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Mission Statement: Our mission at XXX is to create an atmosphere that nurtures

students diverse learning styles, cultivates academic growth, and promotes the
building of character enabling students to positively contribute to their community.


Vision Statement:

May 14th

Build a community of learners.
Provide a Safe Nurturing Environment.
Strive to help students meet their highest academic potential.

Location: Resource Room

2:10 pm

Be on time
Follow-Up Action
Minutes will be recorded

Mr. B Mr. C
Mrs. W
Mrs. W

Discussion Topics
Review of last

Notes, actions, concerns, follow-up.

Partners for Youth follow-up, Admin walk-thrus
Principal called Partners for Youth and no response
yet. They are supposed to drop off the forms for 3
boys & 3 girls to sponser camps and no forms have
been dropped off.
Camp Glenburn
Guidance will follow up with XXX as a participant
and also follow up with Parnters for Youth.
Admin walk throughs Focus is on Planning and
Almost complete. Teachers will set up meeting with
Principal and VP to go over growth goals and their
thoughts for next year. Staffing hasnt started yet.

Big Picture Items:

Katherine visiting us from Boiestown. She is doing

her Masters degree in Admin

1.Katherine Loughrey

XX lost his mom this week unexpectedly. Guidance

called and spoke with dad.

2.XX (next step,

education fund)

An education fund is being started from Leo Hayes

& XX through the Credit Union. Donations are being
collected. We will send a donation for education
fund and this will be in trust for XX.

3.Celebration of the

Guidance spoke with XXs class and tomorrow the

class will be spending some time to put some cards
together for XX. They discussed some ways to
approach through conversation, they watched a
video, and came up with a plan for the card.
Celebration of the Arts 6:30-7:30
Two choirs, violin, band, 3 French Immersiona nd
drama will wrap it out.
Radio Stations will do announcing and the MC
portion .
Teachers come around 6pm. Students will be
placed in different classes and families will come in
through the gym.

Member Reports:

Information has been put on website and notes

have gone to the students.
Admin Report
XX will be working on our K-1, 2-3 Survey that we
developed on our council day. She will begin
working on it, Wednesday morning before sending
out to teachers before June.


Writing committe strategies will be brought up

during our staff meeting also.

-N. L. Observation
Lead Cuts
82 lead positions will be reduced to 42 positions
across Angolohohoene West.
-discipline committee

15 Literacy positions (were 38 positions). Focus

will be K-3. No more middle school positions.
There will be 4 Numercy leads Focus will be
grades 3-8
2 Science Leads (K-5 and 6-10).

-Camp Glenburne
French 4 leads (Focus will be grades 3-10).
4 Technology Leads
No more Phys. Ed Lead
1 Power Schools Person

6 Autism Workers
3 Resource Leads (Each stationed in their centers)
3 Guidance Leads (Each stationed in a center).
All leads were sent a description of what the new
job role will look like. Their expression of interest
must be expressed by Friday at 1:00pm.
K Orientation
Went well! 51/57 attended!
N.L. wasnt attended.
Resource walking over to Devon Middle
Principal will be in a meeting so Guidance will stay
at the school.
Leadership Celebration Principal attending!
XX observation on Wednesday, May 13th
His worker dosent hover. XX works with token
system. They actively ignore his negative
behaviours and reinforce the positive behaviours.
Next observation will be May 29th -

Individual Student



Discipline Committee
Discipline meeting went well. Committee looked at
a variety of discipline slips. How will we track?
Which slips will be inputed in the computer? Which
ones wont?
Thursdays staff meeting the goal is for guidance
and/or VP to do 5-10min to share what team has
Form will be two sides 1. discipline side/positive
behaviour side.
The working form will be shown (universal use) .
Still working on what the process will be once the
discipline slip has been filled out.

M.A. becoming physical to students and staff. He

has been bolting from teachers. He is very fast.
Outside he has been ramping it up, attacking
innocent bystanders.
IBSP Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19th.
Signe will email Dr. Margison to give her an update
re: development of IBSP
XX difficulty in French class. Makes quacking
noises, rips clothes.
Guidance met with Kayla to discuss strategies to
handle behaviours with XX. Guidance will send
LB started full-time today out on the playground. J
(cousin) was fantastic assisting him back in the
Items for next

L will bolt. EA will be introduced tomorrow.

1. Staff meeting next week.
2. The following week we will discuss further
staffing and N.B. observation.

Minutes completed by:

Next meeting date:
May 28th, 2015

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