3rd Whitaker

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Hollywood Reporter: \ Weyler Wins Fight | Notice of Election St. Charles Veteran local cash advances or in services.
I.ai-l year I ll,K7;i, Kill i n d i v i d u a l
To Hold KFLPost Is Serving in Japan
Movietown Stars In Rush 1
Nut iff. is hereby given that
ettinn will'lie held in and for the
an I lunches were served tu lfn'1,'1711
children in p u b l i c and nun-pl'ofit
Additional Transportation Service East
ASHLAND, Ky., Sept. 12. --
Edward H. Weyler, seeretary-trea-, County of liell, Kentucky, on tin Cassell, son of Hoy Cassell,
N A C A I , Japan. - 1'vt. J. private schools in the' stale. and South From Middlsboro and
To Order Swimming Pools surer of the Kentucky Federation general election day on the 4th I Charles, V
of Labor, today .had won hi.s fight 1947, to (i occupation of Japan with
is serving in the Sand and gravel in the gi/.x.anl
act as millstones and take the
Southeastern Kentucky
BY ALINE MOSBY , Rex Harrison got salt water in his to retain that post after the or-: mine voters of place of teeth in ; iding birds to
U. P. Hollywood Correspondent [ swimmin' hole and millionaire Wil- gani-.ation unanimously- v o t c l l i C o u , . ! v , Travel the "Short Way" directly to Bristol, East and South to .
tii are I'vl. Cassell is a veteran (1|. digest t h e i r food.
HOLLYWOOD, Sept. \'i (U.K)— Ham Leeds Jr., liked his so well .lown a move to shorten tenue of Asheville, North Carolina, via Kingrtport and Johnson CIt>,
The old Hollywood law, "If you he bought one for the servants, federation officers. tin' l-'isi-al Court of liell County, World War I I , having .served in
don't have one, you're dead," has There's a race to the last drop Delegates to the 4Urd annual K e n t i i f k y . tanking in nppronria- the Kuropean Tlienter of Opera-
tions. He re-enlisted in Deccm-
Tennessee, saving four hours travel time and HI) miles dis-
hit swimming pools. The whole to see who ran huild the biggest. KKL convention here voted down lion of $-jr>0,0(HI.OII for the con-
town's gone daffy over 'em, a
swimming pool builder happily re- Henderson figured his new BO x
, a proposal tn .shorten officer- st.ruction and improvement of' Hell | Headquarters
terms |0 onc vear
, „ '"-'I 1
, l'.i-IU, and is assigned to
Troop of the First LISTLESS tance, with no Layovers nor Transfers. Ride economically
with Safety and Comfort on our Modern Diesel Powered Pw-
125 feet imitation tropical lagoon | Weyler, who had'been eriticiz- C o u n t y transportation facilities] Cavnlry llrigade, located here, Children Milieu, finicky, fretful due to
ported today. d the issuance and sale of He foully elimination? Tongue coated, stem- lor Coaches.
Most folks figure every movie- topped 'em all. You can even whiz ecj i 0) . ms llc tjve support of Harry County Transportation Facilities' $1602,000 to State cch sour? Time for TJHENA, (ho easy-
towner always has sported a back- low out of his house on a slide, buzzj Lee Waterl'ield, Clinton, defeated
over the driveway and land f candidate for the Democratic gub- Bonds for the purpose of niaking '1 D 1 IT 1o-g!vc laxative. TRIENA ii made oipe* Loving Middleiboro for Bristol »nd Kinflporl
yard water hole. But until the
war's end only the well-heeled the water. ernatorial nomination, inline,liate- such appropriation, said bonds tu I 01' QCllOOl LllUC eially for youngsters under 12. Prompt 6:20 «in, 9 i I 5 >ni, 11:40 «m. 1:30 pm, SiOO pm, »iOO pm.
ly asked, and received, a voice vote •acting, mild. Contains
stars could drive from their back But he hadn't reckoned with approving his actions. pure prune-juice. TRY
bedroom into a pool, and those producer Carl Laemmle Jr. His Sept. 1:2. (HI!) — A r r i v i n g Middleihoro from BrUlnl .,,J Kinfiporl
were the $5001) kind. | pool has coral caves, a sand beach, •ndent of P u b l i c Instnie- TRIENA. Caution: uie

