrAtantrokta Subrahmanya Mantra Manjari



Skanda KalA NyAsa



Subrahmanya MatrukA NyAsa



Subrahmanya Saguna Avaranam






Q & A - SadAvidyAanusamhatiH


a qZq

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. .

- 21.4.2013

|| zuS apr lq ||
|| xum lmh Wiu aUu lq ||
First of all, I would like to thank the UpAsakA community for providing an overwhelming
positive response to the first issue of PUrnAndalahari. I was not expecting this to have
such a reach and this indeed is a proof of the greatness of the Gurumandalam. One of
the consistent wish that we received from the UpAsakA community was to include a
Q&A section in the e-magazine (egazine) and we have done that starting this issue.
My Guru, Shri AnandAnandanAtha (Shri Shivakumar) has provided the Guru mukham
for this magazine. He has been going through physical ailments for the past few months
and in spite of that, he has been kind enough to continue to provide the Guru mukham
for this magazine. This demonstrates the spirit and his eagerness to share his wisdom
and experiences to the UpAsakA community.
This month, on 21st, a key event will be taking place - the completion of one year from
the Devi MAna ashtAnga calander. khaM sadAshiva varshA will be completing and gaM
Ishavara varsha will begin. In the Devi MAna AshtAnga method, one week is 9 days, 1
month is 4 weeks (hence 36 days), and 16 months make one year (thus 64 weeks or
576 days).
Between May 09 - Jun 09, three vishesha parvas are occurring 1. ParashurAmA Jayanthi (Akshaya Tritiya)
2. Adi ShankarA Jayanthi
3. VaikAshi VishAkam (Subrahmanya pUja)
This issue of PUrnAndalahari comes with ParashurAmA vidhAnam which compiles all
possible information on ParashurAmA from an Upasana perspective. ParashurAmA, as
you all are aware of, is a key proponent of Shri Vidhya and his kalpa sutras are the main
commandments for our nithya anushtanas and paddhathis. Information about
ParashurAmA is seen widely in BrahmAnda PurAnA, Agni PurAnA, NArada PurAnA,
Brahma Vaivarta PurAnA, and MEru Tantra. In this issue, the ParashurAmA Gayathri,
ParashurAma Avaranam, and ParashurAmA DvAdasha stotram are provided based on
the MEru Tantra. ParashurAmA SahasranAmam, supposed to be from Agni PurAnA is
also included. ParashurAmA is the only avatArA in human avatArA that is supposed to
be a ChiranjIvi and continues through all the avatArAs after Him. He meets Dasaratha
RAmA, comes in MahabhAratha encountering BhishmA and as Karnas Guru, and is
still waiting to teach the kalki avatArA.

The Akshaya Tritiya day also happens to be the DikshA dinA of my Pujya Guru
dampatis Shri AnandAmba sameta AnandAnandanAtha. My pranams to their holy
padakukas . xum lmh Wiu aUu lq | AllSqo xqi AllSllSlj

mSM merq lq |
The Adi ShankrA mantrA and ashtOttarashata nAmAvali used at the kAnchi kAmakOti
pItam is included in this issue.
In the Subrahmanya krama, the Shadakshra mantra japa kramA of subrahmanya is
included. While it is common to see the sharavanabhava mantra, the kaumara tantra
provides great detail about the power and potency of the Vacadbhuve namaH mantra.
The subrahmanya mantra manjari from the kaumara tantra has been included for the
enthusiatic upasakas who are interested in subrahmanya Aradhana. This manjari
includes manthras for ShanmUrthis, valli, devasena, mayura, gaja, parivara devatas,
and nava shaktis. In addition, rare nyasas like skanda kala nyasas, and subrahmanya
matruka nyasas are included. Upasakas can perform these nyasas during Shasti days
and subrahmanya vishesha parva days. Lastly, saguna subrahmanya avarna puja has
been included along with the KumArOpanishad shlokas. KumArOpanishad is
particularly used during Kodimara Namaskara puja performed at 5:45 am everyday in
In this issue, the pictures of ParashurAmA, ParashurAmA Yantra, a beautiful Tanjore
painting of Valli DevasEnA sameta Subrahmanya swamy are included.
The Q&A section has been included based on the requests from the upasaka
community. Please send your questions to and they
will be addressed by the senior upasakas of the Guru Mandalam and included in the
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my Gurupatni
AnandAmbA (Smt Geetha Shivakumar) and to Shri AtmAnandanAthA (Ramesh
Kutticad) for taking the time and performing the tedious work of proof reading this
magazine. It is because of them, several spell errors and procedural errors have been
eliminated in this issue and this e-magazine has come out to be a worthwhile edition
that can be used by the UpAsakA community.
Lalithai vEdam sarvam.
Surrendering to the holy pAdukAs of Shri Guru,

mMzqo xqi mMzllSlj


Su ql Aq
ASaU mUzuxr Ar muiql Suqll wQzi iiuiqM xMs mmlc x
xij xWU iUkl AlaW MUhr mUz Fku pupq l bh iiu qWMsm S
ciiu Msm j iuM iiu qWra Z xSzu iiu ra S c iiu mUui Z xSzu
iiu uw - ssimUxlSUmUpUM mxSxSkrj rj z (em q)
xmrqq luirwr |
iiu Sux
Sl lirr
iiu Sux
Sl lirr
iiu Sux
Sl lirr

MAY 09

MAY 10

MAY 11

MAY 12

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

p mr

q Emxj

r zoS

U xmz

G zuSi

H iuUi

s MsxlSU

s lir









MAY 13

MAY 14

MAY 15

MAY 16

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

s m

u Ux

z alk

w AMz

L lsmiM

L uer

A xuqs

A eusqsl









MAY 17

MAY 18

MAY 19

MAY 20

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

A mhqiMs

x ur

W u

V es


A c

A c

A eusqsl

A xuqs









ASaU mUzuxr Ar muiql Suqll wQzi iiuiqM xMs mmlc x

xij xWU iUkl AlaW MUhr mUz Fku pupq l bh iiu qWMsm S
ciiu Msm j iuM iiu qWra Z xSzu iiu ra S c iiu mUui a DU iiu
uw - ssimUxlSUmUpUM mxSxSkrj rj z (em q) xmrqq
luirwr |

iiu Sux
Sl lirr
iiu Sux
Sl lirr
iiu Sux
Sl lirr
iiu Sux
Sl lirr

MAY 21

MAY 22

MAY 23

MAY 24

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A zu

M z

Z xSzu

a DU

L uer

L lsmiM

s lir

s MsxlSU









MAY 25

MAY 26

MAY 27

MAY 28

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

b xukr

X qr

c Ms

N Au

H iuUi

G zuSi

F ueU

E uuxl









MAY 29

MAY 30

MAY 31

JUN 01

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

e Ua

f Ms

g lri

O mw

D phQ

C lirYs

A paqsl










JUN 02

JUN 03

JUN 04

JUN 05

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

P mMi


R o

h qlx


A paqsl

C lirYs

D phQ









iiu Sux
Sl lirr

JUN 06

JUN 07

JUN 08

JUN 09

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

A AqiMs

j iuM

S c

k e

E uuxl

F ueU

G zuSi

H iuUi









uzw mu Slpr

Ar iir (mUzUq erli)

zU erli
uMz uzZq


12 May 2013

12 May 2013

14 May 2013

15 May 2013

23 May 2013

24 May 2013

mu Slpr

qx xUli
Mwh Aq
Mwh ciSz


9 May 2013

9 May 2013

14 May 2013

15 May 2013

24 May 2013

25 May 2013

31 May 2013

1 Jun 2013

6 Jun 2013

7 Jun 2013

8 Jun 2013

8 Jun 2013

Alr me Slpr

zYs cij
Mwh cij
Jupiter Transit


13 May 2013

14 May 2013

28 May 2013

28 May 2013

28 May 2013

28 May 2013

mUzUq mSM merq lq

ParashurAmA Charitam
Information about ParashurAmA is seen widely in BrahmAnda PurAna, Agni PurAna,
NArada PurAna, Brahma Vaivarta PurAna, and Meru Tantra. Interestingly, most
references to ParashurAmA in the Puranas seem to be pointing to the detailed
BhArgavA Charitam from Chapter 21 to Chapter 46 in BrahmAnda Purana (ohQ

mUh urm qkrpa iir Emi mS pau cUi). A summary of these 25

chapters is given below in English. Some of the important shlokas that are covered in
these chapters are also given as is in Sanskrit for the readers to chant.
ParashurAmA (also known as BhArgavA RAma), the incarnation of Vishnu, was born as
the third and youngest son of RenukA and Jamadagni (vamsha of Bhrigu and Khyati).
ParashurAmA had an affinity to weapons and archery skills from his young age while
his elder brothers were more tuned to the brahminical ways of leading life. One day,
while Jamadagni left to perform his tapasyA, Renuka Devi went to fetch water from the
nearby river and witnessed the Prince ChitrarathA swimming with his women.
Renuka Devi felt jealous of the women and Jamadagni noticed this and asked his sons
to chop the head of their mother as the punishment for the sin committed. The elder
brothers of ParashurAmA refused to perform this act and when Jamadagni asked
ParashurAmA, he instantly cut the neck of Renuka Devi. Jamagadni was pleased by
this act of ParashurAmA and granted him a boon with which ParashurAmA got his
mother back to life.
Bhrigu and Jamadagni advised ParashurAmA to perform stringent TapasyA in a deep
jungle to please MahAdEvA. ParashurAmA followed their instructions and did his
penance with the utmost concentration and bhakti. Several rishi's like atri, JAbali, and
Kratu were impressed by the intensity of the penance.
MahAdEvA decided to play a little with ParashurAmA and came disguised as a hunter
and introduced himself as the Keeper of the Forest. MahAdEvA scolded ParashurAmA
for entering his forest without his permission and that even Indra would not think of such
an act. ParashurAmA softly replied that he is only doing tapasya towards ShivA, the
sharvEshwarA who is the Master of all living and non living things. The Hunter shot
back that ParashurAmA is wasting his time and in the course of conversation
commented that ParashurAmA was simply trying to do a prAyaschittA for the sin of
killing his mother. Upon hearing this, ParashurAmA knew the person he was dealing
with and pleaded MahAdEvA to reveal himself.
Pleased by the bhakti of ParashurAmA, MahAdEvA revealed his beautiful form and
ParashurAmA went into an ecstatic trance and praised ShivA as follows:


(mUz) Uq Euc lqxi SuSur zU ASqir |

lq zur zlir zir lq lq || 1
lqxi lsMhPr lssWiqir |
lqxi piljr piuxr i lq || 2
urur xumr qWSur qRw |
zur oWmr lr lq lq || 3
zUh pu q zu iuxr eaimi |
prllrrh i iuqu W mUrhq || 4
rlqrmMi Su S um zU |
Aeli iu paulqq iii qWx || 5
Allrumxr xuqW M mql |
iuqi iu xuz xqrM zYli uSiq || 6
ixqiu xupul mxS qq zU |
llrxi q aixipr lq pr lq lq || 7
Even though MahAdEvA was pleased with the bhakti displayed, He instructed that
ParashurAmA was not ripe enough to withstand the Rudra Shakti and the strength to
handle the "astrAs". Hence ShivA asked ParashurAmA to perform sarva tIrtha darshanA
and tapasyA at all those places and then come back and approach if ParashurAmA
considers himself "fit". Hearing this, ParashurAmA performed the tIrthayatra across the
BhumandalA and after completion settled in an ashramA performing Shiva Puja and
tapasyA to make himself fit.
In the mean time, a terrible war broke between dEvAs and ashurAs and when dEvAs
approached MahAdEvA for help, He asked that ParashurAmA be called for assistance.
Upon ParashurAmA's arrival, ShivA graced him with a variety of powerful astras,
shastras, and divine weapons and commanded ParashurAmA to go and win over the
asurAs. ParashurAmA acted accordingly and drove the asurAs back to the pAtAla lOkA.


