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Jaime Sanchez

Maria Silva
Workplace Skills

This semester in Workplace Skills class has been an interesting one. There were a
variety of lessons that I learned about and gained more information on these last two quarters.
One specific one is when we learned how to act and dress appropriately during a job interview.
Something specific that I got out of that was that it isnt always necessary to really dress up for
an interview, depending on the job youre being interviewed for of course. For example, youre
not going to dress up in a suit and tie for an interview at McDonalds. As obvious as it may
seem, I never really knew how to exactly dress for an interview for a job that wasnt too formal, I
knew not to go in such a fancy get up but not really how to dress. This lesson taught me that a
simple get up such as khakis and a button up would do, which is exactly what I needed to know,
Something else I learned this semester was how to act during a problem in your
workplace area. You need to remain calm and not add any more fuel to the situation. No matter
what, even if the other person involved in the situation is at fault, or acting completely out of
hand, you remain calm and help resolve the problem. This would allow you to gain more trust
from your managers/supervisors and itd give you a better image. If you know how to properly
handle a situation, whether it be an angry customer or obnoxious employee, youll get far in your
job and various other employers and workplace areas will hear about you causing them to be
even more accepting of you if you are ever to apply there.

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