16PF® Fifth Edition Sixteen Personality Factor™ Fifth

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16PF® Fifth Edition

Sixteen Personality Factor™ Fifth Edition

Basic Interpretive Report

Name: Sample Female

ID Number: 27756
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Date Assessed: 03/23/2005

Norm Group Combined-Gender

Copyright © 1994, 2002 Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, Inc. All rights reserved.
"16PF" is a registered trademark and "Sixteen Personality Factor" is a trademark of the Institute for Personality and Ability
Testing, Inc.

[ 2.4 / 76 / 1.1.17 ]
16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 2 Sample Female


This report is to be used in conjunction with professional judgment. The statements it contains should
be viewed as hypotheses to be validated against other sources of data such as interviews, biographical
data, and other assessment results. All information in the report is confidential and should be treated
responsibly. The 16PF Fifth Edition Administrator's Manual contains background information and a
detailed explanation about this report.


Index Raw Score

Impression Management 19 within expected range
Infrequency 0 within expected range
Acquiescence 51 within expected range

All response style indices are within the normal range.

16PF Profile

Sten Factor Left Meaning Low Average High Right Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6 Warmth (A) Reserved Warm

8 Reasoning (B) Concrete Abstract
6 Emotional Stability (C) Reactive Emotionally Stable
6 Dominance (E) Deferential Dominant
4 Liveliness (F) Serious Lively
6 Rule-Consciousness (G) Expedient Rule-Conscious
8 Social Boldness (H) Shy Socially Bold
6 Sensitivity (I) Utilitarian Sensitive
4 Vigilance (L) Trusting Vigilant
7 Abstractedness (M) Grounded Abstracted
4 Privateness (N) Forthright Private
6 Apprehension (O) Self-Assured Apprehensive
9 Openness to Change (Q1) Traditional Open to Change
4 Self-Reliance (Q2) Group-Oriented Self-Reliant
4 Perfectionism (Q3) Tolerates Disorder Perfectionistic
6 Tension (Q4) Relaxed Tense
16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 3 Sample Female

Global Factors

Sten Factor Left Meaning Low Average High Right Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7 Extraversion Introverted Extraverted

5 Anxiety Low Anxiety High Anxiety
3 Tough-Mindedness Receptive Tough-Minded
7 Independence Accommodating Independent
5 Self-Control Unrestrained Self-Controlled

For each profile below, several primary scales combine to determine the global factor score. Sometimes
a low score on a primary scale contributes to a high score on a global factor, and vice versa.
Occasionally, a primary scale score does not fall in the direction expected based on the overall global
factor score. These unusual factor combinations or conflicting scores can be revealing; it may be useful
to explore the ways in which the test-taker's behavior reflects such combinations.


Sten Factor Left Meaning Low Average High Right Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 Tough-Mindedness Receptive Tough-Minded

6 Warmth (A) Reserved Warm
6 Sensitivity (I) Utilitarian Sensitive
7 Abstractedness (M) Grounded Abstracted
9 Openness to Change (Q1) Traditional Open to Change

Tough-Mindedness is low. Ms. Female tends to value breadth and variety of experience, including
openness to different ideas, people, or situations. When approaching problems, she may focus on
subjective or emotional considerations rather than cold, hard facts.
t She often gets absorbed in ideas and thoughts.
t She is open to change and enjoys pursuing new ideas, opinions, and experiences.
16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 4 Sample Female


Sten Factor Left Meaning Low Average High Right Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7 Extraversion Introverted Extraverted

6 Warmth (A) Reserved Warm
4 Liveliness (F) Serious Lively
8 Social Boldness (H) Shy Socially Bold
4 Privateness (N) Forthright Private
4 Self-Reliance (Q2) Group-Oriented Self-Reliant

Extraversion is high-average. Ms. Female is socially participative and probably enjoys activities
involving others. Her attention is generally directed toward other people.
t Her social interactions are likely to be serious or staid.
t Because this person is often socially bold, she is unlikely to feel intimidated in group settings. She
may be relatively unaffected by insults or threats.
t When Ms. Female chooses to reveal personal matters to others, she tends to be forthright and
t Ms. Female shows a tendency to do things and make plans with others rather than alone.


Sten Factor Left Meaning Low Average High Right Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7 Independence Accommodating Independent

6 Dominance (E) Deferential Dominant
8 Social Boldness (H) Shy Socially Bold
4 Vigilance (L) Trusting Vigilant
9 Openness to Change (Q1) Traditional Open to Change

Independence is high-average. Generally, Ms. Female prefers to lead an independent and self-directed
life. Although she can sometimes be accommodating to others' wishes, she may often assert control or
be persuasive.
t This person is venturesome and expressive, especially in front of others. Extreme boldness
sometimes can be associated with a high desire for influence and attention.
t Vigilance does not appear to shape her stance on influencing or persuading others. She tends to
trust other people's motivations rather than to question them.
t She is experimenting and has an inquiring, critical mind. She tends to question traditional methods
and to press for new approaches.
16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 5 Sample Female


Sten Factor Left Meaning Low Average High Right Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 Anxiety Low Anxiety High Anxiety

6 Emotional Stability (C) Reactive Emotionally Stable
4 Vigilance (L) Trusting Vigilant
6 Apprehension (O) Self-Assured Apprehensive
6 Tension (Q4) Relaxed Tense

At the present time, Ms. Female presents herself as no more or less anxious than most people.
t She shows a tendency to be trusting and accepting of other people and their motives.