The victorious ParashurAmA returned back to his hermitage and installed the idol of
MahAdEvA as the hunter he encountered first and prayed as follows:

mUzUq Mi qWSu xii

Uq Euc lqxi SuSuz lqxi mUqU |
lqxi eai lj lqxi mUliM || 1
lqxi xMskr lqxi puixs |
lqxi xupiz lqxi uwpkue || 2
lqxi xMskz lqxi MhMU |
lqxi xMsux lqxi lsVWi || 3
lq xMsSuUahlzr zsl |
Mmsl lqxipr xusMMmsl || 4
zqzluxl lir lq Msxuxl |
lqxi mzl ipr MsMOuwzl || 5
upuqUulr mpu i xurpu |
lqZseaiMq xpir zqpu || 6
lqxmjaTlpxalSqsl |
qWpalSWUr zur mUqiql || 7
pxqxgNSWr lqMalScw |
MmSl lqxipr AlkMxUqkl || 8
mUkuxl Srukuxl lq |
aUeMcMzqU uUgeiqWUx || 9


qWSur qWi lqxi Muxx |

rakrrxumr zurcliriex || 10
xup Srqpe MhMqkruil |
xMsaqxlixU mr i lq || 11
lq lZsralS oklrqiiql |
zUrZsurmi qWql mUqiql || 12
lq zur zlir oh umh |
ASqkrliWlr lirrurqir || 13
ururxumr xjsxiql lq |
lq uSli ur u ul mh || 14
lq xUxUh qsmwmciXbr |
MhPr ea sMM lq lq || 15
Ueahiql ipr uxukrl |
WUhrapmr WUr eSSSr || 16
lq uiql sMxjiurmUMUh |
xiuulmr mUr miraiql || 17
iqahuMUr eaixWUMUh |
Msmli Smr mUmU uS lq || 18
AuMUr lirr lq xSxSiql |
oomokr olSr uMUh || 19


uxuSirq xkrSpSi |
rlqrpqir Suxixq lq lq || 20
AuMUqe lir xqmqlmqq |
iu r elli ralm xSqs || 21
iuqur Sr xqraoSrm W |
xxUli pu ll l iiMqiqMUq || 22
rumi cUh iulubil |
iuSpqi xqxU mhQicilm u || 23
x Lu S x Mi x ql x c mhQi |
puiUhqpe rl o xjUMi || 24
xxqiul aWl xuxi rqr |
uSwqm qRl x qr ri Mjq || 25
AzoSacUiul qWqlxiu xqmiq |
xiiqmrls xqrYiuqW eQkri || 26
ixqSli um qr pYiru xxii |
mi pu Suz ll iu puixs || 27
MahAdEvA was pleased with ParashurAmA's prayers and bestowed him with all
possible astrA-shastra mantras, their prayoga secrets, kavacAs (shield), divine bow and
arrows, and all possible powers that are capable of destroying evil wherever it existed.
During those times lived a powerful and valiant king of the HaihavA dynasty called
kArtavIryArjunA with thousand hands. He was the disciple of Lord DattAtreyA and had
mastered all vidyas and hence had invincible powers. Even though he was a righteous
and just king, due to the powers he possessed, he was filled with ahamkArA.
His powers are such that when LankEshwarA RAvanA came to display his powers to
KArthavIryA, the mighty king was doing his morning baths in many tIrthAs. So he


dragged RAvanA by holding all his ten heads in one of his 1000 hands till the
pradakshina of all the tIrthAs across the sapta samudrAs were complete!
One day, on the way back from his hunting trip with his mighty army, KArtavIryA rested
at the ashram of Jamadagni. Jamadagni and Renuka offered food to all the army and
this puzzled the King. When he enquired about the secret behind this, Jamadagni said
that it is the grace of Celestial Cow - Mother KAmadEnu. The King due to his ego
immediately declared that such treasures should be in possession of the King and not
with the sages and ordered the capture of the cow. In the fight, KAmadEnu flew away to
heaven and the soldiers killed Jamadagni and walked away with the calf.
Upon hearing this, ParashurAmA was furious and vowed to butcher those who killed his
father. Brugu maharishi who also arrived at the scene upon hearing Jamadagni's death
immediately brought him back to life. In addition, Brugu also was upset that
ParashurAmA make such a vow to kill a king of such great powers and a disciple of
Lord Datta. Brugu suggested that ParashurAmA pray to Lord ShivA for further advice.
ParashurAmA prayed to MahAdEvA and ShivA also said that KArtavIryArjuna is not an
easy opponent to face. ShivA suggested that ParashurAmA recite a kavacA called
"trailOkya vijaya krishna kavacA" and practice the mantra prayOgA of NAgAstrA,
pAshupatAshtrA, brahmAstrA, nArAyanAstrA, AgnEyAstrA, varunAstrA, garudAstrA,
gandharvAstrA, mOhanAstrA, etc.
ParamashivA also taught ParashurAmA the TrailOkya vijaya Krishna kavacA which is
given below:

sYruer MwhMucq
sYruerxrxr Mucxr memi |
GwzNlS ar Su UkU xurq || 1
sYruermmi ulra mMii |
mUimU c Muc w sMw Sspq || 2
mhu q zU mi Mwhr lq xS |
mri Mms Mwhr xuW mgcU xqi || 3
Mwhi mi l c Mwh xuWi iUMq |
Sr lq Ciru psi mi q xS || 4


aulSr xuWi lxM mi xiiq |

amsr lq ahQ mi q xui xS || 5
lq amlzr Mh mi xS qq |
Mwhr lq zi mi qkUraqMq || 6
aulSr xuWi Slis q xSui |
Mwhr SliUlk Sliku Ys xSui || 7
Mwhr xuWi eM mi q xS |
UkUr xuWi isM mi q xS || 8
UkMzr xuWi xMlk mi xS qq |
lq amlzr u mi xS qq || 9
amzr xuWi xMlk mi xS qq |
lq MzUuwr xuW m xSui || 10
ESU mi q lir qMlSr lq xS |
Ys Mwhr xuWi MU mi xS qq || 11
uwhu lq oWraq mi xS qq |
paui xuW lZU mi q xS || 12
lq lUrhri lZUlk xSui |
mlpr lp mi xS qq || 13
xuzr xuWi Ms mi q xS |
amUqhr xuW liqo mi q xS || 14
amUqhljr mS mi xS qq |
xUMzr xuW xu xSui || 15


Mzur xuWi qq Mzl xSui |

lq Mwhr xuWi oUlk xSui || 16
qkur xuWi sql q xSui |
UxMzr xuW xu xSui || 17
mUmhiq Mwh mcr q xuSui |
xur asMlj qqalrr Sz Ui || 18
muoxum Sh q xSui |
lGir mi q Mwh mq mi q WU || 19
aulS Ai q zrur Sz lirz |
EU q xS mi UxMl zUqh || 20
Lzlr q xS mi ulSul uWUMi |
ulSui mhlj mi qqkuSzi || 21
xSu qku mi osWU qWos |
es xjs cliU lxW mi q xS || 22
xuml eaUh zi mi q qku xS |
xuliUiq lsmi mi q xui up || 23
Ci q Mji uix xuqlbuaWq |
sYruer lq Muc mUqiq || 24
qri MwhuYi muur l Mxrci |
aqprc ukui Muc kUr r || 25


MhP u ShoW xm uwhl xzr |

x c p uxi r squh uxi || 26
rS xri xYuc eulq pui x |
li MOuwh mer Tsqmlri || 27
UexWxh uemrzil c |
Aqkrilru lUqkril c || 28
qWSll rluu mShr puxij |
sYruerxrxr Ms lWli wQzq || 29
uimxlrq xukrrkrrl im |
xll c xuijw lxrWli Msqm || 30
xiuqqUiu c Sxiu WUim |
rS xri xMuc xu mmli liq || 31
x pui xMuc Szs em r |
r pui xMuc xu x pui kuq || 32
After learning the TrailOkya Vijaya KavacA, ParashurAmA reached Pushkara TIrthA to
perform tapasyA and strengthen the astrasastrA mantras. One day, when he was
bathing in the Pushkara teertha, he overheard two deers talking to each other on how
fortunate they are to be in the vicinity of ParashurAmA and how well prepared he is
becoming to kill KarthavIryA. However, one of the deers said, there is still one thing that
ParashurAmA need to do to be completely ready and that is to go to AgasthyA and
request for Krishna amrita stOtrA. Hearing this, ParashurAmA went to AgasthyA
ashramA and narrated what he heard from the deers and AgastyA told him the previous
birth secrets of the two deers (A young Brahmin boy named SUri goes to the forest to
collect flowers and fruits for puja. He witnesses a tiger chase a deer and kill it. On
seeing this, Suri feels intensely for the deer and dies of shock. In the next birth, Suri is
born as a male deer and the deer killed by the tiger as the she-deer). AgasthyA teaches
the Krishna amritha stOtrA, which is very sacred and secret to ParashurAmA. That
stotra is given below:


