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From: To: board@bethesdafire.

Sent: 6/12/2015 10:27:34 Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: RE: Letters of support for Planning Board Staff Bethesda Sector Plan

I am sending this as a reminder to please get the support letters into

Casey Anderson. In case you dont have them the talking points
are listed below.
The overarching theme is: We support the Bethesda Fire
Departments development goals in order to be able to continue to
deliver, in partnership with the County, outstanding fire and rescue
service to our community.
Talking points
The BFDs volunteer community represented Board is charged
with the responsibility to work with Mty Cty in a partnership to
ensure that the Greater Bethesda area has the best fire and rescue
service available.
Station 6 at the corner of Bradley and Wisconsin Avenue is a
facility that is crucial for fire protection for Bethesda, Chevy
Chase, and south of Bradley and surrounding areas
Station 6 is approaching its 50 th anniversary.
Bethesda is growing and has increasing need for fire and rescue
BFD is considering its options to make certain that the excellent
service provided currently by Station 6s personnel and equipment
continues as Bethesda grows
BFD realizes that tax payer money is limited to enable BFD to
build a new facility to accommodate the increasing need for fire
and rescue services in the future

We need the option to coordinate with private developers to build

the new facility which will be needed to provide the growing
community with needed services
The sector plan which has been presented provides a good start to
helping BFD to accomplish its goal to have an option to co op with
a developer to build a new station with private funds. This concept
is gaining interest in other areas where tax money is limited and
needs for public facilities are increasing.
The ability to serve Bethesda from the south and to also serve the
area from Bradley to the DC line is crucial for the well being of
this area. BFD is devoted to insuring that this is accomplished.
For those who intend to ask for letters of support for the staff
recommendations. They should be received by the Planning Board by
June 23. They should be directed as follows:

Mr. Casey Anderson

Montgomery County Planning BoardM-NCPPC8787
Georgia Ave.Silver Spring, MD 20910
Please send a copy of the letter so we know it went.

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