712th Peters

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present rank.

He is presently as-
News Of Area Servicemen signed to the 711th Airborne
Ordnance Battalion of the fa-
mous llth Airborne Division By WAYNE OLIVER
Television Movie-Makers Are Switching To Color Kingsport Times-News
Sunday, Dec. 13, 1953 3-C
which is stationed at Fort Camp- Duffy's Tavern and will do the through the corning year. One Meanwhile, color TV remains
bell, Ky. NEW YORK (#)—Some of the same for Ella Raines' new Janet reason is to await further de- pected momentarily, the pros-
many months away for most set pects still are for only limited
Pvt. Kelley S. Needham, son of television movie-makers already Dean, Registered Nurse.
are switching to color so later Guild Films will switch to velopment of the parent Radio owners. With Federal Communi- color telecasting and a relative
H. S. Needham, 10 Edgewood, reruns of their programs can Corp. of America's magnetic re- cations Commission approval of trickle of sets for many months
has recently been assigned to be seen in rainbow hues when color film with • the next series cording of color TV. regular color operations ex- to come.
the llth Airborne Quartermaster { of Liberance programs, on which
Parachute Supply and Mainte- color sets are in use. shooting starts in January, and
nance Company, llth Airborne The second and third run has Is considering the same treat-

Division, Fort Campbell, Ky. Pvt. become as important for TV ment for its Life With Eliza-
Needham recently completed the films as for regular movies, and beth.
three-week basic Airborne course the producers have to. think in Screen Gems reports it Is not
at Fort Benning, Ga. , terms of the -situation months yet ready to switch to color for
Pvt. Odell W. Gray Jr., whose from now when color sets start Ford Theater but has been-doing
parents live on Route 4, Bristol, moving into homes. With color a great deal of experimental
recently joined the 40th Infan- programming at a premium in shooting and could begin at any j

try Division's 223d Regiment in the early stages, their color films time. It has been making some
Korea. Gray, formerly employed should be prime attractions all industrial films in color for TV
by the Cherokee Paint Company, over again. use, as well as color TV filmed
entered the Army in June and maZIVr television programs, a commercials.
completed basic training at! 3° producer of TV films, has Likewise, there are no imme-
Camp Polk, La. I been doing its Cisco Kid in color diate plans for color for I Love
• rfor
?r ,a1
Pvt. Virgil B. Risden, son of Mr.!|Snoots about four years. It' now Lucy. But stars Lucille Ball and
and Mrs. James T. Risden, St shoots ma'ster color films of Desi Arnaz expect to learn a lot-
Charles, Va., recently arrived i that show as well as Boston from their recently completed FROM TWO STORES OF A
Korea for duty with the 25th In Blackie, Adolph Menjou's Fa- feature length .color movie for