Mwhmqqi xiu
zw Euc uxlkU uUUW ellqxi qSq || 1
xuqs qlrqhqxSq |
qWmiMMObl xuijTsmSq || 2
xqxi em rl TsS mmlzlq |
zh Su murq lqlqiU ziq || 3
xWxlql mhrl ruir i riTsq |
LMuir i Mwhxr lqM iimrcNi || 4
ixqimhriU ciixi miMlzlq |
lqlqUzixrWqu Gw mr || 5
NlSloSui i ra MwhmruW |
Mwh Mqslj uxSu xlil || 6
uxSuiqe mhr ssqlwuaW |
uix MxipkU rzSuixs WU || 7
cipecxaSzSrk |
SuMllSl z llSammriqe || 8
rqluaxWU ospSmrle |
mileuiWU zMOxUpgel || 9


llSue elllS xSllSuaW |

luliusmi lulilOlb || 10
lulisuWU qcMlSmxSMi |
wQzx xWxzxp qkUMi || 11
zMuaqiok SaulS auS mi |
uixmslxgcU klMxUqkl || 12
ihMiihui rqselpgel |
Esisp c iqszrqs Mi || 13
amamU ra xrMOxqmp |
Csmi mUgerirSulS rSW || 14
ulqs miux mUeimWUM |
auklcs ams xumsM || 15
Ae lUgel MqelM Mgescl |
qkW qjUlj UMljM os || 16
ulSulli xgcU isxSqpwh |
xrqliMqhW lUlUrhiqM || 17
MoeMqoUkU qr mUqmw |
qMxUchUqssruzUS || 18
xqxUuU MqxUqUUlUMliM |
AlS ocU c MwhurxlMwM || 19
zzmszUzN SrklMsliMi |
uSUUuUS ummSzM || 20


xiruYxirxsm xirpqUi er |
xpSmue uwhpwqqmSrM || 21
eaeaj uhu uzUS |
uwpxUukux oMUohoWMi || 22
rkUmii oWoWuixM |
mjxUjUur aiqiqWSk || 23
MsrThqhYrUgei mSqoe |
SqSU rp SlulSulzl || 24
lUrh mU o mazluWl |
esQxqxamuxmWUM || 25
mhrzsMxijmS uSu Srlk |
xuijiqM xuaWm mUimU || 26
Ciru MwhSuxr lql AU ziq |
Mwhl Mwhpl iu aiqi mU || 27
x MwhmrMU Mi ixqlqr iq |
Mwhmqqi lq mUqllSSrMq || 28
AirmSu SZbl mUqrwr ulq |
Sl ui imxij riMi iuW elql || 29
mPi zhui cu MOMOah pui |
mUmSqmh Aail aimSq || 30
kluW SUSh ercNl eruWq |
zzl aMsl c mS mhrulq || 31


osUaaWSl zql zliMUMq |

Ali MwhxqUhS puimrmWq || 32
AxxkM pS emSMUqiqlq |
Mwhr rSulSr lqSr ral || 33
ljr Yqhzr lq uSliuSl |
Cq ql qWSu emu Su lzq || 34
xuaWlaWpYxumriq pui |
mm mUui xuxxqql || 35
lwur pallim Mwhxrerqmlri || 36
The sages in the Agastya AshramA also confirmed that they recite this stotra everyday
and that they have attained several siddhIs through this. The deer couple that followed
ParashurAmA to the Agastya ashrama heard this stotra and immediately got salvation
and reached VaikuntA. This was witnessed by all the sages of Agastya ashramA.
BhArgavA RAmA went back to his ashrama and practiced all these stotras and mantras.
One day, when he was in deep meditation, Vishnu (KrishnA) appeared and confirmed
that with the trilokya vijaya and Krishna amritha mantra, ParashurAmA is ready to face
KarthavIryArjuna. Vishnu also communicated that ParashurAmA is His own "amshA"
and that after eradicating the egoistic KShatriyas and restoration of Dharma on earth,
ParashurAmA should await for Dasaratha RAmA's arrival in TrEthA Yuga at which point
the mantle of DharmaparipAlanA will be passed on to the next avatArA.
Now that ParashurAmA received confirmation that he is ready for the fight, he reached
MahishmatipurA, the capital city of KArtavIryArjuna and sent Maharishi Atreya to inform
the King about the atrocities performed by the king in the past and that ParashurAmA
has come to challenge and punish him for his deeds. The King accepted the challenge
and asked ParashurAmA to come to battlefield and immediately disposed a huge army
with 12 vIra purushAs leading the battlefield. In spite of bad sagunAs (omens), the
King's army ignored those and pressed forward. The first leader to come in direct
contact with ParashurAmA was MatsyarAjA. He hurled the Parvata astra against
ParashurAmA to which BhArgavA Rama used VAyavAstra that pushed Matsya raja
onto his own army killing thousands. ParashurAmA then dispatched the NArAyanAstrA
which wiped out the Matsya RAjA's army and killed him. Other chieftains of
KArthavIryAlike BrihadbalA, SOmadutta, Vidharbha RAjA, MithilEswarA, NishadAti,


Magadha RAjA, etc. went to face ParashurAmA one by one and ended up with the
same fate. KArthavIryA changed the strategy and asked all his chieftains to engage in a
combined combat instead of facing BhArgavA alone. The newly spirited chieftains
surrounded ParashurAmA from all sides. Seeing this, BhArgavA used his divine axe
(parashu) and fought with them by rotating in all ten directions for 3 days and
dispatched each of them to the doorsteps of YamA.
KArtavIryA now sent SuchandrA, a great warrior and a person with a lot of magical
powers. ParashurAmA released the NArAyanAstrA and to his disbelief, it proved
ineffective. ParashurAmA then sent the Shiva shUla and it became a garland on
SuchandrA's neck. At this point, ParashurAmA realized that Suchandra is a devotee of
BhadrakAli and possessed all possible powers and BhadrakAli herself as the shield.
ParashurAmA then prayed to BhadrakAli and she appeared before BhArgavA. She was
seated on a lion, wearing a munda mala, three eyes, carrying a trishUl, and an
appearance that would instill fear in other. ParashurAmA prayed to BhadrakAli as

mUzUq Mi pSMs xiq

Uq Euc lqxi i zUusspr eaixur xqsir |
llupwpUpUar mmUuWiqr || 1
Smxir Wquur qWUxqxjir |
Msr MsljMskUr pmrr pulkmr || 2
iUpkr zuiimUr ahUUkimSMr |
mUimUr mUqSr imrlqslclilr || 3
eairximUrr osSMr mUpkr |
xqxiuxusxSr eallr lWiWir || 4
oMllr oWxZrSr ukuxillxUSlur |
uUprsiSsir xqxiauh lqxMir || 5


miqoUr mulzar zpmSr zuxxiir |

laUar luZhQmr lscsp asximpr || 6
sbqr ssipkr sZkmr suhMUr |
sshr srueir sUxsimer || 7
Uqpkr Uixmrr UamWr UciZsr |
UermSr UqhixZr Umpr cUqoUr || 8
lq lqxi mUi mUxii mkUku c lq lqxi |
xS c xu lq lqxi lq lqxiZsuaWr || 9
mxS Suz qq mi mUMi msr pSMs |
iuqu qi c mi iuqu eairxrm lq lqxi || 10
Pleased by BhArgavA's prayers, BhadrakAli asked him for his wish and ParashurAmA
immediately asked that he should win the battle with SuchandrA. BhadrakAli asked
ParashurAmA to think of her and release the AgnAyAstra against suchandrA and she
will take her bhaktA to her abode. ParashurAmA did as per instruction and SuchandrA
was immediately dispelled to Kailasha.
KArtavIryA was furious upon learning that SuchandrA was no more. He sent
PushkarAkshA who came fiercely into the battlefield by raining arrows around
BhArgavA to which BhArgavA retaliated with VarunAstrA. PushkarAkshA released
vAyvAstrA to stop its effect. ParashurAmA sent the brahmAstra which was also
controlled by PushkarAkshA. BhArgavA became furious and took his divine axe and
charged against PushkarAkshA who immediately stopped BhArgavA by sending the
panchavishikAstra - a five pronged arrow with hissing poisonous cobras as pointers and
these hit BhArgavA. However, BhArgavA immediately composed himself and literally
jumped on his opponent and cut of his head with his axe. This reflexive action of
ParashurAmA was witnessed in awe by the dEvAs and they responded by showering
flowers on him.
Finally, KArtavIryA himself came into the battlefield with his 400 feet long golden chariot
drawn by hundred horses with huge stock of arms and shields. He has one thousand
hands and each of them has a unique weapon and power. His 100 sons also came in
the same chariot and each of them a warrior by their own right.
The battle between BhArgavA and KArtavIryA was truly a battle between Heros. One
being an avatara himself and the other being a disciple of DattA the form of all the


trinities put together. KArtavIryA dispatched the BrahmAstra and BhArgavA had no
choice but to dispatch another BrahmAstra to neutralize its effect. However, knowing
that the earth would not able to handle the clash of two brahmAstras, the ever merciful
ParashurAmA took them into his eyes thus saving the humanity from a big calamity.
BhArgavA then dispatched two speedy arrows that cut off the ears of KArthavIryAand
this momentary action shocked KArtavIryA.
He started thinking of his guru DattA who would typically come as a shield and protect
him is such dire situations. However, since KArtavIryA is facing the punishment for his
sins, DattA chose to stay away from this battle. Realizing this, KArtavIryA resumed
fighting using his mantra Shakti by dispatching AgnEyastrA. Rama stopped it with
varunAstra. KArtavIryA then dispatched gandharvastra which was controlled by Rama's
vAyvAstrA. KArtavIryA then sent the nAgAstra which was stopped by the GarudAstrA.
Finally, out of desperation, KArtavIryA thought of a TrishUla given by his guru to be
used when there is nothing else left and hurled it against ParashurAmA. This hit
ParashurAmA and made him unconscious. MahAdEvA immediately appeared and
administered SanjIvani to BhArgavA and brought him back to life and asked him to
create a shield around him with the TrailOkya Vijaya Krishna kavacA and sprinkle water
around using the Krishna amrita shlOkA. ParashurAmA did as instructed and
dispatched PashupatAstrA on KArtavIryA who sent SudarshanA to control. However,
sudharshanA got absorbed by the pashupatAstrA and burnt KArtavIryA into ashes. After
killing KArtavIryA, ParashurAmA continued killing the remaining armies and the sons of
KArtavIryA. However five of KArtavIryA's sons manage to escape the battle field.
Prashurama was ecstatic with accomplishing his promise and proceeded to Kailasha to
thank MahAdEvA for helping him when needed. He was stopped by Ganesha who
mentioned that the Shiva Dampathi is alone and ParashurAmA has to wait until they
come out. ParashurAmA was anxious and wanted to meet them immediately. Thus
Ganesh lifted him by his trunk and dragged him to all lokas and even gave him an aerial
view of Vaikunta and Satyaloka and brought him back to Kailash playfully.
ParashurAmA got annoyed and cut Ganesha's tusk with his axe. This action resulted in
a great disturbance across all worlds and disturbed PArvathi. She was upset with
ParashurAmAs action and made Shiva realize that she is unhappy with her dear bhakta.
KrishnA and RAdhA came there to ParashurAmA's rescue and granted several boons to
Ganesha and also requested Parvathi to forgive BhArgavA as he is none other than
Vishnu himself. BhArgavA also requested forgiveness from everyone and PArvathi was
ParashurAmA returned back to his father's hermitage and shared all the stories.
Jamadagni and Bhrigu ordered ParashurAmA to go for a 12 year tapasyA to wash away
the sins of killing so many lives. ParashurAmA listened to his father and went to the
forest to do the penance. History repeated again, this time in the form of KArtavIryA's
five sons who charged at Jamadagni, cut off his head and went away to their kingdom
to display their victory. The elder brothers of ParashurAmA had to perform the kriyAs to
the headless body of their father.


