M M S O C: Etrics and Easuring Uccess in Nline Ommunications

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Metrics and Measuring

in Online

Measurement is the first step that

leads to control and eventually to
improvement. If you cant measure
something, you cant understand it.
If you cant understand it, you cant
control it. If you cant control it, you
cant improve it
- H. James Harrington

Online Measurement look like the way of

sustaining your love

Metrics in 5 Easy Steps

Step 1: Identify Your Ultimate goal
Step 2: Priorities
Step 3: Understand yourself
Step 4: Choose the best for yourself
(What to Measure & Tools)
Step 5: Keep tracking your lover

Step 1:: How is your love look like.

Same as define your business objective

Generate more word of mouth

Improve public relations effectiveness

Increase customer loyalty

Reduce customer acquisition costs

Bring outside ideas into organization

Reduce customer support costs

Increase product/brand awareness

Reduce market research costs

Improve new product success ratios

Reduce product development costs

Step 2: Prioritize & Identify Goals

Prioritize the Business Objectives in order
of importance
What keeps your lover up at night?
What are the competitive threats?
This identifies goals to measure

What is mother in law looking for??

The Top Measurements

CEOs find Most important

Source:: SearchMojo

So let you dene metrics frameworks via Paid / Own/ Earn modeling




Step 3:
Do you know yourself enough?






on Paid media




DISPLAY Web Banner in Standard & Rich Media Format

For better understanding of display ad formats, please refer to (2) DISPLAY > 1. Display Advertising Deck

Standard Ad/ Rich Media/ Ad Network

Standard ads: A Standard banner consists of a

GIF or Flash file that loads together with the
page. It never leaves or expands out of the
banner space that it is served into.

Rich Media ads: Flash Interactive in page, out

of page, over the page.

Type of Rich Media

Polite Banner

VDO Wall

Floating Banner


Expandable Banner


Understand your Own Space

Owned Spaces are spaces that you can control i.e. corporate / product website, official fan pages,

campaign microsite etc. Owned Spaces is where you provide relevant / in-depth information about
your brand / product to user who actively seeking.


Earned / Generated Spaces

Earned or Generated spaces is when youve done something really cool or interesting that
people want to use their own media to tell others about it, and hence you earn media*.

Source: http://danielgoodall.com/2009/03/02/owned-bought-and-earned-media/

Knowing about your past!!

Evolution of Digital Marketing



Basic information
with limited depth

More information
expanding on existing
content & adding new
content areas

Specic content for
specic audiences.
Deeper engagement.

Integrated Digital
Engagement (IDE)!
Specic content for specic
audiences on specic

What is Integrated Engagement?!

Step 4: Choose the best for yourself

(What to Measure & Tools)

Follow you heart (business objective)

What it would be your measurement

Mixed measurement



Time Spent on site

Own asset


Bounce Rate


Activity on

Page per visit

& Reach

Conversion Rate

New Visit


Publisher / Media

Traffic sources

Time to purchase

Keep eyes on every movement

Lets change when it went down.

Step 5: Keep tracking your

lover performance.

Keep eyes on your performance by Google Analytics

Keep eyes on your lover by

What is it?
How it helps?
How it works?

Ad Serving, Monitoring and Planning Tools

Smart Planning drives efficiency in the planning & buying process.

This tools allow you to access your data and provide you with deeper
insights into your campaign. The workflow is streamlined and
automated and unnecessary overhead is eliminated. Smart
Versioning from Sizmek puts sophisticated targeting and optimization
capabilities within easy reach for every campaign and every
advertiser across any publisher in your media plan.
Charge as % of media fee

Keep eyes on your lover by

What is it?
How it helps?
How it works?

Ad Serving, Monitoring and Planning Tools

Smart Planning drives efficiency in the planning & buying process.

DoubleClick Digital Marketing (DDM) is an integrated adtechnology platform that enables agencies and advertisers to
more effectively create, manage and grow high-impact digital
marketing campaigns. DDM integrates world-class solutions to
help buyers run holistic campaigns across multiple channels.

Charge as CPM

Possible Campaign KPIs

Brand Awareness
Looking for maximum reach

Consideration & Brand Favorability

User engagement

Drive Conversions
Direct response, actions, sales

Consumer loyalty

Features to use

Reports to pull

-Rich Media Banners

-Engagement reports
-AB Testing for creatives to guage which concept works better in 2 -Detailed Video metrics reports
difference audiences
-Geo Targeting for maximum, impactful reach
-Product summary reports (target
audience reports)
- Rich Media Banners - data capture, polling features
-Engagement reports
- AB Testing for creatives to gauge which concept works better in 2 -Detailed Video metrics reports
difference audiences
-Product summary reports (target
audience reports)
-Conversion Tagging on clients pages sales tag for sales
-Conversion summary report
conversions / counter tags for actions on page
-Setting a CPA target on each conversion tag
-ROI Summary Report
-Purchasing media via our Smart Trading offering- buy audience not
media J
-Retargeting tags usage to expose interested audience/ new
audience with targeted creative messaging/promo
-Smart Versioning to provide multiple creatives production
effortlessly & efficiently

-Engagement reports
-Detailed Video metrics reports
Product summary reports (target
audience reports)
-Creative Summary Report

What Can Be Measured with Rich Media Ads?

Click-Trough Rate
Total clicks / impressions
shows how many people
went from the ad to a
predefined site

Video Played
Rate (25%, 50%,
75%, 100%)
From all Videos that
were started which
percentage reached the 25%,
50%, etc mark

Ad Duration
The average time a
user was exposed to
an ad (in seconds)

Full Screen
The number of
videos that were
viewed in full

Interaction Rate
Number of positive
interactions / impressions
(Could be more
than 100%)

Video Muted
The number of times the
video was muted by
users out of video

Video Duration
Average number
of seconds the
video played

User Initiated
Expansion Rate
Number of panels
that were expanded
by users / impressions
(Could be more
than 100%)

Engagement Calculation

Other social

Thank you

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