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The Foundations of Early

Modern Europe, 14601559

Eugene F. Rice, Jr.
Anthony Grafton

Main argument
Before 1500, Europe imported ideas
and techniques; after 1500,
Europeans were cultural creditors.

The Printing Press

Gutenbergs printing press
Block printing and paper from China
Oil-bases ink and moveable type.
Desire for books, secular and
Printing halted corruption of the
scribe and restored classical texts to
near to original integrity.

The New Warfare

Shaped the pattern of European
political and social change.
Siege warfare altered battlefieldHundred Years War.
Emergence of infantry and portable
Arquebus worked with the pike
against cavalry
Benefitted ruler seeking to organize
large territory, from nobility to crown.

Science and exploration

Psalter World Map

16th Century Map

Ptolemy to Columbus
Ptolemys Geography. 8,000 precise
locations from 2nd CE.
Errors in Ptolemys calculations
inspired Columbus to sail westward
to China.
Ptolemy gave way to Mercator and
Ortelius and collaboration between
men occurred.
New exploration led to silver and
gold discoveries in Mexico and Peru.

Economic Expansion
New trade routes and increased
production of precious metals in
Europe paralleled population growth
stimulating other industries.
Banking flourished-Jakob Fugger.
Capitalism appeared; Industrial
production versus craft production.
Rise of merchant diversity

Humanist Culture
Humanism-Based on the study of the
classics colored by notion of human
Pathos of historical distance ancient pastmedieval-renaissance-present. Secularize
historical writing.
Thomas More-analyze different societies
and accept, reject or modify in light of
comparative knowledge

Formal education required to become

judge, governor, councilor and

Sir Thomas More

Emperor Charles V

Early Modern State

1559-European states more sovereign
than feudal.
Sovereign-makes law, unbound by law
and above law.
Royal councils, professional armies,
taxation of the peasants, rise of
councilor and bureaucratic government.
Rise of modern state enables diversity
of government to flourish

Hall and Oates

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Revolution and Reform

Most vocal critics of Catholic Church lived in Northern
Europe-public acts and money versus spiritual lives of
Martin Luther-Salvation by faith alone; not by acts. Papal
authority and sacraments invalid and no difference
between laity and priesthood. No link between Scripture
and tradition.
John Calvin-Salvation by faith alone. Predestination-the
Holy Spirit does not move equally all who hear it.
Predestination trumps all since God has decided the fate
of every man. Election does not depend on faith.
Bishops-religious leaders not administrative. Roman
Inquisition. Council of Trent-Scripture and tradition.

Counter argument.
Could the end of the renaissance
period have ushered in the modern
state in all of its complexity?

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