fantry Division. Pvt. Risden,
rifleman, entered the Army las though
vorite Story. and others, , al-
though sending out black ai
~ MGM, "The Long Long Trailer."
and. The NBC film' division, is
May and completed basic train white prints for current use. among those taking a more
Adkins Motion Pictures for Television cautious attitude and plans t
ing at Fort Jackson, S. C.
fte. Warner G. Jackson of Helen, and their 10-month-old Pvt. Lowell E. Meade, son o is shooting master color films stick to black and white fo
Blountville recently graduated daughter, Katherine Lucille De- r. and Mrs. Albert F. Mead of its upcoming video version of most of its filmed show
with • honors from the Eighth nise, live in Arlington, Mo.
Army's Ordnance School in Ko- Pvt. Robert L. Mullins, son of Route
rea after completing the hydra- Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mullins, arrived
1, St. Paul, Va., recentl
in Korea for duty wit
;he 40th Infantry Division. Pv
matic m a i n t e n a n c e course. Route 2, Coeburn, recently ar- vleade entered the Army las
Dry Goods-Shoes-Notions
Jackson, whose wife, Lucille, rived in Korea for duty with the tfay and completed basic train
lives in Blountville, is an in- 45th Infantry Division. Mullins, ng at Camp Breckinrldge, Ky.
structor in the 801st Ordnance who entered the Army in May, Retire Nationally Advertised Merchandise
Battalion. Before entering the was formerly stationed at Camp Pvt. Thomas E. Lowe, son o
Army in August, 1952, he was Chaffee, Ark. . tfr. and Mrs. E. R. Lowe, Rout
employed in the shipping depart- Pvt. James D. Starnes, whose , Midway, recently arrived ir
ment of the Tennessee division wift, Eva, lives on Route fl, Sorea and is serving with th
of the Mead Corporation in Greeneville, recently arrived in 25th Infantry Division. Pvt. Low
Kingsport. entered 'die Army last June am
Korea for duty with the 7th In- completed basic training at For •
ahead of AT 25* SAVING
fantry Division. Starnes, son of Jackson, S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Looney Starnes, Cicero Sane, son of Mr. and
Route 11, Greeneville, entered Mrs. Will Sane, Route 2, Greene
schedule !
the Army last June and com- ville, was recently promoted t
pleted basic training at Fort corporal while serving with th
Jackson, S. C. 3d Infantry Division in Korea
Pvt. Robert P. Dameron, son Cpl. Sane, a gunner with the 15th
of Mr. and Mrs. Emitt Dameron, Infantry Regiment's Company H
Route 1, Nickelsville, recently ar- entered the Sav» Regularly ..k
rived in Korea for duty with the 1952, and arrived Army in September
7th Infantry Division. Pvt. overseas in Profitably Her*
Dameron, a heavy-wea'pons in- Carl P.
Cregger Clement fantryman, entered the Army *„*:.(,
last May and completed basic •LJOrotny'
Jones, whose wife
at 834 N.
Pvt. Donald B. Adkins, son o training at Fort Jackson, S. C. Avenue, Hopeviile, Ga., was re-
Mrs. Fannie Adkins, Norton, re- Pvt, Robert H. Hartsock, son cently promoted to sergeant
Cut years from your
anticipated retirement day by putting
cently arrived in Korea where of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hartsock, while serving with the Army's
he Is a rifleman with the 3d In- Nickelsville, recently arrived in 712th Transportation Railway
fantry Division. He entered the Korea for duty with the 45th In- Operating Battalion in Korea
your growing cash reserves to work
with us now. Our above-average earn- WE HAVE G. E. RANGES,
Army in August, 1952, and com- fantry Division. Hartsock, who The son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl L ings, paid savers every six months, can
pleted basic training at Indian- entered the Army in January, Jones, Imboden, Va., he enterec
town Gap, Pa. was formerly stationed at Fort the Army in November, 1950.
make a substantial difference in your
savings balance over the years. See our
Sam Houston, Texas. Second ——Lt. ««.«.».o
James W. .T. Clement
Navy Ens, Harold R.- Hurt, son! JAir
of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert's. Hurt,! merForce,
fighter pilot with the U. S
reported to Camp Kil-
courteous savings officer... learn how
extra profitable saving can help you REFRIGERATORS AND
1635 Carolina Avenue, and hus-, ' N- J-. this month for as- retire sooner.
band of Mrs. Doris L. Hurt, Route signment to Air Force Europe.
hoTIrl f\f Tl^fo T"\n»«lr- T TTii«4- T» m ,,4--,

2, Taylors, S. C., is serving Lieut. Clement is the son of Dr.

