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Middletown South Field Hockey Summer Conditioning Program

Welcome to Midd South! We have an amazing school with hard working, fun student athletes that
should make your experience here special. We look forward to meeting all the incoming freshman
who will be joining our Eagle Hockey family this fall. Preparation for success is critical and therefore
we need to cover a few items in preparation for the upcoming fall field hockey season.
1) Preseason starts Monday, August 17th. Times are as follows:
Arrive: 6:45 AM
Session Beings: 7:00 10:00
Sessions will continue for the rest of the week 8/17 8/22; Sunday the 23rd is a day off. If cuts are
necessary, they will be made on Saturday, 8/22. Practice will continue on Monday, 8/24 from 7:0010:00 unless notified otherwise as there may be scrimmages during this week. Players will have off
on Sunday, 8/30, and Monday, 8/31. As of Tuesday, 9/1, practice will start around 2-2:30 PM.
During the school year, practice will typically run from 2:30-5 PM each day. The remaining schedule
will be available in August once the game schedule has been released (NJ Sports will post this, you
can also sign up for email/ text schedule updates).
*The schedule is subject to change.

2) Summer workout packets: It is our expectation that players arrive to pre-season in shape. This
means you should be able to run about 40 minutes without stopping (at least 3-4 miles) and be able
to do multiple wind sprints. Players are encouraged to gradually build up to this amount of running,
starting with a mile or two in June. Working with another hockey player or friend will help make this
easier. Players should also work on increasing their level of speed (sprinting) through interval
training. I have provided you with a guideline that will help prepare you this summer.

3) For those of you available, we will be holding Senior Summer Workouts starting in June at South.
These workouts will continue on various days and times throughout each week, as dictated by the
seniors and captains based on team feedback/schedules. Please make sure we have your email/
cell phone number to keep you in the loop. All are welcome to attend.

Make sure to contact the coaches if you have any questions.

Coach Nina DUrso (
Coach Jordan Hickman (

Midd South Conditioning Program

There is a difference between interest and commitment. When youre interested in doing
something, you do it only when its convenient. When you are committed to something, you
accept no excuses; only results --Kenneth Blanchard

Please use the following plyometric, agility, and speed training drills as a guide to prepare
for preseason. Use this program as a reference whether or not you are attending camp or
working out with teammates. The calendar will offer specific ideas for establishing a
training routine that if followed, will properly prepare you for a successful season.
Again, these workouts are optional; however, you will be expected to be in shape at the
start of preseason and fitness levels will be tested. We need to take the time during
preseason to concentrate on increasing fitness levels, teaching individual skills, and
reinforcing team strategy. Being fit, hydrated, eating smart foods, and being rested will help
to prevent injury and promote dedication and commitment for a successful season.

Every workout should also include:

1) Warm-Up
2) Plyometrics
3) Agility Workout
4) Run
5) Speed Training Drills
6) Cool Down
7) Stick work and Ball Control - Please use proper techniques!
8) Schedule workout during the cooler parts of the day.
9) Work out with a buddy or under parental supervision for safety and motivation.

1. Dynamic Stretching Warm-Ups

Studies show that the new way of stretching (dynamic stretching) increases power, flexibility and
range of motion, and may reduce injuries. In one study of female collegiate soccer players, non-

contact ACL injuries were reduced by nearly half among players who followed a warm-up program
that included both dynamic stretching exercises and static stretching.

- Jog to midline of field and back (50 yards)
-Jog backward 25 yards, turn jog forward 25 yards
-Side shuffle 25 yards, turn side shuffle 25 yards using opposite muscle group
-Quadricep Stretch: bring heel to butt, hold for 3 sec, step forward & switch legs; 15 yrds
-Straight-leg march (hamstrings and gluteus muscles):
kick one leg straight out in front, with the toes flexed and pointed straight up;
reach the opposite arm to the upturned toes;
drop the leg and repeat with the opposite leg and arm
repeat sequence at least 6 or 7 times
-Scorpion (lower back, hip flexors and gluteus muscles)
Lie on stomach with arms outstretched & feet flexed so only toes are touching
Kick right foot toward left arm, then kick left foot toward right arm
Begin slowly and repeat up to 12 times
-Handwalks (shoulders, core muscles, hamstrings)
Stand straight with legs together
Bend over until both hands are flat on ground
"Walk" with hands forward until back is almost extended
Keeping legs straight, inch feet towards hands
Walk with hands forward again
Repeat 5 or 6 times.
Calf Stretch:
Bend left leg, place right heel forward with toes flexed & gently lean towards toes
Switch. Then repeat 5-7 times
Plyometric exercises are specialized, high intensity training techniques used to build power
and speed, improve coordination and agility. Plyometric training involves high-intensity,
explosive muscular contractions that invoke the stretch reflex (stretching the muscle before