Cheaper Variety d is 100x100. Arthur, Tenn., Youth j authorized by the voters of the l Fred Williams said to- only as directed. 30c,
KiMltllcky w i l l receive' large iize, 50c.
8:40 .m, 10:25 »m, 2<20 pm, 4:52 pin. 7:28 pm, 10:31 not.
Now the company that builds Another prize puddle is built on j Is Promoted ill Japan County, the Fiscal Court of Hell ately $ I .Kllli.Olill for op-'
most o'f he country's pools is sell- a n estate owned by Marion Davis, i C i i i i n l y . K e n t u c k y , shall levy upon
»!' the school l u n c h pi-o-
ing a $2. r )0() variety—and every ]t began as a conventional SUx75
middling- starlet and "yes" man is job but as Hollywood grew, so
scraping up pennies to buy one. did the pool. Now it's 320 feet Fred
Couple of years ago the pad- long with bridges, yet, so youhas been
C. Whitaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. ;
all property subject tn taxation by
Y O K O H A M A , Japan.—Hubert K a j ( | c,, u , l t y .,„ nnmlll\ tax suffic-
i o i l l to ,,.;,. t h l , j,,,,,
Whitaker, A r t h u r , Tenn., j i,H|,,l,t0,!|K.^ as it falls due and to
rcs t on s lie!
f u n d
the slate this year,
us added that t h e entire Triena ALLIED DRUG
Chatlanot N O K M A N HiLDKSTAD, Manaicw

dock pool people dug about 50 don't have to walk around it! promoted to Corporal, p.,y j,,,,, Hi s j n itin K fund, to he
pools a year in filmville. This Col. E. A. Kindervaler, command- ! ,.,.,' „„ flll | , |,u n , 0 se O f retiring
"Miss Davis is our bigges custo- ing officer, Third Transportation' j,i 1 ,,,1 t 1(an amount each yea
wear they'"re averaging 20 a mer," said llsley. "She owns five sa IO S|
month. Military Railway Service, has an- necessLU'v to pay the p ' i n c i p a
pools on various properties, and IU)Unce( j amounts as panic mature. This nn
"Well, the pool business was has ordered two more."
static before the war," explained
The 3rd TMRS supervises the
The late evangelist, Aimee Sein- operation of all rail transportation ,,f u,is i.'jH-nl u i v e n iiursuant to fin order
company president Ralph Ilslcy. ple Macpherson, was his smallest. for the Allied Occupation Forces K e n t ue c k y , d u t c d th • lird day of
Court of liell County, Jab
"Everybody who could afford an Her pool was a dinky G x 12 feet. in Japan as well as the Japanese September, 11147. t< which refer-
expensive pool had one." "We've built pools for 500 government railways. 1
for f u r t h e r
The Boon Is On movie people," said llsley. "There i dt'lailrf.
"Then I designed thi.i cheaper and 20 pools in one block alone in KY. CONSTITUTION DAY JOHN J. HOWARD,
pool in new sizes and shapes. We: Beverly Hills." FRANKFORT, Kept. 12. <U.R) — Sh.M-iff of Bell County.
were swamped with orders. And'
now that the boom is on, the ex-1 Exploration of the Libyan de- Sept. 17,

'Every pool owner is trying to e d.