Sten Factor Left Meaning Low Average High Right Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 Self-Control Unrestrained Self-Controlled

4 Liveliness (F) Serious Lively
6 Rule-Consciousness (G) Expedient Rule-Conscious
7 Abstractedness (M) Grounded Abstracted
4 Perfectionism (Q3) Tolerates Disorder Perfectionistic

Self-Control is average. At times, Ms. Female may show the self-discipline and conscientiousness
needed to meet her responsibilities. At other times, she may be less restrained, following her own
t Her social demeanor tends to be one of caution and restraint.
t Because this individual tends to be preoccupied with ideas, she may disregard the practical aspects
of a situation.
t This individual seems to balance casualness and a tolerance for disorder with the need for
organization and structure. She may function best in an unexacting, flexible setting rather than in a
rigid system.
16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 6 Sample Female

The following scores are predictions based on empirical research with the 16PF Fifth Edition and other
criterion measures. This research is discussed in the 16PF Fifth Edition Administrator's Manual.


This individual's self-esteem is typical of most adults. Although she is often self-assured and confident,
there are other times when she may question her competence and feel insecure. Self-Esteem is average
(Sten = 6).

The degree of emotional stability shown by Ms. Female is typical of most adults. That is, most of the
time she tends to be calm and relaxed, but in demanding situations, she may be reactive or upset.
Emotional Adjustment is average (Sten = 5).

Not only is Ms. Female likely to feel quite comfortable in social gatherings, but she may initiate
contact, lead conversations, and draw attention to herself. She probably will not hesitate to express what
she needs from others. Social Adjustment is high (Sten = 8).


The following six scales pertain to the ways in which information is communicated in social
environments. The scales are broadly divided into two categories: nonverbal communication (Emotional
Scales) and verbal communication (Social Scales). Within each category, communication skills are
discussed at three more specific levels: the ability to send information (Expressivity), to receive and
interpret messages (Sensitivity), and to control information (Control). Although a person may be more
or less skilled in certain areas, overall social competence is reflected in a general balance among the six
scales below.

Ms. Female's communication is predicted to be demonstrative and forceful. That is, her emotional
displays are probably uninhibited and genuine. Her emotions are likely to be easily perceived by others,
and thus are likely to influence the emotional states of those around her. Emotional Expressivity is high
(Sten = 8).

This person may enjoy observing other people's gestures, moods, and nonverbal interactions. Thus, she
may feel comfortable interpreting people's emotional and other nonverbal messages. Emotional
Sensitivity is high-average (Sten = 7).

At times, Ms. Female may adapt her emotional displays to the given situation. At other times, she may
be unable to suppress a strongly felt emotion. Emotional Control is average (Sten = 5).

This person is probably outgoing and articulate and would often make a good first impression. She may
feel comfortable with verbal discourse and could probably join in most discussions with relative ease.
Social Expressivity is high-average (Sten = 7).
16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 7 Sample Female

Ms. Female may not be very concerned about monitoring or interpreting others' social behavior or
mannerisms. Ms. Female's self-comfort may mean that she is not overly concerned about the
appropriateness of her own actions. Social Sensitivity is low-average (Sten = 4).

This person projects a comfortable social presence. That is, she probably presents herself well in just
about any type of social situation and is likely to participate with any social group. She may consider the
appropriateness of when to speak up and when to withhold comment according to the demands of a
given situation. Social Control is high (Sten = 9).

Ms. Female is usually able to understand other people's feelings and points of view. At times, others
may seek her out for sympathy and support. Empathy is high-average (Sten = 7).


In a group of peers, potential for leadership is predicted to be average (Sten = 6).

At the client's own level of abilities, potential for creative functioning is predicted to be high (Sten = 8).
She probably has the sense of adventure, assertiveness, and orientation toward ideas that are necessary
for pursuing creative interests.

Ms. Female shows characteristics somewhat similar to persons who invest a lot of time producing novel
or original works. Should this individual choose to pursue creative endeavors, her rate of output is
predicted to be above average (Sten = 7).
16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 8 Sample Female


Different occupational interests have been found to be associated with different personality qualities.
The following section compares Ms. Female's personality to these known associations. The information
below indicates the degree of similarity between Ms. Female's personality characteristics and each of the
six Holland Occupational Types (Self-Directed Search; Holland, 1985). Those occupational areas for
which Ms. Female's personality profile shows the highest degree of similarity are described in greater
detail. Descriptions are based on item content of the Self-Directed Search as well as the personality
predictions of the Holland types as measured by the 16PF.