it contracts so that it contracts with greater force). It is important to note that these
exercises are not endurance exercises; therefore they should not exhaust a player
physically. Like all workouts, it is important that these exercises be performed correctly to
avoid injury.
The most important aspect of a safe and effective plyometric program is developing a safe
landing technique; it must be soft. When you land from a jump, you want to softly accept
your weight on the balls of your feet slowly rolling back to the heel with a bent knee and a
straight hip. By using the whole foot (and a larger surface area) for landing it helps
dissipate the impact forces on the joints. The other key to proper landing is to avoid any
twisting or sideways motion at the knee.
Warm up thoroughly before starting plyometrics
Start slowly with small jumps and gradually build up
Land softly (see above) to absorb shock
Allow plenty of rest between plyometric workouts
Stop immediately if you feel any pain in your joints

Below there are four (4) plyometric drill options. Since you are only required to work out
three (3) days per week, you may choose to rotate between the drill options below at your
own discretion.

Plyometric Drills
Plyometric Workout A: (ACL Injury Prevention Workout)
1) Lateral Hops over Cone (2 x 6 reps)
Purpose: Increase power/strength emphasizing neuromuscular control.

Stand with a 6" cone to your left.
Hop to the left over the cone softly landing
on the balls of your feet land bending at the knee.
Repeat this exercise hopping to the right.
2) Forward/Backward Hops over cone (2 x 6 reps)
Purpose: Increase power/strength emphasizing neuromuscular control.
Hop over the cone/ball softly landing on the balls of your feet and bending at the knee.
Now, hop backwards over the ball using the same landing technique.
Be careful not to snap your knee back to straighten it.
You want to maintain a slight bend to the knee.
3) Single Leg hops over cone (2 x 6 reps)
Purpose: Increase power/strength emphasizing neuromuscular control.
Hop over the cone/ball landing on the ball of your foot bending at the knee.
Now, hop backwards over the ball using the same landing technique.
Be careful not to snap your knee back to straighten it.
You want to maintain a slight bend to the knee.
Now, stand on the left leg and repeat the exercise.
4) Scissors Jump (2 x 6 reps)
Purpose: Increase power and strength of vertical jump.
Lunge forward leading with your right leg.
Keep your knee over your ankle.
Now, push off with your right foot and propel your left leg forward into a lunge position.
Be sure your knee does not cave in or out. It should be stable and directly over the ankle.
Remember the proper landing technique; accept the weight on the ball of your foot with a slight
bend to the knee.

Plyometric Workout B:
1) Power skips (2 x 25 yards)
swing the arms, drive the knees high, get high, power
2) Double Leg Hops (2 x 10 yards)
drive from legs, tuck knees in and bring heels to touch your bottom; focus on

number not distance
3) Individual Broad Jumps (2 x 6 jumps)
swing arms, drive from knees in squatting position, use full body to leap forward
as far as possible; gain balance and repeat
4) Side Jumps (2 x 10 jumps)
jump laterally (side to side) exploding from a low position/squat to a low position/squat; challenge
yourself to be consistent with distance and at least 1 to 2 yards apart with jumps
5) Grapevine (2 x 25 yards)
Cross over and back, swivel hips, stay low
6) Backpedal (2 x 25 yards)
Quick steps, stay low, keep your shoulder forwards and down
7) Backpedal reach (2 x 25 yards)
Quick steps, stay low, shoulders forward and down, reach out with back foot for distance