outdo his neighbor. Air race pro-j
. . show
Gov. Simeon Willis today nuined
"Constitution Day in An ostrich ejvtf is equal in con-
pensive pool business is heavy,' sell caves has revealed drawings Kentucky" and Sept. 14-20 as tents to 18 ht'ii e^gs, and it takes!
too." on rock. .that cows were milk- "United Nations Week in Ken- about 4U minutes to hard-boil one 1
lucky." of them. ^ |
moter Cliff 'Henderptin ordered!
one with an island in the middle'
and Ginger Rogers had to have a Why wish for two pairs of handsf C E L E B R A T I N G 75 Y E A R S
tall mast, purpose unknown, on
the end of hers. OF MONEY-SAVING PRICES
Paddock built underwater stairs
in Janet Gaynor's pool and a tile 1
octopus on the bottom of Jack j
Benny's. Had to take out the eyes, I
Get Several
though, cause they scared his kids.'
One for Servants
One artist demanded a pool
shaped like an artist's palette with
colored paint blobs on the bottom. Samson
•Tf '"if'''•'//"///'< all-purpose

%$& ! ! •! ' / • ( ' .:/i;.




Jimmie Jingle Says: Closely woven, water repellent;

Some bread is good — some heavyweight Army Duck, in brush
bread is best brown color. Pivot free-action
So try bur bread, your taste's nn
the test. sleeves, full shoulder pleats,
—Smith's Bread
and full cut back and shoulder
Phone 1031-J
Phoned-iii Orders Filled lining. Corduroy faced cuffs, col-
Promptly lar. Two shell pockets and large
Opening and Closing Timn: blood-proof game pocket! See it!
Week . . . !l :00 a.m.—G :00 p.m.
Saturday 8::IO a.m.—(i:3() ji.m. SAMSON TABLES COME TO THE AID
These tables are perfect for indoor or out-
door buffet suppers for game-room use—for
children's parties, too. Smart enough to stand
out, strong enough to stand on, they wash
clean with the flick of a damp cloth, ar<;
really stain-resistant and mar-resistant.
' (2 blocks south of Evans

When Your Tablets

Jhat's the Time ^ SAMSON TABLES I
'To Buy Sonic * You can't make them sag or wiggle with
MORE J cither people or possessionsl Use them to
hold your portable sewing machine, type-
writer, radio-or what have yon?
Samson tables fold away com- 7792
jpactly when you don't need 'em. 16 in. front wheel. Adjustable beat Absorbent... full cut for comfort, free Long-wearing black rubber, ridged con-
and handle bar. action! Rib-knit trim. All sizes! struction! Kelt back; cub gas fumes!


