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Plant Maintenance – Overview of Plant

Maintenance (PM)

This component contains the functions for Plant Maintenance. Plant

Maintenance comprises the following activities:

• Inspection of all measures which establish the actual condition of a

technical system
• Preventive maintenance
• All measures which maintain the ideal condition of a technical system
• Repair all measures which restore the ideal condition of a technical
• Other measures taken using the maintenance organization


Through integration with other modules (for example, Materials Management,

Production, Sales and Distribution, Personnel Management, and Controlling)
the data is always kept current and processes that are necessary for Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service are automatically triggered in other areas
(for example, a purchase requisition for non-stock material in the Materials
Management/Purchasing area).

1. Technical Objects

If maintenance is to be set up properly at a company, it is necessary to

structure the existing technical systems on the basis of technical objects.

Advantages of structuring:

• The time required for managing the technical objects is reduced.

• Maintenance processing is simplified.
• The time spent entering data during maintenance processing is
reduced considerably.
• More specific, thorough and faster evaluation of maintenance data
Functional Location

2. Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance should maintain the high availability of technical

systems, for example, production plants, in the long term.


You can only use this component in conjunction with the following

• Equipment and/or Functional Locations

• Maintenance Orders

For performance-based preventive maintenance, you must also select the

'Measuring Points and Counters' component.


You can use this component to:

• Store activities to be performed, in the form of maintenance task lists

• Define the extent of preventive maintenance and inspection work and
when it should be performed at pieces of equipment and functional
• Define the frequency of recurring maintenance and service tasks,
o Time-based or counter-based
o Time-based and counter-based

• Define the cost-based assignment of preventive maintenance and

inspection activities from the start
• Make a cost preview of preventive maintenance and inspection work to
be performed in the future
Task Lists

Maintenance task lists describe a sequence of individual maintenance

activities which must be performed repeatedly within a company. Task lists are
used to standardize these recurring work sequences and to plan them more
effectively. Many manufacturers deliver their technical objects together with
maintenance task lists; these task lists are, however, frequently created within
the company itself.

Activities for a technical object include for example

• Inspections
• Maintenance
• Repairs
Maintenance Planning

Ensuring a high availability of objects in the long term is an important part of

Plant Maintenance. Planned maintenance is used to avoid system
breakdowns or the breakdown of other objects, which - in addition to the
repair costs - often result in much higher costs subsequently owing to
production breakdown.

There are many benefits in using planned maintenance within your company.
It is the generic term for inspections, preventive maintenance and planned
repairs, for which the time and scope of the work can be planned in advance.

In addition to internal company aspects for planned maintenance, external

factors should also be considered. An increasing number of conditions set by
legislative bodies demand more stringent requirements on planned monitoring
and maintenance of objects. External requirements can be:

• Manufacturer recommendations

The manufacturer of your technical objects may recommend certain

procedures to ensure that the objects always function optimally.

• Legal requirements

There may be labor protection laws or laws concerning the

safety of objects which require you to maintain your technical
system on a regular basis.

• Environmental requirements

Effective planned maintenance can also help to prevent

breakdowns which could lead to environmental hazards.

Another reason for planned maintenance is the need for quality assurance,
since, for example, the quality of products manufactured at a technical system
is substantially affected by the operating condition of the production plant.

It is also often more cost-effective to maintain objects regularly, and therefore

prevent a much more expensive breakdown. You can determine the data
required for this using past data supplied by the system.

The Maintenance Planning component is integrated with the following

components and sub-components of the SAP System:

Plant Maintenance application component

• Maintenance task lists

• Maintenance orders
• Maintenance notifications
• Work Clearance Management

Customer Service application component

• Service orders
• Service notifications

Materials Management application component

• Service procurement
• Service entry sheets

Quality Management application component

• Inspection characteristics
• Inspection lots

Sales and Distribution application component

• Outline agreements

3. Maintenance Processing

Maintenance Notifications

You use this application component in maintenance processing in the event of

a malfunction or exceptional situation to:

• Describe the exceptional technical condition at an object

• Request the maintenance department to perform a necessary task
• Document work that has been performed
Maintenance notifications document maintenance tasks completely, and make
them available for analysis in the long term. You can use them for preliminary
planning and execution of tasks.


Maintenance processing for unplanned tasks can be divided into the following
three major areas:

• Description of the object condition

The main element in this area is the maintenance notification. It is

used to describe the condition of a technical object or to report a
malfunction at a technical object and request that the damage be

• Execution of the maintenance tasks

The main element in this area is the maintenance order. It is used to

plan in detail the execution of maintenance tasks, trace the progress of
the work performed, and to settle the costs for the maintenance tasks.

• Completion of the maintenance tasks

The main element in this area is the maintenance history. It is used to

store the most important maintenance data on a long-term basis. You
can call up this data at any time for evaluation purposes.