Plyometric Workout C:
1) Power skips for distance (2 x 25 yards)
swing the arms, drive the knees, drive forward with bottom foot for distance and power
2) Alpine hops (2 x 12)
Place stick on ground, hop over side to side as if skiing bumps/moguls

3) Consecutive broad jumps (2 x 4)
swing arms, drive from knees in squatting position, use full body to leap forward and immediately
move into next jump from landing position
4) Lateral Hurdle Hops (2 x 12)
Place stick on ground, hop over side to side bringing knees to chest during each jump; work to
decrease ground time while maintaining balance
5) High Knees
Drive knees high, pump the arms, and maintain upright posture
6) Backpedal (2 x 25 yards)
Quick steps, stay low, keep your shoulder forwards and down
7) Backpedal reach (2 x 25 yards)
Quick steps, stay low, shoulders forward and down, reach out with back foot for distance

Plyometric Workout D:
1) Power skips for distance (2 x 25 yards)
swing the arms, drive the knees, drive forward with bottom foot for distance and power
2) Broad jump with tuck (2 x 3)
swing arms, drive from knees in squatting position, use full body to leap forward as far as possible;
land and jump straight up tucking knees to chest; land and repeat combination

3) Front/Back Hurdle hops (2 x 12)
Place stick on ground, hop over forward and backward; work to decrease ground time while
maintaining balance
4) Lateral Broad Jumps (2 x 6)
swing arms, drive from knees in squatting position, use full body to leap laterally (sideways) as far
as possible; gain balance and repeat in opposite direction
5) Box Jumps (2 x 5)
Find a box or bleacher and from a squatting position use your legs and arms to jump onto the
box/bleacher step and step down; land with both feet even and legs bent
6) Sprint Bounding (2 x 20 yards)
Use arms and legs to bound forward, driving from one leg to another (picture an extended stride
with hang time)
7) Butt Kicks (2 x 20 yards)
Knee forward, heel up to butt, pump arms
8) Grapevine (2 x 25 yards)
Cross over and back, swivel hips, stay low




Fartlek Runs
Fartleks are a combination of intense runs alternated with modified rests performed at
various speeds and distances. This resembles the movements in a game. For the
jog/sprint: jog 30 seconds then sprint at 90% for 10 seconds for duration of time.

Your biggest challenge isnt someone else. Its the ache in your lungs
and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside that yells CANT, but
you dont listen. You just push harder, and then you hear the voice
whisper CAN and you discover the person you thought you were is no
match for the one you really are.


Speed/ Agility Drills

These drills should develop speed. Some still have an agility component.
A Day:
-A Skips (High knee skips) 2 x 25 yards
-B Skips (Kick out skips) 2 x 25 yards (high knees, extend leg out on downward cycle)
-C Skips (Coordination skips) 2 x 15 yards (forward up, down, side up out, forward up down
& switch legs to repeat pattern)
-Karaoke Grapevine
-2 sets of 3 x 50 yard full sprints
Visual example of A-B-C skips (
B Day:
-A Skips (High knee skips) 2 x 25 yards
-B Skips (Kick out skips) 2 x 25 yards
-Quick knees (high knees, upright posture, quick feet decrease ground time)
-Butt kicks (upright posture heels lifted to under butt; you are more upright with knee in
-Single leg hop 2 x 15 yards (this is a power drill where you start on one leg, with other leg
bent and back; use arms and bent knee to drive forward jumping on same leg, landing on
same leg; switch legs on way back
-2 legged jump (this is same as above, but you use both legs, start with bent legs; use arms
and leg muscles to drive forward jumping, and immediately jumping again following short
landing time
-Shuttles: 05--10--20--40 x 3 sets
C Day:
-A Skips (High knee skips) 2 x 25 yards
-B Skips (Kick out skips) 2 x 25 yards (high knees, extend leg out on downward cycle)
-C Skips (Coordination skips) 2 x 15 yards (forward up, down, side up out, forward up down
& switch legs to repeat pattern)
-Karaoke Grapevine
-2 sets of 3 x 40 yard sprints
-Side Box jumps (find a block or bleacher and jump/explode laterally up with both feet, step
down; repeat with each single leg working balance) 2 sets of 4 for both legs and each
single leg