3I 618 .,00,.' 1.02V
ALMOSTANURSE! Save, buy now! Am- llunl and glossy, "Su-
ber or Red lens, 3 C. f.ivi: your hornn the
For baby's things (and even for baby!)-for per" is really wash-
P. single cnnlarllmlb. l.i-1 word in colorful, able. Ideal for kitchens
the children's room and the tecnsters' rum- liing-lasling roofing!
Steel bracket. or bath. •Gal. 3.73
pus corners-Samson tables stand up and ('Covers l(«)»,|. ||.)
stand out Steel tubular legs arc electrically
weldcd-can't'rust,*can't snag hose. Buy 7793
several—you'll be able to use 'cml APPLIANCE PLUG ON SALCI BUY NOW ... USE WARDS
Ai advertised in McCall's Magazine and Woman's Home Companion 3.87 You can |nirehase nny article in this
For irons, toa-l'-p,
Non-clog, 1 s m o o t h -
D K I ' K N D A I I I . K HIN'CK 18111)
nnd other linlmt' ,i|i-
plillMCCS l l | l In 1.11(10
watts, b-ss M t i l i l i .
f o r k i n g , enclosed
gears! Takes straiglit-
ail on convenient monthly terms, after
down payment. And remember, you
can open an accountat Wards with afcy
212-2H Ixithbury Ave. purchase* t<italin§><$Wif IfcoWr i nnocH
Middles!) oro, Ky. l>..*w ••**»« ,*.»**- .JM^MMWMP
Hollywood Reporter: \ Weyler Wins Fight | Notice of Election St. Charles Veteran local cash advances or in services.
I.ai-l year I ll,K7;i, Kill i n d i v i d u a l
To Hold KFLPost Is Serving in Japan
Movietown Stars In Rush 1
Nut iff. is hereby given that
ettinn will'lie held in and for the
an I lunches were served tu lfn'1,'1711
children in p u b l i c and nun-pl'ofit
Additional Transportation Service East
ASHLAND, Ky., Sept. 12. --
Edward H. Weyler, seeretary-trea-, County of liell, Kentucky, on tin Cassell, son of Hoy Cassell,
N A C A I , Japan. - 1'vt. J. private schools in the' stale. and South From Middlsboro and
To Order Swimming Pools surer of the Kentucky Federation general election day on the 4th I Charles, V
of Labor, today .had won hi.s fight 1947, to (i occupation of Japan with
is serving in the Sand and gravel in the gi/.x.anl
act as millstones and take the
Southeastern Kentucky
BY ALINE MOSBY , Rex Harrison got salt water in his to retain that post after the or-: mine voters of place of teeth in ; iding birds to
U. P. Hollywood Correspondent [ swimmin' hole and millionaire Wil- gani-.ation unanimously- v o t c l l i C o u , . ! v , Travel the "Short Way" directly to Bristol, East and South to .
tii are I'vl. Cassell is a veteran (1|. digest t h e i r food.
HOLLYWOOD, Sept. \'i (U.K)— Ham Leeds Jr., liked his so well .lown a move to shorten tenue of Asheville, North Carolina, via Kingrtport and Johnson CIt>,
The old Hollywood law, "If you he bought one for the servants, federation officers. tin' l-'isi-al Court of liell County, World War I I , having .served in
don't have one, you're dead," has There's a race to the last drop Delegates to the 4Urd annual K e n t i i f k y . tanking in nppronria- the Kuropean Tlienter of Opera-
tions. He re-enlisted in Deccm-
Tennessee, saving four hours travel time and HI) miles dis-
hit swimming pools. The whole to see who ran huild the biggest. KKL convention here voted down lion of $-jr>0,0(HI.OII for the con-
town's gone daffy over 'em, a
swimming pool builder happily re- Henderson figured his new BO x
, a proposal tn .shorten officer- st.ruction and improvement of' Hell | Headquarters
terms |0 onc vear
, „ '"-'I 1
, l'.i-IU, and is assigned to
Troop of the First LISTLESS tance, with no Layovers nor Transfers. Ride economically
with Safety and Comfort on our Modern Diesel Powered Pw-
125 feet imitation tropical lagoon | Weyler, who had'been eriticiz- C o u n t y transportation facilities] Cavnlry llrigade, located here, Children Milieu, finicky, fretful due to
ported today. d the issuance and sale of He foully elimination? Tongue coated, stem- lor Coaches.
Most folks figure every movie- topped 'em all. You can even whiz ecj i 0) . ms llc tjve support of Harry County Transportation Facilities' $1602,000 to State cch sour? Time for TJHENA, (ho easy-
towner always has sported a back- low out of his house on a slide, buzzj Lee Waterl'ield, Clinton, defeated
over the driveway and land f candidate for the Democratic gub- Bonds for the purpose of niaking '1 D 1 IT 1o-g!vc laxative. TRIENA ii made oipe* Loving Middleiboro for Bristol »nd Kinflporl
yard water hole. But until the
war's end only the well-heeled the water. ernatorial nomination, inline,liate- such appropriation, said bonds tu I 01' QCllOOl LllUC eially for youngsters under 12. Prompt 6:20 «in, 9 i I 5 >ni, 11:40 «m. 1:30 pm, SiOO pm, »iOO pm.
ly asked, and received, a voice vote •acting, mild. Contains
stars could drive from their back But he hadn't reckoned with approving his actions. pure prune-juice. TRY
bedroom into a pool, and those producer Carl Laemmle Jr. His Sept. 1:2. (HI!) — A r r i v i n g Middleihoro from BrUlnl .,,J Kinfiporl
were the $5001) kind. | pool has coral caves, a sand beach, •ndent of P u b l i c Instnie- TRIENA. Caution: uie