ParashurAmA was furious to hear this after he returned from his 12 years of penance
and now vowed that he would cleanse the earth by wiping out all kshatriyAs for 21
generations. He killed the sons of KArthavIryAand in 21 systematic attacks killed as
many as 12 thousand KshatriyA kings and their male progeny. He searched every
corner of the earth for KshatriyAs and erased them from the earth. Finally,
ParashurAmA and his brothers dug up five sarovars in kurukshEtra and filled it up with
bloody heads of the Kshtriya vamshA and performed pitru tarpanAs and shrAdhas.
BhArgavA also went to GayA teertha to perform the pitru karya at the chandra pAda.
This is the reason why the syanntaka teertha in kurukshEtra and the Chandra pAda at
GayakshEtra are still popular for pitru kAryas.
After getting rid of all the evils, ParashurAmA performed an Ashvamedha yagna and
entrusted to Sage kashyapa all of the BhuLOkA except Mahendragiri reserved for his
residence. ParashurAmA retired to Mahendragiri and quietly performed penance for
many many years. After Bhargavas retirement, wars break between allies of
BhArgavAs and the HaihayAs and as a result the land mass south of Gokarana was
submerged in water. The Brahmins of Gokarna approached ParashurAmA to restore
the land and BhArgavA commanded VarunA to recede. When VarunA didnt respond,
ParashurAmA fixed the arrow in his bow and seeing this, VarunA receded. Since the
arrow was fixed to bow, ParashurAmA directed it towards the north and it formed the
surpArka TIrtha (currently in Nala Sopara in Thane Dist of Maharastra). This arrow
reclaimed a land strip that is 600 yojanas (5600 miles) in length. This incident has led to
the belief that Kerala was restored by ParashurAmA and hence referred to as
ParashurAmA Kshetra.
ParashurAmA waited till the Treta Yuga and encountered Dasharatha RAmA upon
hearing the breaking of Shiva Dhanush. While he challenged RAghavA for a battle, he
was made to realize that Rama is none other Himself and RAghavA has come to carry
the DharmaparipAlana forward.
ParashurAmA also re-appeared during the Dvapara YugA as the teacher of KarnA. He
taught KarnA all the astra-shastra vidhyas with the assumption that he is a Brahmin.
One day, when ParashurAmA was sleeping on the lap of Karna, a beetle stings KarnAs
lap and out of respect for the Guru and also to ensure that Gurus sleep isnt bothered,
KarnA controls the pain.The beetle contines to sting and makes a hole in the lap and
blood start to ooze from the lap and touches the face of ParashurAmA. ParashurAmA
wakes up and on looking at the scene, he recognizes that Karna has to be a KshatriyA
and curses him that he would forget all the teachings when it is needed. This curse
came true in the MahAbharatA battle field when KarnA was about to fix a brahmAstra
on ArjunA, he forgets the manthra and ArjunA used that opportunity to kill Karna.
After the Dvapara YugA, ParashurAmA is still residing in the Mahendra Hill waiting for
the Kalki AvatArA to happen in the 4th pada of the Kali Yuga so that he can teach the
Kalki AvatArA the astra-shastra vidya and the other divine weapons. Meru Tantra gives
some notes on the whereabouts of ParashurAmA in the current age


qWlSa c Mzr c remel mr |

uwM ixr Uq mir eri Suq ||
xquU MhMr arr mimM |
xmUM mhqxr mra i qa Uu ||
aSur xWaM aU bOxji |
xraW M Uq acNi xuS ||
He is supposed to be living in Mahendragiri (in the state of Orissa) and visits Kashi
often. For the true bhaktAs, He gives darshan easily in those places. He visits
manikarnika on Mondays, on pitru paksha days visits GayA, SurpAraka on Full moon
days, and PrayAg when Sun enters simha rasi. He also visits GodAvari and GangA
Sagar. On Solar Eclipse days, He can be seen in KurukehEtra without fail. Let the grace
of Shri ParashurAmA fall upon us.

|| mUzUq mSM merq lq ||


mUzUq ar ql em q
Axr mUzUq ar qWqlxr
pUe Gw | ar NlS | mUzUq Sui |
mUzUq qWql mxS xSkrj em ulra |
or uW Apr lq |
rlir ielpr lq |
kqW qkrqpr lq |
i AlqMpr lq |
Uq MlMpr lq |
mcSri MUis MUmpr lq |

or uW Srr lq |
rlir zUx xuW |
kqW zZr uwO |
i Mucr W |
Uq lrr uwO |
mcSri Axr TO |

ppuxuU Ci Saolk |
xiuM iuh c pxqsiuaWq |
AalWxjsxl llqlahuiq ||
MqosxlqR xuhiUMzsq |
iuxrmi eli zliqlxq ||
s mjuriql alk Msmrq |
W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |
r uruiql km Msmrq
U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |
u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |
x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |

mUzUq ar ql
or uW rlir kqW i Uq mcSri |
or uW Srr lq |
rlir zUx xuW |
kqW zZr uwO |
i Mucr W |
Uq lrr uwO |
mcSri Axr TO |
ppuxuU Ci Sauqa |
xiuM iuh c pxqsiuaWq |
AalWxjsxl llqlahuiq ||
MqosxlqR xuhiUMzsq |
iuxrmi eli zliqlxq ||
s mjuriql alk Msmrq |
W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |
AUq, eqSalr, rh MsliMi,
mUzukU, Si, qW, qeuM
xqSiUlsr, qWUmPiZs,
ahMi, a mSi, um rMqMi,

Szil lql xlkr r mPU

lmqir l SUSr l c uzr pui
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
mUzUq Auzi lq xiq
Gwuc rqWuxSuz WWrl MsliMq |
xmiMiu r Cq c lr qWq ||
S pu pU Aohrqllzi |
ixr lql mhrl ucq i mwq ||
ppiWUljr, qrllwuaW |
elSlzxpi, xjirimirmrrU ||
pau, eqSalr, mmUmsM |
qimhmS, ql, rliMU, mp ||
Uq, mUzWxi, MiurqWmW |
UhMSZzMb, uzM, zMlzl ||
lullUSzrq, Uimsuscl |
bU, ShQkU, kU, ohr ,ohmr ||


imkl, qWlSS, lrxiShQ, mzlib |

EmarqlcUi xalkucUh ||
elqqireUcrk SZzMqria |
Ci Auzilql E xiiqM zp ||
Alr mri Su eqSalr qWU |
lS xiqzlir lSlirimxul ||
luSuSw ucrqzwrr Zsr c |
lxrMrleu l clSMUh ||
CS mrr mr zwrrlair c |
UWxrkq uur llrxq i MScl ||

mUzUq zsM
mr eqSaluzisM uUuisi
Uq lq qlU lmuk pxuiMPUrk |
rlzwWiWikU xlimi mue
pYir cqZ xqSuxl WliMUMi ||

r uruiql km Msmrq
U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |
u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |
x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |

Sampradaya pravartaka as per Datta Samhita


By Shri AtmAnandanAtha

Datta samhita is a text on the tenets of Sri Vidya upasana. The detailed exposition of
the rasmi mala mantras with the attendant worship (avarana pooja) and sadhana with
prayoga in each chapter is a joy to read. The twenty fourth mantra of the rasmi mala is
the guru paduka. In this chapter a wealth of information necessary for Upasakas is
Lord Datta revealed that due to his blessings Bharagavarama, will be the pravartakathe cause of spread of the Sundari Vidya. In the second yuga, While Sri Rama, son of
dasaratha visited the matanga ashrama, he will be blessed with the vidya of matangi
and will become the propagator of the syamala upasana, Later in the third yuga, Sri
Parasurama will bless the intricacies of the Varahi worship to Bala badra, the elder
brother of Bahgavan Vasudeva Krishna, and make him the propagator in that worship.
During worship these three sampradaya pravartakaas have to given due respect and
acknowledgements, other wise the pooja will be a waste.
Let us examine these ideas said above:
In the khadgamala mantra we find a reference to Sri raamanandamayi. Since the
khadgamala is for Srikrama we can explicitly infer this as a reference to Lord
Parasurama from the above, and also elicit a hidden hint on the other two raamaas.
(Incidentally, the gurus mentioned in khadgamala- caryanathamayi will refer to Sri Maha
kameshvara, mitreshamayi to Sri Svacchanda bhairava, Shashtisamayi to Lord
Shanmugha and Uddisamayi to Sage Durvasa krodhabhattaraka.)
We find a name in trisati- hala drut poojitaa and in saubhagya astottara sata - hala
hastaarcita padaa, which explicitly points to Balarama, who is meditated as having a
plough and pestle in his hands. Varahi is also holding these as weapons in her hands.
They also take a form of a deity with the shape of these weapons on their head as a
crown in her enclosure. The body is considered as a kshetra- field, where the seeds of
the past karmas are sown after ploughing. Thus the plough denoted the experience of
the past deeds in the body. The pestle is the remover of husk of the seeds, thus
preventing its regeneration. The pestle represents the actions in surrender to the divine
and submitting all our work to the divine, thus removing the husk call I or ego centric
deeds. Varahi Devi denotes the body, thus she has these weapons in her hands to send
these messages to the aspirant and so does Bala bhadra. He is also seen as having a
perfect body, well maintained, a body combat warrior.
Bala bhadra is also meditated as intoxicated with wine; Varahi has the wine sea (Sura
samudra) in her enclosure. These denote that, not the ordinary consciousness level is
seen in them, they have an altered higher consciousness, and to denote this state we
find the reference to drunkenness.


Thus it is indeed proper that Bala bhadra is identified with the sampradaya pravartaka of

L as yxZT WxqsuUr xWqsuUr Wx xW uiV xqmSr

muiM ospS UqllSlj mSM merq lq
We find a name in trisati- lakshmana agraja poojitaa, which explicitly points to Sri Raghu
rama son of dasaratha and elder brother of Lakshmna, who is meditated as having a
bow and arrow in his hands. Syamala is also holding these as weapons in her hands
during the battle with Bhandasura. Her Bow is called brahma siras, presented by the
deity of dhanurveda- Science of weapons/archery. Both Sri Rama and Syamala Devi
are dark skinned. Sri Rama avatara has maintained the humane quality aatmaanam
maanusham manye raamam dasarataatmajam- I consider myself as a human, son of
king dasaratha. Syamala Devi is the life in the body, which is denoted by Varahi Devi.
The soundsangita in the body is the heart beat, which is the sure sign of the lively
existence. Syamala Devi is the prime minister, the buddhi intellect, truthful to the kingthe consciousness. This truthfulness if found throughout the life of Sri Rama.
Thus it is fitting that sampradaya pravartaka of Syamala is Sri Rama

L Ys x yxZT WxqsuUr xWqsuUr Wx xW zrqs

xqmSr muiM SzUj UqllSlj mSM merq lq
We find a name in saubhagya asttotra revealed in tripura rahasya raamaarcitaa. This
name without any prefix can be explained as pertaining to the first of the three
raamaavataara, and is also called aadyaraama; since the other have raghu and
bala as prefixes. Parasurama is the son of jamadagni and renuka and is meditated
holding an axe and also a bow with arrow in his hands. One of the main incidents in the
life of BhArgavA rama is the slaying of his mother renuka. Thus he is called
maatruhaa. maata means measure. As in maatru maana and meya, the limitations
imposed by the mayaa on the jiva siva. Her head was severed with the axe. In parlance
we find the trees are cut with an axe- Lalitha sahasranama- bhavaaranya kutaarikaa
and mrtyu daru kutaariaa. Here the forest is compared to the whole samsaara and
individual tree is compared to death. The branch of this tree is used for the handle of an
axe and finally cuts of the whole forest. This is whole idea behind the five m in the
tantric sadhana. We can interpret this as the use of the part of knowledge to remove the
bonded knowledge. Thus we find that the knowledge is personified as the axe here.
Thus killing of the mother with axe is in reality the removal of the measurable to realize
the immeasurable with the help of knowledge. He then prays to his father, who is also
his preceptor, for the resurrection of the mother and is called maatru jeevaka. After the
realization of the infinite, the same universal maya is now acknowledged in the sahaja
sthiti. This is the resurrection.