Remember that this information is intended to expand Ms. Female's range of career options rather than
to narrow them. All comparisons should be considered with respect to other relevant information about
Ms. Female, particularly her interests, abilities, and other personal resources.

Holland Themes

Sten Factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 Artistic
7 Investigative
7 Social
6 Realistic
6 Enterprising
4 Conventional

Artistic = 9
Ms. Female shows personality characteristics similar to Artistic persons, who are self-expressive,
typically through a particular mode such as art, music, design, writing, acting, composing, etc. Like
Artistic persons, Ms. Female may be venturesome and open to different views and experiences.
Sometimes she may be preoccupied with thoughts and ideas, which may relate to the overall creative
process. She may do her best work in an unstructured, flexible environment. It may be worthwhile to
explore whether Ms. Female appreciates aesthetics and possesses artistic, design, or musical talents.

Occupational Fields: Art

16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 9 Sample Female

Investigative = 7
Ms. Female shows personality characteristics similar to Investigative persons. Such persons typically
have good reasoning ability and enjoy the challenge of problem solving. They tend to have critical
minds, are curious, and are open to new ideas and solutions. Investigative persons tend to be reserved
and somewhat impersonal; they may prefer working independently. They tend to be concerned with the
function and purpose of materials rather than aesthetic principles. Ms. Female may enjoy working with
ideas and theories, especially in the scientific realm. It may be worthwhile to explore whether Ms.
Female enjoys doing research, reading technical articles, or solving challenging problems.

Occupational Fields: Science

Medicine and Health
Computer Science

Social = 7
Ms. Female shows personality characteristics similar to Social persons, who indicate a preference for
associating with other people. Such interactions are distinguished by a nurturing, sympathetic quality.
Ms. Female may find it very easy to relate to all kinds of people. In addition to being warm and friendly,
Social persons are typically receptive to different views and opinions. They feel most comfortable in
positions that allow for regular social interaction. It might be worthwhile to explore whether Ms. Female
enjoys working with others and having them seek her out for advice or comfort.

Occupational Fields: Teaching

Social Work
Health Services

Degree of compatibility between top two themes:

The first two themes are highly compatible, and jobs that involve both areas should be common.

Summary Statistics
# a-responses = 81 out of 170 48%
# b-responses = 16 out of 170 9%
# c-responses = 73 out of 170 43%
# missing responses = 0 out of 185 0%

A B C E F G H I L M N O Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 IM IN AC
Raw Scores 17 14 18 15 9 17 19 16 6 13 7 13 26 3 8 12 19 0 51
# Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16PF® Fifth Edition Basic Interpretive Report ID: 27756
03/23/2005, Page 10 Sample Female


1: 1 2: 1 3: 1 4: 1 5: 2 6: 3 7: 2 8: 3 9: 1 10: 1
11: 3 12: 3 13: 3 14: 3 15: 1 16: 1 17: 2 18: 1 19: 1 20: 3
21: 3 22: 1 23: 1 24: 3 25: 1 26: 1 27: 1 28: 1 29: 3 30: 1
31: 1 32: 3 33: 1 34: 3 35: 3 36: 1 37: 3 38: 3 39: 3 40: 1
41: 3 42: 1 43: 1 44: 1 45: 1 46: 3 47: 3 48: 3 49: 3 50: 3
51: 3 52: 3 53: 1 54: 1 55: 3 56: 1 57: 1 58: 3 59: 2 60: 1
61: 3 62: 3 63: 3 64: 1 65: 1 66: 2 67: 1 68: 1 69: 1 70: 3
71: 3 72: 1 73: 1 74: 3 75: 1 76: 1 77: 1 78: 2 79: 1 80: 3
81: 3 82: 3 83: 1 84: 2 85: 3 86: 3 87: 1 88: 1 89: 3 90: 3
91: 1 92: 1 93: 1 94: 3 95: 2 96: 1 97: 1 98: 3 99: 1 100: 1
101: 3 102: 3 103: 3 104: 1 105: 3 106: 2 107: 3 108: 2 109: 1 110: 2
111: 1 112: 3 113: 1 114: 1 115: 3 116: 1 117: 1 118: 1 119: 3 120: 1
121: 3 122: 1 123: 1 124: 3 125: 3 126: 1 127: 1 128: 1 129: 1 130: 3
131: 3 132: 1 133: 3 134: 3 135: 2 136: 3 137: 1 138: 3 139: 1 140: 1
141: 2 142: 1 143: 1 144: 3 145: 3 146: 2 147: 3 148: 1 149: 3 150: 3
151: 3 152: 3 153: 3 154: 3 155: 1 156: 1 157: 3 158: 1 159: 2 160: 1
161: 3 162: 1 163: 1 164: 2 165: 1 166: 3 167: 3 168: 1 169: 3 170: 3
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181: 2 182: 2 183: 2 184: 2 185: 2 186: / 187: / 188: / 189: / 190: /
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211: /

NOTE: Items 186-211 are used for the Couple's Counseling Report only.

End of Report

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