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GCSE Sciences: Biology (AQA 4401), Chemistry (AQA

4402) and Physics (AQA 4403)

The GCSE qualifications in Sciences encourage students to be inspired, motivated
and challenged by following a broad, coherent and practical course of study. They
provide an insight into and experience of how science works, stimulating students
curiosity and encouraging them to engage with science in their everyday lives and to
make informed choices about further study and career choices.
The courses give students a firm grounding in the sciences that allow them to
progress to IB courses in the sciences in the future.
Key subject aims:

To give students a foundation in the science concepts for further study in the
subject or related areas

To give students the skills to plan practical ways to answer scientific questions
and test hypotheses

To develop the use models to explain systems and processes; develop

arguments and explanations, and draw conclusions using scientific ideas and
To communicate scientific information or ideas and scientific, technical and
mathematical language, conventions and symbols

Formal Assessment for GCSE Sciences


Teaching takes place in Units and these are tested in one hour written papers.
There are three written papers for each of the Science GCSEs.

In addition the final 25% of each GCSE is made up of a Centre Assessed Unit
that tests students skills in investigative work. This assessment happens
almost entirely within class time.

Grades range from A* to G.

Summer preparation task:

The courses for GCSE Sciences all have a common format therefore all students study the
same material at this point in the course so the Study Tasks for the students are the same no
matter which route they may take through GCSE Sciences.

Log on to the GCSE BBC Bitesize Revision website and go to the GCSE Science
The course we are taking is from the AQA Exam Board so go to: Core
Work through the material in the first section of each of the Sciences:

Biology: Nerves and Hormones

Chemistry: Metals and their Uses
Physics: Energy and Efficiency

Try to do the Revise, Activity and Test sections.

This task will give you a massive head start in the course as these topics will
be the first three for every student.

New Students arriving into Year 10 will need to complete the following sections
on bitesized to catch up on the course content they have missed in Year 9. Upon
arrival in September students will be given an examination on this content to
determine their levels of understanding

Biology: Keeping Healthy, Nerves and Plant Hormones

Chemistry: Fundamental Ideas in Chemistry and Limestone and Building
Physics: Heating and Cooling

Buy a Revision Guide for each of the AQA Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and
Physics). Use these to help you do the BBC Bitesize tasks and also to help you
through the course next year. We recommend books published by Nelson
Thornes: Physics (ISBN-13: 978-1408508343), Biology (ISBN-13: 9781408508282), and Chemistry (ISBN-13: 978-1408508312). Although other
publishers are equally as good e.g. CGP students will need to see them before
purchasing as only they have an idea which one best suits their own learning

Keen Scientists will also want to do some general reading and we suggest that
everyone (including parents) should read Bill Brysons A Short History of Nearly

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