Another incident is the stealing of kamadhenu by kartaveerya, its retrieval after the
destruction of kartaveerya. Another name we find is gotraNakrt and go pradaataa
savior of cattle and protector (giver) of cattle. Here go means the senses. Thus control
of senses by not letting it wander or being stolen and its focus on the path of sadhana
as said in kaulopanishat- sarvendriyaanaam nayanam pradhaanam. The bow and
arrow will point to the mind and senses and its restraint. These are there in the hands of
Lalitha Devi too with a different material.
These are the play field of the Lalitha Devi. Thus it is indeed apt that Sri Bharagava
Rama is the sampradaya pravartaka of Sundari.

L yxZT WxqsuUr xWqsuUr Wx xW xlSU xqmSr

muiM eqSalr UqllSlj mSM merq lq |


mUzUq luuUh me q

mP me

uqsr lq |
EiMwhr lq |
lr lq |
rr lq |
rar lq |
myur lq |
xirr lq |

Dzr lq |
AlaWr lq |
lq paui uwhu xupiiql uxSur xuiqxrarammPiql lq|
mUzUq AuWlq lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq AuWi pu | - AuWl qS mSzr
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq xjmi pu | - xjmh qS mSzr
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq xxji pu | - xxji qS mSzr
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq xk pu | - xk qS mSzr
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
xuW - mUzUq xqqZ pu | - xqqZ qS mSzr
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq AuMhPi pu | - AuMhQlqS mSzr
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq mSM merq lq | - ulSl Sl rl qS mSzr
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
rj z wQz EmcU me mgcmcU me u Mi |
(Do Shodasa upacara puja or panchopacara depending on the time and convenience)


wQ imhq
or uW Srr lq | Sr z mSM merq imrq lq |
rlir zUx xuW | zU z mSM merq imrq lq |
kqW zZr uwO | zZ z mSM merq imrq lq |
i Mucr W | Muc z mSM merq imrq lq |
Uq lrr uwO | l z mSM merq imrq lq |
mcSri Axr TO | Ax z mSM merq imrq lq |
sr me
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (10 uUq)
mjquUhq - olS
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr mjquUhclq ||
iruUhq - ciSs

eqSal mSM merq imrq lq |

Ms mSM merq imrq lq |
UhM mSM merq imrq lq |
Mq mSM merq imrq lq |

lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |

- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr iruUhclq ||
iiruUhq - wQSs
or uW Srr lq | Sr z mSM merq imrq lq |
rlir zUx xuW | zU z mSM merq imrq lq |
kqW zZr uwO | zZ z mSM merq imrq lq |
i Mucr W | Muc z mSM merq imrq lq |
Uq lrr uwO | l z mSM merq imrq lq |
mcSri Axr TO | Ax z mSM merq imrq lq |
lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |
- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr iiruUhclq ||
iUruUhq - ASs

GauS mSM merq imrq lq |

reuS mSM merq imrq lq |
xquS mSM merq imrq lq |
AjuuS mSM merq imrq lq |

AruS mSM merq imrq lq |

kluS mSM merq imrq lq |
alkuuS mSM merq imrq lq |
zxuS mSM merq imrq lq |

lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |

- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr iUruUhclq ||
mecquUhq - ASs lq paui q qixrr - qixruiU mSM merq imrq lq |
lq paui M Mqr kUkUkUlkUr lq - MquiU mSM merq
imrq lq |
lq paui uUWmr ppuxu mir pmi iu q SW Smr xuW -
uUWuiU mSM merq imrq lq |
Eaq uU qWuwh eusli xuiqZ lxW pwh pS qirqi lqqrWq
- lUxWuiU mSM merq imrq lq |
lq uwhu xUmir qWosr xuW - uqluiU mSM merq
imrq lq |
U Uqr lq - UquiU mSM merq imrq lq |
Ys Mwhr lq - MwhuiU mSM merq imrq lq |
o ospSr lq - ospSuiU mSM merq imrq lq |*
* In the Meru Tantra, Buddha mantra is prescribed but bhalabhadra mantra is used here
based on sampradaya.


lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |

- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr mgcquUhclq ||
wuUhq - SzSs

ox mSM merq imrq lq |

uwhux mSM merq imrq lq |
USx mSM merq imrq lq |
urux mSM merq imrq lq |
Aalrx mSM merq imrq lq |
lax mSM merq imrq lq |
qWlx mSM merq imrq lq |
xiqplx mSM merq imrq lq |
LlSmsMqx mSM merq imrq lq |
qWmzmix mSM merq imrq lq |

lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |

- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr wuUhclq ||


xmiquUhq - Sz Ss

Mzrm mSM merq imrq lq |

pUe mSM merq imrq lq |
uq mSM merq imrq lq |
aiq mSM merq imrq lq |
uz mSM merq imrq lq |
lUS mSM merq imrq lq |
A mSM merq imrq lq |
msxi mSM merq imrq lq |
msW mSM merq imrq lq |
i mSM merq imrq lq |
rusYr mSM merq imrq lq |
pau mSM merq imrq lq |

lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |

- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr xmiquUhclq ||
AquUhq - wQz Ss

xWi mSM merq imrq lq |

mUh mSM merq imrq lq |
qqx mSM merq imrq lq |
lrr mSM merq imrq lq |
xZr mSM merq imrq lq |

miges mSM merq imrq lq |

zsm mSM merq imrq lq |
zzx mSM merq imrq lq |
Msmzx mSM merq imrq lq |
urMUhzx mSM merq imrq lq |
NlSzx mSM merq imrq lq |
erizzx mSM merq imrq lq |
lzx mSM merq imrq lq |
EmmUh mSM merq imrq lq |
CiWx mSM merq imrq lq |
xqi mSM merq imrq lq |

lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |

- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr AquUhclq ||
luquUhq - pmU

ClS mSM merq imrq lq |

Aal mSM merq imrq lq |
rq mSM merq imrq lq |
lGi mSM merq imrq lq |
uh mSM merq imrq lq |
ur mSM merq imrq lq |
xq mSM merq imrq lq |
Dzl mSM merq imrq lq |

o mSM merq imrq lq |

Alli mSM merq imrq lq |

ue mSM merq imrq lq |

z mSM merq imrq lq |
ShQ mSM merq imrq lq |
Z mSM merq imrq lq |
mz mSM merq imrq lq |
e mSM merq imrq lq |
aS mSM merq imrq lq |
zs mSM merq imrq lq |
m mSM merq imrq lq |
c mSM merq imrq lq |

lq paui eqSalrr SrMsMsliMr UhMmr lq |

- mUzUq mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr luquUhclq ||


mUzUq ql mraq
uzZ zYsm c iir i uwM |
puSxr qWme i p mriUi || 1
Uqp e liu xaq ri cm |
Auzr x mgeiu Mzs xuaW uei || 2
Uqpl rS mxiM sZi ql |
x i xmS r lxi ixr mUxr || 3
riMgci mxiMR UqpqZiq |
rl qlj u u iix lxi xzr || 4
iu wQzxxMU xxMi cruzeq |
Msruz i UqqlkMUhq || 5
TU rull zUxl qscNe |
Uqp mSu xrli mhli c || 6
Miu i osMqi Uqxrcrl |
zli zmS MriMxql c u Wli || 7
UqMxr MOM eWqi ij ui |
xmiWuxr xlr l iulqi pui || 8


mUzUq xWxlq xi - AalqWmUh

mU SzUj Uq MiW xolku |
acNl Arkr UelS mi qi xi || 1
SSz rli qah rliMU upq |
Uq i pau SwOupix iu Ubu |
Uq ql qWuwh Ci lq xWxi || 2
AW iu mU Uq ucUq xussr |
Ciruliqprcr mhmir Miges || 3
Ubu Euc rl lq aWhe eli mmlr pumSq |
rxr mScli x xuqxi lq pauq || 4
lxmW r xS Su pqr uxi qku |
AiqokSk xucN ral lq pauq || 5
rxqSie eai xu eri r ssr |
xji mmli Suz eqSalr lqqrWq || 6
rxr pp qh o xMs xU |
zi uU pulir puli l puli c || 7
im Ea ccUS rqzr c UhM |
A zqWSu Uq i mhqqrWq || 8

Axr eqSalr xWxlq xi qWqlxr | Uq Gw | Alm

NlS | eqSalr mUqiq Sui |
qSulz Uq mirj ciuk mwj xSkrj em ulra ||

aulSiql Apr lq |
qWkUiql ielpr lq |
wMziql qkrqpr lq |
uqiql AlqMpr lq |
uwhuiql MlMpr lq |
qkuiql MUis MUmpr lq |

ppuxuU Ci Saolk |
z eqolSlp ouwhzuiqMq |
xupUhxr MwhelkU upq || 9
olcmcmUz Aprccipe |
mMzpSSkl pallSlq || 10
Wqrmui c xlakxqiqZqoeq |
SpgeiMU Su rrSiq || 11
uixux Uq krriuocUhq |
imhQUMqkrxj xlMUpiq || 12



aulSiql Srr lq |
qWkUiql zUx xuW |
wMziql zZr uwO |
uqiql Mucr W |
uwhuiql lrr uwO |
qkuiql Axr TO |

xWxqu xrh LMprmUxjiq |

imxqu xlqi pauzimxulq || 13
cQcqoiMm Apixih r mi |
pxqxlak musgNl umk iuc UUu || 14
qgcrqZsr lrli qkuxz c qgeMq |
mh MqM Axusr ShQ mU mmsuq || 15
UhM SrllS pauzimxulq |
rh AliM mh eqSalr lqqrWq || 16
Aururmr lahr ahiql |
xqxieaSkU qiroh lq || 17
mUzUq Sz lql
WU mUzkU c Uq c pallSl |
LMuUiqe uwh eqSalr mimul || 18
xSux uU c rei mjumi |
Ci Sz lql pauxr qWiql |
rMs mPir xu uer pui || 19


mUzUq xWxlqus xiq

Uq ql qWuwh pau eqSale |
iium mUo zi xuzbM || 1
uUhr uUS xuxkS Mgescl |
UelS xScU eqSalr mUimU || 2
mUqjMlUi eiq elSl |
GwmuUul Sli zulzl || 3
xuMq mu ASl SlxkM |
Apu qWuU imxu lrqmr || 4
xurqp xum xuiq xuSYmp |
Dzl xuSuSuUrl xuacri || 5
xu xuSuS zUhr mUqU |
lpurmUcN zcuaq mimul || 6
eik aQMz iql AUqSl |
UhMilr xi Aeiurr Lu c || 7
umsx qWUxMilS ul Srlk |
AlSpaul ClS xusMUqSl || 8