You can use this instrument to process all the tasks that are executed within
Plant Maintenance, and operations that do not belong directly to Plant
Maintenance, such as investment, modifications, conversions, and so on.

Orders form an important part of the detailed planning of tasks and their
accompanying documentation in Plant Maintenance or Customer Service.

A technician on site must execute tasks at a technical object. For this,

materials, utilities and staff must be planned and costs estimated. The order
supports you with these tasks, since it primarily contains data for planning and
executing tasks, which must be performed at the technical object in question.

Implementation Considerations

You can also supplement them with notifications. However, it is not necessary
to use notifications in order to use orders.


The extensive functions available for orders are supplemented through

integration with the following application components:

Materials Management (MM)

• Representation of all the processes required for the management of

parts or materials
• Management of repairable spares to be refurbished

a. Order Types

The order type is a classification characteristic for orders. It consists of control

information that is important for managing orders.

The order type is client-based. This means that each order type can be used
in all controlling areas.


Order types are primarily used to group orders according to application

components. More detailed structuring also considers the realization and
subsequent processing options of individual orders.

For example, the following order types are available in the standard system:

• PM01 for maintenance orders (PM)

• PM04 for refurbishment orders (PM)
• PM06 for investment orders (PM)
• SM01 for service orders (CS)

b. Order Processing: Internal Processing

c. Order Processing: External Processing

d. Order Processing: Refurbishment of Repairable Spares

4. Single and Composite Roles in Plant

a. Maintenance organization
a.1 Maintenance Manager – Section Head


The maintenance manager is responsible for Plant Maintenance, its budget

and the costs arising from maintenance activities. The maintenance manager
monitors all the maintenance activities in an organization and holds sole
responsibility for revisions.

The maintenance manager is responsible for all the employees in the

maintenance department. This responsibility includes recruitment decisions
and assigning tasks to service providers and suppliers.

The maintenance manager:

• Monitors the maintenance budget

• Decides on the strategies and technologies to be used together with
the plant engineer
• Analyses the economic viability of the technical systems
• Draws up statistics and performs analyses (for example, with reference
to breakdowns and costs)
• Monitors the key performance indicators (KPIs)
• Draws up cost center reports as well as breakdown and maintenance
• Displays notifications, orders, master data, and maintenance plans
• Holds responsibility for ensuring that laws and regulations are
• Sets the conditions for external companies

The maintenance manager is directly responsible to the company

The maintenance manager is superior to the maintenance engineer,
maintenance planner, maintenance supervisor, and technician in the company

a.2 Maintenance Planner - Supervisor


The maintenance planner is responsible for planning maintenance tasks

based on incoming malfunction reports. The maintenance planner sets up
orders, and plans the type, scope, resources, and deadlines of the necessary
tasks with regard to operational constraints.

The maintenance planner can also be known as a work scheduler.

The maintenance planner:

• Accepts malfunction reports

• Sets up orders
• Assigns order-related budgets
• Plans work, material, deadlines, personnel, and costs, as well as
external services and material
• Coordinates maintenance activities with Production
• Approves orders
• Works out the weekly timetable
• Draws up long-term planning
• Monitors the deadlines for notifications, orders, completion
confirmations, and maintenance work
• Monitors and regulates available capacity, capacity requirements, and
capacity planning for employees in the workshop
• Plans the structure of revisions (with the maintenance engineer, if
• Analyses possibilities for reducing order execution times (critical path)
• Commissions external companies
• Enters actual times and material consumption, as well as measurement
documents and technical confirmation data

The maintenance planner reports to the maintenance manager.

The maintenance supervisor and technician execute the work planned. The
maintenance planner works closely with the maintenance engineer.
a.3 Maintenance Engineer - Foreman


The maintenance engineer draws up construction blueprints for technical

systems and monitors their construction, functional efficiency, and
maintenance. The maintenance engineer is also responsible for entering and
managing master data, bills of material, and maintenance plans for these
technical systems. The maintenance engineer helps to decide which
maintenance procedure is used and supports the maintenance planner with
their tasks.

The maintenance engineer:

• Plans and monitors new developments and modifications to systems

• Enters and manages maintenance-related documents
• Specifies the services to be requested externally and materials for
• Processes vendor quotations
• Supports the maintenance planner
• Enters and manages maintenance master data
• Creates maintenance plans and task lists
• Performs weak-point analyses

The maintenance engineer reports to the maintenance manager.

The maintenance engineer enters and manages the data, on which the work
of the maintenance planner and maintenance supervisor is based. The
maintenance manager uses this data to create evaluations and analyses.

a.4 Maintenance Supervisor- Supervisor


The maintenance supervisor is responsible for ensuring that maintenance

work is executed correctly and on time. As the direct contact person for
technicians, external companies, and maintenance planners, the maintenance
supervisor oversees the daily work in the workshop. The maintenance
supervisor also monitors order-related budget allocations to ensure they are
not exceeded and operational regulations in processing.