.£1PI") TT1PT1T" t.n Ait" TJVif/ia TPiTHj-i *-.«

aboard the the TJSS Dortch and Mrs. H. W. Clement of Coe-
scheduled to arrive in Phila- burn, Va., and is married to the Current Rat* Of Dividend 3% Per Annum
delphia recently. former Miss Dorothy McKeehan
Serving aboard the USS Johns- of Elizabethton. He entered the Listen Every Morning, Monday Through Friday, 8:20 a.m. CHARLEY SAYS: FOR YOU BARGAIN HUNTERS,
ion participating in the Navy's Air Force as an aviation cadet
winter training maneuvers "Op- in June, 1952, received primary "KINGSPORT FEDERAL CALENDAR"—WKPT—WKPT-FM SEE HIM AT 702 BRISTOL HIGHWAY.
Owens Arnold eration Springboard" last month ' training at Greenville, Miss
was Harold E. Young, boat- He was sent Laredo, Texas, for
Sfc. Leonard Gilland, son of wain's mate third class, USN basic flying instruction in the
Mrs. J. H. Gilland, Route 1, on of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman W T-28 conventional trainer and STORE HOURS 9:00 A.M. TILL 9:00 P.M.
Greenevllle, recently graduated Young, Route 7, Kingsport. T-33 jet trainer, and in June,

from the Seventh Army Non- Sfc. James B. Stallard, son of 1953, was commissioned Second
commissioned Officer Academy J. L. Stallard, Herald, Va., was Lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force
in Munich, Germany. He com- ecently awarded the Com- Reserve. In July he received his
/pleted an intensive five-week -nendation Ribbon in Korea. He wings with the rating of jet A N D L O A N
course on military subjects was cited for meritorious service fighter pilot.. Afterward he was
•stressing leadership and initia- as motor sergeant in Battery E given 12 weeks of combat train- 230 Commerce Street Phone 3710
tive. The school is open to care- f the X Corps, 196th Field Ar- ing at bases in Arizona, He re-
fully selected non-commissioned lllery Battalion. Sgt. Stallard cently spent a 30-day furlough
officers and soldiers who have ntered the Army in May, 1949 with his parents in Coeburn.
"IETS ALL BUY DEFENSE BONDS!" 702 Bristol Highway Phone 4539
; displayed unusual ability. nd arrived in Korea last June
Pvt. Burl R. Owens, Route 3, Pvt. Luther M. Powers, son of
Church Hill, has been assigned tfr. and Mrs. Willard Powers,
to the 339th Ordnance Battalion 'ound, Va.,. recently joined the
of the XVIII Airborne Corps. He 8th Division in Germany. Pvt.

Looking for a real dea

is presently serving as Parts owors, an infantryman, enter-
.Specialist in the 41st Ordnance d the Army in June and com-
' Company. jpleted basic training at Fort
George R. Arnold, Route 4, Jackson, S. C.
Church Hill, has been assigned of Pvt. Paul Franklin, grandson
Mrs. S. M. Ledford, Johnson
Jo the 339th Ordnance Battalion •Gity, is serving with the Army's
fof the XVIII Airborne Corps. He headquarters in Alaska. Pvt.
jis presently serving in the 369th
•.Ordnance Company, D. S. Franklin entered the Army last
May and completed basic train
j Cpl. Alvin E. Cregrger, whose ing at Camp Pickett, Va.
Wife, Ida Alaice lives in Gate Howard R. Peters, whose wife,
City, in serving with the Armed Mary Aileen, lives in Rogersvllle,
Forces. He attended Washington was recently promoted to ser- Naurs the f/me
to sawe money !
school in Kingsport and high geant while serving with the
'school at Fort Worth, Texas.
, First Lt. Richard D. Denise, Army's 712th Transportation
Railway Operating Battalion in
rson of Mr. and Mrs. Garet De- Korea. Sgt. Peters is the son of
nise, 616 West Ravine Road, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Peters, Route
.graduated recently from the 12- 1, Corryton. He was with the
;week Engineer Equipment Main- Southern Railroad before enter-
,tenance Course at the Engineer ing the Army in March, 1952.
{School, Fort Belvoir, Va. Lt. De- Cpl. Virgil Godsey, son of Mr
nise is a graduate of Webster and Mrs. Vernon Godsey, Route
Today's local delivered price of the
.Groves High School. His wife, 2, was recently promoted to his
2-Door, 6-Pasw.nger Sedan Model 48D (illustrated)

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Present users of all types of intercom systems are good
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-in be held
Bristol Highway At Sullivan Phone 300

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