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Amman Zaman

Socials 11
Assignment 2.4: Conscription


- Conscripted soldiers made it to

the front in both wars.

- The amount of deaths and

injuries the Canadian Army
experienced during World War 1 was
more serious, making conscription
more needed.

- The only people that had a

problem with conscription for the most
part were the French Canadians.

- To prevent controversy,
conscripted soldiers were mandated
to provide home defence, and had to
volunteer to fight overseas during the
Second World War.

- Both times, the government

was forced to use conscription
because there were a lack of
volunteers after the first battle of each

- The need for conscription in

the Second World War became
smaller because the majority of the
injured soldiers healed and went back
to the battlefield.

- Both Sir Borden and Prime

Minister Mackenzie were trying to
avoid Conscription in World War 1 and

- Much more conscripted

soldiers ended up in the battlefield
during World War 1 than World War 2.

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