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all the returning users between Feb.1 to Feb.7, 2015, got 48 percent of its sessions from social. However, social had the highest
bounce rate, 80 percent, and the second lowest average pages per session, 1.2.
Compared to the previous chart of all sessions, 29 percent of the returning users visit the website by Direct, which is higher than that of the all
sessions (22 percent). Moreover, Direct from returning users has a lower channel bounce rate (42 percent) than that of the all sessions (66
Sessions by Trac Source
Feb.1, 2015 through Feb.7, 2015
100% (90,764)
0 (328)
7% (6,352)
16% (14,436)

29% (26,246)

48% (43,305)

Paid Search

Bounce rate

Pages/ session By













Organic Search

The table below is based on returning users. Returning users are somehow familiar with
the website, which may explain that 65.74 percent of the sessions coming from branded

The bounce rate for branded keywords is 61 percent, lower than that of unbranded
keywords (70.12 percent). The data could also explain that returning users know the
website beVer, and are loyal to it to some extent.

Top landing page (1)

Bounce rate: 37.28%

Pages per session: 2.75

Top landing page (2)

Bounce rate: 88.47%

Pages per session: 1.13

The rst top landing page is the home page of the Its bounce rate is 37.28
percent, which is much lower than that of the second top landing page (88.47
percent). The second top landing page is a story. When people nishing reading
the story on a web page,they usually close it. At this point, the high bounce rate of
the second top landing page (88.47 percent).
As for the rst top landing page, the home page of has 2.75 pages per
session. As a home page,it usually func[ons as an index that aVracts users and
leads them to as many sub-pages as possible. I suggest that the website resign the
menu sec[on on the home page. For the current design, it is quite succinct, but
less aVrac[ng.

Persona of a returning user

1. How o^en do you par[cipate your communitys events?
2. During your school [me, how many clubs do you join? What are they?
3. What types of news do you like? Art & culture; Business & economic; Public aairs;
4. Whats your favorite weekend ac[vity?
5. Which foreign country do you want to visit most?
6. How o^en do you use recycled bags per month when shopping?

Allen lives in Downtown L.A. and is looking
for an interna[onal volunteer organiza[on
in Europe where he can gain volunteer
experience before applying for college.

Fiona lives in Santa Monica, and is working

for a church event. She is looking for some
accidents that may happen in the
neighborhood, such as home-violence ,
and she can oer help.

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