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Newport High School

Class of 1997 Reunion Planning Meeting Agenda

• Review prior meeting minutes

• Budget
○ Photography $150
Food $4,905
Champagne $16 @ 15 $240
Print Invitations $50
Chair Sashes $113
DJ $300
Reg. Processing Fees $600
Event Programs $150
Miscellaneous $35
Name Tags $25
Signage $25
Speaker/Riser Rental $150
TOTAL $6,743/150 = $44.95 per person
• Cost of ticket
○ Early bird ticket discount
• Registration
○ Eventbrite fees are 2.5% + $0.99 per registration
○ Paypal fees are 2.9% + $0.30 per registration
• Class Gift
○ What will it be
 Digital marquee
 Scholarship
 Other?
○ How to raise funds
 Ask for donation with registration
 Silent Auction/Raffle
 Donation levels
• Tasks for new people at next meeting
○ Nostalgia Committee: Gather old photos and yearbook scans for
nostalgia table, display boards, and slideshow.
○ Invitation Committee: Search and obtain contact information
from the roster of classmates that Susan compiled.
○ Donation Committee: Solicit and compile donations for use in a
fundraising event (either silent auction or raffle) at the reunion.

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