Guitar Chords: Major Triads

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Guitar Chords: Major Triads

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Guitar Chords: Major Triads

Guitar Lessons Main
Guitar Chords

Major Triads are a group of 3 notes from the major scale; the first or root note, the third, and fifth

Power Chords

The diagrams below show the major triad forms used on different groups of strings. The root notes are
circled in red. These triad forms are moveable up and down the guitar fretboard as long as you stay on the
same group of strings.


Major Triad Guitar Tabs

Open Chords
Major Triad, root note shown with red outline

Barre Chords
Seventh Chords
Chord Keys
Guitar Chord Tabs

Guitar Tabs for Major Triads

C Major Triads
Notes Used - C E G

29/03/2015 11:56 p.m.

Guitar Chords: Minor Triads

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Guitar Chords: Minor Triads

Guitar Lessons Main
Guitar Chords

Minor Triads are a group of 3 notes from the major scale; the first or root note, the flat third, and
fifth notes. The flat third makes the triad or chord minor.

Power Chords

The diagrams below show the minor triad forms used on different groups of strings. The root notes are
circled in red. These triad forms are moveable up and down the guitar fretboard as long as you stay on the
same group of strings.


Minor Triad Guitar Tabs

Open Chords
Minor Triads, root note shown with red outline

Barre Chords
Seventh Chords
Chord Keys
Guitar Chord Tabs

Guitar Tabs for Minor Triads

C Minor Triads
Notes Used - C D# G

30/03/2015 12:02 a.m.

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