Cool Down


Cooling down is essential to the program and shouldn't be skipped. It allows the muscles
that have been working hard throughout the training session to elongate and deters the
onset of muscle soreness. It is helpful to drink water during the cool down. The cool down
takes about 10 minutes.
Bridging with Alternating Hip Flexion (15 reps)
Purpose: Strengthen outer hip muscles (Hip abductors, flexors) and buttocks
Lie on the ground with your knees bent with feet on the ground.
Raise your buttocks up off the ground and squeeze. Now, lift your right foot off the
ground and make sure that your right hip does not dip down.
Lower your right foot and now lift your left foot making sure your left hip does not
dip down.
Repeat 30 times on each side.
Abdominal Crunches (15 reps x 2)
Purpose: Strengthen the abdominals (rectus abdominis, obliques)
Lie on the ground with you knees bent.
Place your hands behind your head with your elbows out wide.
Support your neck lightly with your fingers.
Take a deep breath in and slowly contract your abdominal muscles as you exhale.
Repeat 30 times.
Drop your legs off to the right side.
Slowly crunch up with your elbows out wide.
You should feel your oblique muscles working on the side of your waist.
Repeat 30 times and switch to the other side.
Single and Double Knee to Chest (15 sec x 2 reps)
Purpose: Elongate the low back muscles.
Lie on your back.
Bring your right knee toward your chest and hug firmly.
Keep your left leg out straight in front of you.
You should feel a stretch along your low back and into your buttocks.
Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and switch sides.
Now bring both knees to chest.
If you feel any pain in the low back, discontinue the stretch and inform your

Piriformis stretch- supine (15 sec x 2 reps)

Purpose: Elongate the rotators of the hip.
Lie on your back and bend both of your knees.


Fold your left ankle over your right knee.

Place your hands behind your right thigh and pull your right knee to chest.
You should feel a good stretch in the left gluteal region and the side of the thigh.
Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Seated Butterfly stretch (15 sec x 2 reps)
Purpose: Elongate the inner thigh muscles (adductors).
Sit up bringing your feet in so that the soles of your feet are touching.
Gently place your elbows on your knees and slowly push down.
You should feel a good stretch of the inner thigh.
Hold this for 30 seconds and repeat 2 to 3 times.
Hamstring Stretch
Purpose: Elongate the hamstring muscles
Sit up tall, tuck left foot above right knee, with bent left knee on
Gently reach for right foot toes.
You should feel a good stretch
Hold this for 30 seconds and repeat 2 to 3 times
Switch legs and repeat.
Walking lunges (15 reps x 2)

Stick Skills

Below you will find three different sequences. Practice each sequence at least once per


Sequence 1: (50 Yard increments)

Repeat this sequence 5 times
Speed Dribble (ball should not leave the stick
Relaxed dribble (ball can come of the stick but no more than 1 yard)
Indian Dribble (1 yard pulls from left to right while moving forward)
Dribble with Lift dodges (count how many you can get in a row)

Sequence 2: (50 Yard increments)

Repeat this sequence 3 times
50 air dribbles
100 pull drags from right to left (feet stationary)
25 practice drives
25 practice flicks
25 practice push passes
25 practice slaps
25 practice scoops

Sequence 3: (50 Yard increments)

Repeat this sequence 2 times
Speed Dribble with dodges (right, left, spin, popover) (use water bottles as cones)
Reverse drag
Reverse sweep hits (10 in a row, make sure knuckles are on the ground; get low)
Forward sweep hits (10 in row, make sure knuckles are on the ground; get low)
Indian Dribble (50 yards)

Fun Fact:
Did you know? It takes practicing a skill such as lift dodges between 3,000-5,000 times
before it becomes an automatic behavior.

Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there
2015 Goals for MHSS Eagles Field Hockey
1. Improve the regular season record (1 year goal)
2. Improve scoring percentages (1 year goal)
3. Improve Goal Keepers saves to goals percentage (1 year goal)
4. Ensure excellence in academics for all Field Hockey Players


What will your goal be?

Success in life can never be an accident. It is the result of right decisions at

the right time. Champions are not the people who never fail, but the people
who never quit.

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