xirxirui xirxlk mUqkqM |

sMiq sMMssMul xuqrlk || 9
uzrSrxkami S xuMmul |
ohr ocU c oomMzM || 10
xSUelux oxzUxq |
xqr qWw zli qgepS ShQkUM || 11
MShQ xuei SmW mhrukl |
Mu oGwuUS MqhQskU Mi || 12
qWSUis pur eiwQuaqhQs |
Mli mhr xMi peSmw || 13
AMsqw SUUkr xuux Miaq |
urul xqipw c luiq mlux | 14
AkriqraMzs xurkuzUS |
rxum rz rms xlil || 15
blzrq xqi zU eUqUhuei |
kUSli xm xuijqr uk || 16
uh uhqa xuei mwurr |
zuzmU r mUqiq mUrh || 17


mqhm Sr mh U Giup |
AllSj ah AlliSahMU || 18
klkU kluS xSllSuaW |
elU uliiq qWMrx imxuUO || 19
AZs uMq uliiq uzUS |
AU Mzu x qUc xuMqS || 20
Msrh mMi Msm xuz mwq |
sMzr apUj xupuUmS || 21
eriUllSm uUrq |
ppuxu imqi Uu mUzkM xuUO || 22
oWi xiruS pewh xWl os |
xZS MUh p puolkuqMi || 23
xxUiUM li xuSZuqMi |
SucQqhMlS xim oukl || 24
lir lriMsrh ziqjmUil |
Sxumllzl li MUO xMlSSmi || 25
AelmhW uU xWxpeeU |
rliMU zU ipUMUliMi || 26


mUkkU klu UhMuYriimU |

uUW uwq uU miuYrmUrh || 27
qimhS Dz kqiiuuzUS |
mkWU k xmie xqmp || 28
xupupS zbl xjh zqp Mzu |
xju xjuU os xq sriqWl || 29
ocU uliiq Susr xk |
AMh xWxzSmi MusriimU || 30
ASir MsS MscmuiM |
MucMhQs Z c pqmUq || 31
qirger uUxW eaSiq ea |
AqirelqUWi Msl qWmO || 32
lwMs ahaqluhh xqUmkM |
Alu ziui ShQ Sqri Sq || 33
mklxiUM kqximxu pixUj |
AWxuixU ra xuixUMU e || 34
zxui sMlj zZ ShQ os eO |
Msra qWllS iaqqlr xucx || 35


Aqwh qwhq mzliiq Wizl |

xuux xucU xukU uUcl || 36
Wq WqMU kq Sux uxu rq |
Eaie qWie er uer Msei || 37
xWxWxi uer SkU rpapM |
Aaleus qWeus iuikqWiWu || 38
xuxiS xuxipa qWl pamUru |
qWimS qWWxi oWiMr qWrz || 39
qWMOqWau qWoWqWMU |
qWlx qWMqoqWqr mrlk || 40
qWuqWe qWMzqWel |
qWqkqWq qWMhqWWl || 41
uMU qWMiqWS qWqZ |
LMuU qWuU uxS Msmei || 42
qWqbllSc qWbw qWi |
zuzuaqcU WWrl MsliM || 43
xuaqr ue oWs Mqxkl |
Mq Mm Mqms MqSu Miaq || 44


mgcuziiiu xu xuacU |
sMli qWlS Msra qWos || 45
AxXZrrmqriq urMrMuS |
uSu urmi xuqUqlU || 46
xUzzUh zq zoSo xi ai |
lsm lwmmgciq lura uralzl || 47
z mi zuUp xWxpeeS WU |
lumSmr xS xxkl || 48
cipe qWSu urRUxM elU |
iqhxiUhklr MiurosmW || 49
sqhaeul lUlUrh mr |
LM erilUi qixrm elmr || 50
xmi xqZ xq Mq uUWMxij |
urmM lUxW osei qkxSl || 51
AmUei xuxW pwh piuWl |
lu xu zsm SW lirxlSU || 52
xiur xiumr xi urxqilMs |
mzlioUS xuxiuusol || 53


mUqjaSu qs xxU xUj |

Ux Ux xU MhMiuxM || 54
Mwh Mwhxii zU qrii uqixU |
qWU qWpi zMsr zuUmi || 55
iOxj MhSS xUkr xUUW |
krrakr kz cxpulU || 56
Mqkr lUso xuMqr TsmS |
Aursh ur urur uzmi || 57
sMiq sMz eaj elU |
oWA Wx S x Wi ciqZ || 58
lqS lUWU pauzW zp |
ukukiSWh Su Suclil || 59
Msx zZUux oh ohmr |
Ajlj qWMz er zpMi || 60
ohUSql reu xlakmMiUalr |
uUzsuUah xirMi MmMU || 61
xiuul xiuM kq o MsM xSr |
Smh SmW Smii Smi muiM || 62


AqizqiumU ur xSxlqr |
lklap pzr Mms upel || 63
mpuwhaxwh ciuaTsmS |
lUxW qWpq zUp Msmul || 64
Ea mzmipa u Mzlwal |
aulSamiami amsamussp || 65
piux aWux xirux iaq |
lwMhOM xWxc xlakmMi SWh || 66
AMqmi ahaW xmi miukl |
map qWap ueap esu || 67
aqpxiU oMSo UeUe xurqpu |
xlxUah xk osxisMU qWl || 68
mju ur Am ie Z oW scl |
xWxqk SulS xuaqr a || 69
Aulz xZUqxsM mhkUM |
lSm q ilS kiqk xuk Wu || 70
Wilizuxi xmieuzmi |
xuW Wur Mur zibl zimz zM || 71


AUW lUW ij ijMU WU |

cUcUiq xqxi uuxul xuiqiq || 72
i m Ms M qx mxiuxU |
GiraSMsxi s Aqjzi || 73
cUgeu mxiq lMs mhkUh |
xuaSU meU qU umq || 74
psqxij quUeuUeqoU |
u xSoe mhruhMil || 75
ppr aW U reql rcM |
mmuW qlua lzcU || 76
aeW SirW lM mWi mi |
olku olkua miqixZxi || 77
ar ussp mz qlki pipul |
xjMU xujSzdlS urMUh i || 78
xqiajmzli mUh mhcgcU |
uql eaiMs xMi rakm || 79
Ej mhu pl xMlS uuhxij |
AliUiq wMz mlp xiimr || 80


mUkrk zZ xWa xWuWl |

xWlS xWS la qlSUbYzU || 81
xcslux c qWlSMixr |
qloUWU MqsllSukl || 82
xliliq xau aS z Ujpi |
lUW luMsm xqjljlzl || 83
AMr pMr qbujxUci |
r ei qWur zU xli xii || 84
uU uqiuUqj uMi |
AeloW xsp mUgeri xlil || 85
uMhP mhQUM xupizrxji |
xWxzw mw xWx xWxmi || 86
FkuUi Fkus muU uUS uU |
Elquz mcN xmimqWmS || 87
ekqmii uSiq uSMi Nr |
lir xqmhMq xu Mzsaq | 88
Mm mrw eskki Mi mUimU |
Acslqsximi xuqWql mii || 89


AxWr xWr eaiUMUh |

qS MiSu mUM MilrM || 90
AkqzUpr uqSu qWos |
uur qWur lux xi ai || 91
xuhuh uU xa c eq |
lqs xUpuqs umul || 92
uxli qku awq lpxr oeuWl |
lSkximl qb lp rl mUzU || 93
xZls xlwm zzU lUuWl |
ap MUh emr Sa xirmUq || 94
AiqpUl Srxuq |
eqSaloslk msxir msWXaU || 95
uh uhahQ Msmu MskU |
qWlS SpU x racr oWxmi || 96
lUMU uz urkWi lUqr |
Aqblqjl qMlS uaieuU || 97
xurgeriaq xmxScsxij |
clSxrzlMipqe xqllSl || 98


paqWim Sbim xqWa |

qlqlri ql uaq uxql xjU || 99
ASUSzr zqpxqsr qs ui |
erxiqp eaxiqp oWm ahq || 100
xuSuqrclir Suiiq umkM |
ciuSipuiUiUmr || 101
Alizlr uMhP Mqx TsmS |
SRrk xMlSa mUq mUrh || 102
MoUolk MhP Suz xriml |
Asok xuzx zxj mUq mql || 103
Aalrxr mjumS qk SYi mU |
xqli MUh oqZ pexij || 104
uzr zSmSxi lS xuxlkM |
eqiMzokMxi uMhP uUu || 105
iqx mU pauzuul |
Aiqrl UhMr qWSu a xU || 106
LMlMU z miSZpweq |
wMzj paul xuiq umul || 107


uMqmuaj sqoSUzUUkM |
AkSW qW xuillikM ij || 108
MusrSm Musr x ci upux |
LMuUiqe pSpSW MOpSl || 109
uokauU xuSuqq |
zukrlUi Surlirra eilSr || 110
Mqxiruiu plaWMS WU |
xaxjirliMSq uUzaq || 111
UhMmhs pauzr zii |
iql LMolk zlipS xqgex || 112
AkriquxU Msp uzs |
UelS pmira lqr lah ah || 113
WUhqr mUh ospS eaimS |
uSuSXamU xuMq qWU || 114
Lu lql xWxh iu pauzeq |
Uq merqx mhmi mU xUq || 1
MOxrmiMz eOqMOpwi |
uSuSmU xukqlUi Mu || 2

eusqsui klu i mWUbqq |

xur xqr ipr mS Ubqq || 3
xuie lai ixqi muzS Ubu ii |
rS ulai ie o xMs xU || 4
cs oxSl cMqm c uxlkU |
SSW pau ie mliuzirelq || 5
AkxiSkuiu WWiMiugel |
iS mW qWra mWxl Cu pau || 6
pau Euc qp xlM Uq q p l lqi |
mhmiqlm qWSr Aiq || 7
Uq Euc rSm pui sok xusMprUq |
Wieai il Sul SZzilq || 8
elSl MUqr uwh paMsW |
AzwSWumlS pauxiSlliUq || 9
Euczuc ra Ubur qWiql |
mU mWwqm paul Uq Aoui || 10


pau Euc kq SRiu rk zbi rzxij mU os c |

ramriu qq xMw xSxiiUbu Ubuz || 11
ij Ubu mW qr m xiu iu |
rmPi Nhrm ureql | 12
ewuMm mii mxS zi xql Emparq |
Msmxi qii mxS xq mmi mmlrm Srq |
mi car olkul lUa Ms mxi mua xqiq || 13
Aqkxr xWxh Ts pui ixr u |
ki xlmrS Uq xjsr u Msz xjiq || 14
lql xWxhll r pau WUq |
xm rxWxxr Ts pui ugNiq || 15
mer pui Sxr qq cm uzwi |
ixql lql xWxh merS r eaiaq || 16
eml lql xWx c x ri mUq aiq |
Mikkixi xlii lUqr || 17
Ahq sbq mmiUr xr |
xupixu c sM u mU qi || 18


pui mi qkr xr c emi WU |

lql krri Uq xkr c WUpui || 19
Arl umw cu emliusZr mxiMq |
SS u r uwhupr lolk l eri || 20
l puMs ixr Mssquuei |
uUS pauxixr spi c xi aiq || 21
Ci Aal qWmUh SzUj Uq m mUzUq xWxlq xi xqmhq ||