Cheaper Variety d is 100x100. Arthur, Tenn., Youth j authorized by the voters of the l Fred Williams said to- only as directed. 30c,
KiMltllcky w i l l receive' large iize, 50c.
8:40 .m, 10:25 »m, 2<20 pm, 4:52 pin. 7:28 pm, 10:31 not.
Now the company that builds Another prize puddle is built on j Is Promoted ill Japan County, the Fiscal Court of Hell ately $ I .Kllli.Olill for op-'
most o'f he country's pools is sell- a n estate owned by Marion Davis, i C i i i i n l y . K e n t u c k y , shall levy upon
»!' the school l u n c h pi-o-
ing a $2. r )0() variety—and every ]t began as a conventional SUx75
middling- starlet and "yes" man is job but as Hollywood grew, so
scraping up pennies to buy one. did the pool. Now it's 320 feet Fred
Couple of years ago the pad- long with bridges, yet, so youhas been
C. Whitaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. ;
all property subject tn taxation by
Y O K O H A M A , Japan.—Hubert K a j ( | c,, u , l t y .,„ nnmlll\ tax suffic-
i o i l l to ,,.;,. t h l , j,,,,,
Whitaker, A r t h u r , Tenn., j i,H|,,l,t0,!|K.^ as it falls due and to
rcs t on s lie!
f u n d
the slate this year,
us added that t h e entire Triena ALLIED DRUG
Chatlanot N O K M A N HiLDKSTAD, Manaicw

dock pool people dug about 50 don't have to walk around it! promoted to Corporal, p.,y j,,,,, Hi s j n itin K fund, to he
pools a year in filmville. This Col. E. A. Kindervaler, command- ! ,.,.,' „„ flll | , |,u n , 0 se O f retiring
"Miss Davis is our bigges custo- ing officer, Third Transportation' j,i 1 ,,,1 t 1(an amount each yea
wear they'"re averaging 20 a mer," said llsley. "She owns five sa IO S|
month. Military Railway Service, has an- necessLU'v to pay the p ' i n c i p a
pools on various properties, and IU)Unce( j amounts as panic mature. This nn
"Well, the pool business was has ordered two more."
static before the war," explained
The 3rd TMRS supervises the
The late evangelist, Aimee Sein- operation of all rail transportation ,,f u,is i.'jH-nl u i v e n iiursuant to fin order
company president Ralph Ilslcy. ple Macpherson, was his smallest. for the Allied Occupation Forces K e n t ue c k y , d u t c d th • lird day of
Court of liell County, Jab
"Everybody who could afford an Her pool was a dinky G x 12 feet. in Japan as well as the Japanese September, 11147. t< which refer-
expensive pool had one." "We've built pools for 500 government railways. 1
for f u r t h e r
The Boon Is On movie people," said llsley. "There i dt'lailrf.
"Then I designed thi.i cheaper and 20 pools in one block alone in KY. CONSTITUTION DAY JOHN J. HOWARD,
pool in new sizes and shapes. We: Beverly Hills." FRANKFORT, Kept. 12. <U.R) — Sh.M-iff of Bell County.
were swamped with orders. And'
now that the boom is on, the ex-1 Exploration of the Libyan de- Sept. 17,

'Every pool owner is trying to e d.