The maintenance supervisor:

• Draws up the daily planning for individual technicians

• Organizes breakdown maintenance
• Coordinates absences (for example, absence through illness)
• Processes notifications and orders
• Prints and distributes shop papers
• Enters actual times and material consumption, as well as measurement
documents and technical confirmation data
• Ensures that deadlines are met
• Monitors order-related budget allocations
• Communicates directly with external companies and accepts their
• Monitors the quality of the work performed

The maintenance supervisor reports to the maintenance planner and

maintenance engineer.

The maintenance supervisor oversees the implementation of the weekly

timetable drawn up by the maintenance planner.

a.5 Technician – Maintenance Personnel


The technician executes the daily maintenance work that is due. The actual
job title or description depends on the specific work involved (for example,
mechanic or electrician).

The technician:

• Display orders (for example, to check the availability of material)

• Withdraws materials from the warehouse
• Executes planned and unplanned maintenance work
• Enters actual data for the work performed
• Creates new notifications

The technician reports to the maintenance supervisor.

b. Plant Maintenance (PM) – Roles

b.1 Processing of Work Centers


This role contains all the functions that you require to process work centers.

Activities in Plant Maintenance (PM)

The following activities are available with this role for processing work centers:

• Creating/changing/replacing a work center

• Creating/changing a hierarchy
• Creating/changing capacity
• Capacity where-used list

b.2 Processing of Functional Location


This role contains all the functions that you require to process functional

Activities in Plant Maintenance (PM)

The following activities are available with this role for processing functional

• Creating/changing a functional location

• Data transfer from functional location
• Taking up data transfer
• User profile for identification
• Re-usability of historical labels

b.3 Maintenance Processing

- Notification
- Order
- Confirmation/TECO

b.4 Processing of Maintenance Plans and Revisions


This role contains all the functions that you require to process maintenance
plans and revisions.

Activities in Plant Maintenance (PM)

The following activities are available with this role for processing maintenance
plans and revisions:

• Creating a maintenance plan (single cycle plan, strategy plan, multiple

counter plan)
• Changing/deleting a maintenance plan
• Creating/changing a maintenance item
• Maintenance plan costing (general, object-related)
• Processing a maintenance strategy
• Maintaining a cycle set
• Processing revisions
c. Information System (PM-IS)
c.1 Performing of Analyses


This role contains all the functions that you require to perform analyses.

Activities in Plant Maintenance (PM)

The following activities are available with this role for performing analyses:

• Performing analyses (object class, manufacturer, location, planner

group, MTTR/MTBR and so on)
• Creating/displaying/changing/scheduling a selection version
• Exception analysis
• User-defined analysis

c.2 Configuration of Information System


This role contains all the functions that you require for configuring the
information system.

Activities in Plant Maintenance (PM)

The following activities for configuring the information system are available
with this role:

• Creating/displaying/changing an evaluation
• Creating/displaying/changing an evaluation structure
• Creating/displaying/changing an exception
• Creating/displaying/changing a grouping
• Key figure retrieval
• Scheduling jobs



The training provides maintenance personnel to be well

equipped on SAP 4.7 Plant Maintenance Implementation.


At the end of the training, the participants should be able to:

1. Understandd the main purpose of SAP PM Implementation

under SAP 4.7 Module
a. Technical Objects
b. Preventive Maintenance
c. Maintenance Processing
d. Single and Composite Roles in Plant Maintenance
2. Conduct Team discussions applicable to existing
Maintenance Procedure


I. Plant Maintenance Overview

II. Management of Technical Objects
a. Functional Location
b. Equipment
III. Maintenance Processing
a. Notification
b. Order
c. Completion Confirmation
IV. Preventive Maintenance
1. Maintenance Planning
 Maintenance Plans
 Scheduling for Maintenance Plans
 Maintenance Strategies
 Cycle Sets
2. Work Scheduling
• Task Lists
V. Single and Composite Roles in Plant Maintenance
Maintenance/Technicians Responsibilities
1. Maintenance organization
a. Maintenance Manager – Section Head
b. Maintenance Planner – Supervisor
c. Maintenance Engineer – Foreman
d. Technician – Maintenance Personnel
2. Plant Maintenance (PM) – Roles
a. Processing of Work Centers
b. Processing of Functional Location
c. Maintenance Processing
d. Processing of Maintenance Plans and Revisions
3. Information System (PM-IS)
a. Performing of Analyses
b. Configuration of Information System


Lecture, Discussion, Presentation


Maintenance Supervisors & Foremen

4 hrs Discussion

Rolando G. Sarmiento
PRI-SAP PM Point Person

Requested by:

PRI-SAP PM Point Person

Noted by:


Eng’g/Mntce Sr. Manager Facilities manager

Approved by:


AVP-Support Services AVP-Operations


PRI-VP/General Manager SVP-Mnufacturing

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