ASzU pauSmS mSM merq lq


AS zUcr ql em q
Axr ASzUcr qWqlxr xUUcr Gw ar dlS
zUpauimS paul Sui |
oe | zUi z | lq Ci MsM |
oiqYr xSkrj em ulra |
xUu Apr lq |
oumimMcrr ielpr lq |
uhmeir qkrqpr lq |
xur AlqMpr lq |
pUi e MlMpr lq |
olr lq MUis MUmpr lq |

xUu Srr lq |
oumimMcrr zUx xuW |
uhmeir zZr uwO |
xur Mucr W |
pUi e lrr uwO |
olr lq Axr TO |

ppuxuU Ci Saolk |
Msxcsqkrxj MqipSrMq |
oSmjlmmi SurqlwuaWq ||
plaWhMli zli xuli xqeeusq |
xu xrqlSh xupq eaq ||
MUpipl meiuzwhq |
krrq zUcr xusMMzUq ||
clqS SWxi mhielqWokS Sklq |
uq lqSl mMOlciU clqmrSklq ||
MhrmUuk riuUumw zU zUzq |
clSWUWi xqisxiqZ purqrliU ||

s mjuriql alk Msmrq |
W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |
r uruiql km Msmrq
U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |
u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |
x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |
AS zUcr ql
xUu oumimMcrr uhmeir xur pUi e
olr lq |
xUu Srr lq |
oumimMcrr zUx xuW |
uhmeir zZr uwO |
xur Mucr W |
pUi e lrr uwO
olr lq Axr TO |
ppuxuU Ci Sauqa |
Msxcsqkrxj MqipSrMq |
oSmjlmmi SurqlwuaWq ||
plaWhMli zli xuli xqeeusq |
xu xrqlSh xupq eaq ||
MUpipl meiuzwhq |

krrq zUcr xusMMzUq ||

clqS SWxi mhielqWokS Sklq |
uq lqSl mMOlciU clqmrSklq ||
MhrmUuk riuUumw zU zUzq |
clSWUWi xqisxiqZ purqrliU ||
s mjuriql alk Msmrq |
W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |
AS zUcr AUzilqus
A zUcrr lq | A ollSmSrMr lq | A AliqUSirr
lq | A xlqokclSqx lq | A uhqmi lq | A qi lq
| A qmSrMr lq | A zwrmSzlUir lq | A ppmSrMr
lq | A xq-iiu-UWxr-r lq | A MrMrmokMr lq | A
l qSiMUr lq | A zwrimWUMr lq | A mUueq lq
| A xuilxuilikr lq | A Ai xjmlcrr lq | A xi
zU m pi lq | A whqi xjmlcrr lq | A r qa mMzMr
lq | A uSuSli iiur lq | 20
A SuSqiZhQlr lq | A uUar lUir lq | A zlir lq | A
xxhu iUMr lq | A mx uSlqper lq | A mUqj mMzMr
lq | A mUh xqi xUr lq | A lir imir lq | A qWi lq |
A zcr lq | A lirllSr lq | A lUliMr lq | A lUxar lq
| A lqsiqMr lq | A lqqr lq | A lUWUr lq | A uul-mSqoer lq | A xiumklr lq | A xur lq | A
xXZrii aheusr lq | 40

A Albr lq | A xUSr xkr lq | A xUxui mSr lq | A

xiriql lq | A mhrzsr lq | A xXZr ra ushr lq |
A imUzr lq | A qWier lq | A ahr upaui lq | A
Msalr lq | A MsMqr lq | A iqah luUMr lq | A
paui lq | A pUi e lq | A zUSl mhQir lq | A kqkq
upur lq | A srpS mSzMr lq | A lSolSMspr lq |
A raSm pxMUr lq | A AilSr llkr lq | 60
A lirliruuMui lq | A cSllSr lq | A clqriql lq | A
mUMr muzMi lq | A Aqlw cUr lq | A qSrl lq | A
qMUr lq | A purr lq | A pSmSr lq | A pUqWql lq | A
u UgeMr lq | A xumMzr lq | A xSkUr lq | A u olku
lq | A zpSrr lq | A uzs Mir lq | A uazr lq | A
xusMWiixMr lq | A Mszr xmmi clSqVmmeir lq | A
Mgc c UeZr rl xjml Sir lq | 80
A ciqM iO iwiqo qlUjr lq | A oxmlwS pwrS
alj MsmMr lq | A ciSM ciUqlr mi lq | A qWqir lq |
A xmii qicNi lq | A xuSauer mpu lq | A Mwr
uxlmir lq | A pxqVi uaWr lq | A liqMM ShQr
lq | A MqhQs sxiMUr lq | A aUu lq | A pqhQscrr lq |
A pauimS xMr lq | A urx xSzl mir lq | A
GwrzmUUr lq | A xlSrsWU qZr oW xi ukrMr lq | A
ciwwMspr lq | A oUx mwMr lq | A qhQl qZr
xurp er xir lq | A iOMcr xmerr lq | 100


A mmSciXbMr lq | A WxiqsMralS olmSrMr lq

| A xUUcr xcNwr xlrxq SrMr lq | A lxW pr lq |
A xS ap WUqp meMr lq | A urZr xWxlkzr lq | A
eaimerr lq | A eaUu lq | 108
r uruiql km Msmrq
U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |
u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |
x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |


utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq mSM merq lq |


xohr wQU ql em q
Axr xohr wQU qWqlxr
Aaxir Gw Alm NlS xohr Sui |
u oe | lq z | ucu MsM |
xohr mirj em ulra
u Apr lq |
u ielpr lq |
u qkrqpr lq |
u AlqMpr lq |
u MlMpr lq |
u MUis MUmpr lq |

u Srr lq |
u zUx xuW |
u zZr uwO |
u Mucr W |
u lrr uwO |
u Axr TO |

ppuxuU Ci Saolk |
xlSUh ClSMli uSl MrUWUSp
SurUpUh upwi il xuaxjxZrmSq |
AqpeprzMOkU U UazM
xohr EmxqW mhqi pimhziq ||
s mjuriql alk Msmrq |
W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |
r uruiql km Msmrq
U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |
u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |
x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |

xohr wQU qWql

ucu lq
u Srr lq |
u zUx xuW |
u zZr uwO |
u Mucr W |
u lrr uwO |
u Axr TO |
ppuxuU Ci Sauqa |
xlSUh ClSMli uSl MrUWUSp
SurUpUh upwi il xuaxjxZrmSq |
AqpeprzMOkU U UazM
xohr EmxqW mhqi pimhziq ||
s mjuriql alk Msmrq |
W AMxiql mwmh Msmrq |
r uruiql km Msmrq
U Aalriql Sm Msmrq |
u Aqiql Aqi qWlu Msmrq |
x xuiql iqosS xumcUl Msmrq |


MqU il xohr ql qgeU

whqi ql
1. xMlS ql - x xMlSr lq
2. xohr ql - x x xohrr lq
3. MqU ql - M MqUr lq
4. aW ql - x xuql aWr lq
5. zUuh ql - z z zUuhpur lq
6. whqZ ql - w whqZr lq
mgc o ql
1. x xeir lq
2. x uqSur lq
3. x AbUr lq
4. x iimwr lq
5. x Dzlr lq
Alr whqi ql
1. x xohrr lq
2. M MqUr lq
3. W WUxlu lq
4. x xUaer lq
5. x xlmir lq
6. x xUUr lq


1. eau lq
2. ucu lq
3. upu lq
4. Spu lq
5. opu lq
6. pupu lq
utV ql
u qWusr lq
Suxl ql
Suxlr lq
mUuUM ql

a aelSr lq
A Aalr lq
r rqr lq
l lGir lq
u uhr lq
u uru lq
x xqr lq
x xqr lq


qrU ql
q qrUr lq
zYsmr uW mUer kqW i qrU mcSri |
ae ar
iuhr uW uihQr kqW i ae mcSri |
zYirrk ql
zr lq
mgcrk ql

z zr lq
k klw lq
z zUr lq
x Ar lq
M MqhQsu lq

Aqi ql

M MiMrr lq
u uzZr lq
a aWr lq
A AxUliMr lq
x xllr lq
w whqZr lq
q qrUuWlr lq
zmhr lq

xohr qs ql
lq paui x xohrr zWxir iUMUr zUuhur
GYrexqjuhr SuSur Suxlmir AxUMsqSlr SurxWir
AliUr raSmir M M cO cO DzllSlr zlir zli mh
wmrr zullr ucu xul Srr whqZr Smr SmM
MqUr Msr Msmh xUUer lq |
xohr qs ql - 2
zUuhpur lq | x xohrr xuW |
MiMr muillSl xMlS xMlS uUS uUS xuel q uzqlr xuW |
x x xohrr zWxir Garexxqjuhr AxUMsqSlr rar
rakmir Surr AliUr rakmir M M cO cO DzllSlr
zlir zlimh zur zullSlr wmrr ucu xulSrr
whqZr Smr SmMi aW Uu M Msr Ms mh
xUUer xohrr lq | lq paui qWmwr qrUuWlr aUmr
Dziqer xMlSxuql MqUr iUMUr whqZr Sz lr Sz per
SziqMr zWxir xohrr lq |
xMlS Ms lrx

eau err lq
oWi osr lq
Wiq Eir lq
ucu uqr lq
lqxixi llSlr lq
upu uerr lq

Dzlqkl |
muqkl |
Sh qkl |
EU qkl |
mq qkl |
lGi qkl |

eakmiUer lq
xll xlr lq
qrU mrr qrr lq
wQll zlir lq
xiurW lqxixi xirr lq
xZ uWxu xqr lq
xohr xqir lq
oWxmi xi mr lq
Axr mrl Aqir lq
Axriq rzx lq
uWluWli uUr lq
xohr xmir lq
Spu cr lq
opu pqhr lq
puu pir lq
Apir qlrr lq
eau eur lq
xohr zr lq
MMxi Mmr lq
w xiuUr lq
eau eair lq
ucu uUSr lq
xMlS uzZl MqSr lq
Wur rxqi WUlr lq
whqZr zrqr lq


Dzl qkl |
mu uY |
Sh uY |
EU uY |
mq uY |
lGi uY |
Sr |
as |
Sh oW |
uq oW |
lp |
M |
m |
EUx |
a |
zzl |
ShU |
uqU |
Sh ell |
uqell |
Sh erq |
uq er |
Sh mS |
uq mS |
urmMges |

AiUWxr xohr qiM lrx

A AqUUr lq
A AUkrr lq
C ClSmUaqr lq
D Dzmr lq
E Eqmr lq
F FkuUix lq
G Ghr lq
H HUhr lq
s slrr lq
s sWlir lq
L LMlrMr lq
L LrmSr lq
A Aexul lq
A AmqrUWir lq
A Aqoexlr lq
A Ahr lq