outdo his neighbor. Air race pro-j
. . show
Gov. Simeon Willis today nuined
"Constitution Day in An ostrich ejvtf is equal in con-
pensive pool business is heavy,' sell caves has revealed drawings Kentucky" and Sept. 14-20 as tents to 18 ht'ii e^gs, and it takes!
too." on rock. .that cows were milk- "United Nations Week in Ken- about 4U minutes to hard-boil one 1
lucky." of them. ^ |
moter Cliff 'Henderptin ordered!
one with an island in the middle'
and Ginger Rogers had to have a Why wish for two pairs of handsf C E L E B R A T I N G 75 Y E A R S
tall mast, purpose unknown, on
the end of hers. OF MONEY-SAVING PRICES
Paddock built underwater stairs
in Janet Gaynor's pool and a tile 1
octopus on the bottom of Jack j
Benny's. Had to take out the eyes, I
Get Several
though, cause they scared his kids.'
One for Servants
One artist demanded a pool
shaped like an artist's palette with
colored paint blobs on the bottom. Samson
•Tf '"if'''•'//"///'< all-purpose

%$& ! ! •! ' / • ( ' .:/i;.




Jimmie Jingle Says: Closely woven, water repellent;

Some bread is good — some heavyweight Army Duck, in brush
bread is best brown color. Pivot free-action
So try bur bread, your taste's nn
the test. sleeves, full shoulder pleats,
—Smith's Bread
and full cut back and shoulder
Phone 1031-J
Phoned-iii Orders Filled lining. Corduroy faced cuffs, col-
Promptly lar. Two shell pockets and large
Opening and Closing Timn: blood-proof game pocket! See it!
Week . . . !l :00 a.m.—G :00 p.m.
Saturday 8::IO a.m.—(i:3() ji.m. SAMSON TABLES COME TO THE AID
These tables are perfect for indoor or out-
door buffet suppers for game-room use—for
children's parties, too. Smart enough to stand
out, strong enough to stand on, they wash
clean with the flick of a damp cloth, ar<;
really stain-resistant and mar-resistant.
' (2 blocks south of Evans

When Your Tablets

Jhat's the Time ^ SAMSON TABLES I
'To Buy Sonic * You can't make them sag or wiggle with
MORE J cither people or possessionsl Use them to
hold your portable sewing machine, type-
writer, radio-or what have yon?
Samson tables fold away com- 7792
jpactly when you don't need 'em. 16 in. front wheel. Adjustable beat Absorbent... full cut for comfort, free Long-wearing black rubber, ridged con-
and handle bar. action! Rib-knit trim. All sizes! struction! Kelt back; cub gas fumes!


3I 618 .,00,.' 1.02V
ALMOSTANURSE! Save, buy now! Am- llunl and glossy, "Su-
ber or Red lens, 3 C. f.ivi: your hornn the
For baby's things (and even for baby!)-for per" is really wash-
P. single cnnlarllmlb. l.i-1 word in colorful, able. Ideal for kitchens
the children's room and the tecnsters' rum- liing-lasling roofing!
Steel bracket. or bath. •Gal. 3.73
pus corners-Samson tables stand up and ('Covers l(«)»,|. ||.)
stand out Steel tubular legs arc electrically
weldcd-can't'rust,*can't snag hose. Buy 7793
several—you'll be able to use 'cml APPLIANCE PLUG ON SALCI BUY NOW ... USE WARDS
Ai advertised in McCall's Magazine and Woman's Home Companion 3.87 You can |nirehase nny article in this
For irons, toa-l'-p,
Non-clog, 1 s m o o t h -
D K I ' K N D A I I I . K HIN'CK 18111)
nnd other linlmt' ,i|i-
plillMCCS l l | l In 1.11(10
watts, b-ss M t i l i l i .
f o r k i n g , enclosed
gears! Takes straiglit-
ail on convenient monthly terms, after
down payment. And remember, you
can open an accountat Wards with afcy
212-2H Ixithbury Ave. purchase* t<italin§><$Wif IfcoWr i nnocH
Middles!) oro, Ky. l>..*w ••**»« ,*.»**- .JM^MMWMP

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