Sh l
uq l
S Mh
uq Mh
S lxmO
uq lxmO
S Mms
uq Mms

M MqhQskUr lq
Z Zmhr lq
a axir lq
b bhOWxir lq
X Xmrr lq


c clSzZUr lq
N NlSqrr lq
e eaimir lq


- uq oWqs
- uq MmU
- uq qholk

f fwMieimr lq
g gqir lq

- uq MUsqs
- uq MUsAa

O OWxir lq
P Pxumr lq
Q QqoUr lq
R Rmrr lq
h haqrr lq



i iiumr lq
j xjmMr lq
S ShQmhr lq
k klwmhr lq
l laUlkMUr lq



m mWxir lq
T ThWxir lq
o oWsmr lq
p puiqer lq
q qWxlr lq

S m
uq m

r rqir lq
U Uqhrr lq
s sqoSUler lq
u ucu lq
z zUxqpur lq

as m
uq M
SrS S MUsrli


w whqZr lq
x xusMzr lq
W WUiqer lq
V sqmir lq
qr lq


SrS uq MUsrli
SrS S mSsrli
SrS uq mSsrli
MS mSsrli
SrS oUlkli

xah xohr AuUh me

mP me

z zMlr lq
U Uuir lq
m mir lq
q qWmir lq
l lzjlr lq
q qslr lq
z zrqsr lq
o or lq
u uiqZr lq

u x zUuhpu

xohr AuWlq u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq

AuWi pu | - AuWl qS mSzr
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
xjmi pu | - xjmh qS mSzr
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
xxji pu | - xxji qS mSzr
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
xk pu | - xk qS mSzr
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
xqqZ pu | - xqqZ qS mSzr
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
AuMhPi pu | - AuMhQlqS mSzr

u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq

mSM merq lq | - ulSl Sl rl qS mSzr
rj z wQz EmcU me mgcmcU me u Mi |
(Do Shodasa upacara puja or panchopacara depending on the time and convenience)

wQ imhq
z Srr lq | Sr z mSM merq imrq lq |
U zUx xuW | zU z mSM merq imrq lq |
u zZr uwO | zZ z mSM merq imrq lq |
h Mucr W | Muc z mSM merq imrq lq |
p lrr uwO | l z mSM merq imrq lq |
u Axr TO | Ax z mSM merq imrq lq |
sr me
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
mSM merq imrq lq | (10 uUq)
mjquUhq - olS
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr mjquUhclq ||

iruUhq - Mh
u CcN z xum qW utV mSM merq imrq lq |
l z xum z mSM merq imrq lq |
r z xum Suxl mSM merq imrq lq |
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr iruUhclq ||
iiruUhq - wOMh
z xohrr eau lq | xohr mSM merq imrq lq |
U MqUr ucu lq | MqU mSM merq imrq lq |
u WUxlu upu lq | WUxl mSM merq imrq lq |
h xUaer Spu lq | xUae mSM merq imrq lq |
p xlmir opu lq | xlmi mSM merq imrq lq |
u xUUr pupu lq | xUUr mSM merq imrq lq |
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr iiruUhclq ||


iUruUhq - wOMhxr o
z z mSM merq imrq lq |
o oh z mSM merq imrq lq |
M Mmh z mSM merq imrq lq |
ku kue z mSM merq imrq lq |
a aS z mSM merq imrq lq |
A Apr z mSM merq imrq lq |
c cm z mSM merq imrq lq |
u ue z mSM merq imrq lq |
m m z mSM merq imrq lq |
Z Z z mSM merq imrq lq |
z zs z mSM merq imrq lq |
u uUS z mSM merq imrq lq |
q qrUr lq | qrU z mSM merq imrq lq |
a aer lq | ae z mSM merq imrq lq |
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr iUruUhclq ||


mgcquUhq - ASs
e erli mSM merq imrq lq |
A AalMz mSM merq imrq lq |
M MMm mSM merq imrq lq |
p pimi mSM merq imrq lq |
x xlmi mSM merq imrq lq |
a aW mSM merq imrq lq |
W WUhrzs mSM merq imrq lq |
u uzs mSM merq imrq lq |
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr mgcquUhclq ||
wuUhq - A Ssxr o
A A o qi xqi Axi pUu mSM merq imrq lq |
D C qWU qi xqi pUu mSM merq imrq lq |
F E MqU qi xqi chQ pUu mSM merq imrq lq |
H G uwhu qi xqi k pUu mSM merq imrq lq |
s s uUW qi xqi Elq pUu mSM merq imrq lq |
L L LlS qi xqi MmV pUu mSM merq imrq lq |
A A cqhQ qi xqi pwh pUu mSM merq imrq lq |
A A qWsq qi xqi xWU pUu mSM merq imrq lq |


u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq

mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr wuUhclq ||
xmiquUhq - pmU

mjq UZr
uU oW mSM merq imrq lq |
uU MxU mSM merq imrq lq |
uU qWlS mSM merq imrq lq |
uU qWz mSM merq imrq lq |
uU mUlSU mSM merq imrq lq |
uU mSM merq imrq lq |
uU qihQ mSM merq imrq lq |
uUliM mSM merq imrq lq |
uUkU mSM merq imrq lq |

ir UZr
z zMl mSM merq imrq lq |
U Uui mSM merq imrq lq |
m mi mSM merq imrq lq |
q qWmi mSM merq imrq lq |
l lzjl mSM merq imrq lq |
q qsl mSM merq imrq lq |
z zrqs mSM merq imrq lq |
o o mSM merq imrq lq |
u uiqZ mSM merq imrq lq |

iir UZr
s ClS mSM merq imrq lq |
U Aal mSM merq imrq lq |
O rq mSM merq imrq lq |
lGi mSM merq imrq lq |
u uh mSM merq imrq lq |
r ur mSM merq imrq lq |
x xq mSM merq imrq lq |
W Dzl mSM merq imrq lq |
u x zUuhpu | - utV Suxl xqi xohr xuq
mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq)
Apx q SW zUhai uixs |
pYir xqmr ipr xmiquUhclq ||


AqoS qkr UuMlMmpq iiiri euqkr
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 1
uUe raxr Tslxr
SSi lq MqUr ixq
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 2
rSiMs xuqi aWiu
i MUlrlr eul xuMs
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 3
rxrq eul xmmluli
pa eu xqMMs
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 4
mcSrS Sxjil
qlhr eu mMO MUi
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 5
olkur Msss U SU
uql qMMxr c r MUi
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 6


xrzx zoS xqiWS

uiq ci AlpSm
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 7
Sukl ciuklr
mcSrl ql SuUxr
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 8
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 9
xuxsSMU uqSu
zwh xrarxr mSq
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 10
WUzoSl xpu
euxr S xuuUh rl
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 11
uUemSx MqU pi
r pxil xxuMUi
x xuxqmS xqumimh
pu xrS i Sbqr
LiSzlaW mxir
xMsr Msr u whqZr
Wx ixq MqUr lq Axi | 12

xS ulxWi

Answers by AtmAnandanAtha

1. What is the difference between Nithya Puja and Naimittika Puja?

Answer: The daily saparyA ritual carried out in the morning after sandhyA is called
nitya saparyA. SaparyA means pooja with whole paddhati, including vishEshArghya
prathishtA; tantras dont accept a concept called laghu pUja. This is a must for all
dikshitas. Repentance (prayascitta) of non-performance of nitya saparyA is one
hundered and eight chants of Pancadasi VidyA, with a sankalpA nitya krama kArana
ashaktatvAt ashtOttara shata vAra mUla mantra japamaham shri gurOrAgynayA
karishyE. (lir

q MUh Aziui AUzi uU qs ql emqW

aUUr MUwr) The special ritual should be done on five days of a month is called
naimittika saparyA namely (a) amAvasya (b) pournami (c) krshnapaksha ashtami (d)
krshna paksha caturdasi (e) first day of the solar month. We have to perform these
naimittika saparyAs with more devotion and specially made offerings. (panca parvasu
vishesharchanam kuryaat- Parasurama kalpasutra) The reckoning of these dates is
such that these tithis shall be present in the sunset time (pradOsha kaala) up to two
hours into night. If two days have equal durations of these tithis, then the day wherein
the tithi is longer in the night shall be chosen. The repentance (prayascitta) of nonperformance of this is one thousand and eight chant of the pancadasi vidyA with a
sankalpa naimittika krama karana ashaktatvaat asttottara sahsara varra mula mantra
japamaham sri guror aagynayaa karishye. (lqM

q MUh Aziui
AUxWx uU qs ql emqW aUUr MUwr). Please note that these
two are two different poojas. One should not neglect doing saparyA (either nityA or
naimittikA) for more than a month, else the dIkshA is said to be lost and we have to get
dIkshA again. This is also the reason of sAmAyika pUja inclusion in saparyA, which
implies that one should at least participate in a pUja, if doing pUja is a constraint.
Please Note: These are the dictums of tantras; however, indviuals should always get
these points clarified with their own guru and follow their guru instructions.
2. How to find todays nithya?
Answer: The tithi at the sunrise is to be reckoned for calculating todays nitya. Even if
the time span is less, this nitya is to be taken as todays nitya in case of daily ritual
(Japa or nitya devi archana in daily saparya). If the same tithi is repeating in the next
day morning, then the same nitya is repeated. In case the next day tithi is one skipped
(if today is tithi dvaya) then there will be two nityas for today. In case of special poojas
(naimittika pooja ) , the tithi prevalent at the time of pooja is to be taken as that days
nitya in the nitya devi arcahna of this saparya.


3. What direction should the sAdhakA be facing while doing the PUjA?
Answer: In Sri vidya saparyA, the sadhaka will face east while Sri Devi will face west.
pooja poojakayor madhye pracee dishaa. So, irrespective of any direction the sadhaka
faces in the worldly sense, the directions will align as according to the above dictum. Sri
Cakra is therefore also called direction changing Cakra.

4. What would be the PUrthi VidhyA in Rashmi MAlA for HAdi and SAdi
vidhya upasakas?
Answer: The pUrti vidyA of kAdi karma is the kadi pancadasi without bhuvaneshvari
bijas in the first two kUtas. The similar removal of the bhuvaneshavri bIjas in hadi karma
will give the hAdi pUrti vidyA, it is also called as turIya vidyA. The same in sAdi will
result in their pUrti vidyA. By tradition we find the turIya vidyA in prevalent mandalis
guru pAdukAs. However this is not to be confused with the pUrtividyA of the krama
which is kAdi kramA.

5. If a person had upadEshas and pAdukAs from several Gurus for

Ganapathi, Bala, Chandi, and Panchadashi and then received Shodashi
from a different Guru, should all pAdukAs be chanted?
If we have different gurus from whom different levels of upadEsams are
got, like Bala, pancadasi etc, the final guru will be the pUrnabhishEka guru and all other
forms will now merge into his form, only his pAdukA is to be chanted in all rituals

6. Should JapA be done as part of the SaparyA?

Answer: Yes, the daily (nitya) japa is a part of the sandhyA vandanam. There we will
say, sandhyAyAm sri gurOrAgynayA japE viniyogah. In pUja (saparyA) after kAmakalA
dhyAna we are instructed to do japA, there it will be shrI vidyAngatvEna shri
gurorAgynayA japE viniyOgah.


l aUUkM l aUUkM l aUUkM l aUUkM |

l aUUkM l aUUkM l aUUkM l aUUkM ||

l aUUkM l aUUkM l aUUkM l aUUkM |

l aUUkM l aUUkM l aUUkM l aUUkM ||


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