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Nelson Mandela was born in Umtata on July 18th,

1918. His father, Chief Henry, married four

wives. Neither Nelsons father nor his mother
ever attended school. His father died in 1930 and
David Dalindyebo, the chief of the tribe, became
his guardian.
Mandela holds a degree from the University of South Africa, and he is a
qualified lawyer. He married Winnie Madikizela, his second wife, in 1958
and altogether he has five children.
His interest in politics started when he listened to elders of his tribe
speaking about the good old days before the arrival of the white man, when
black people lived peacefully and freely. Nelson knew then that he wanted
to serve his people in their fight against the white people. When he was
twenty-three, his guardian decided it was time for him to get married. But
Nelson escaped to Johannesburg, the capital, where he later studied law.
In 1944, Neslon joined the African National Congress. He spent about
twenty seven years in prison. After more than fifteen years of fighting for
the rights of the African people, Nelson was set free in 1989.
In 1994, Mandela became the oldest elected President of South Africa when
he took office at the age of 75. He decided not to stand for a second term
and retired in 1999. After his retirement as President, Mandela went on to
become an advocate for a variety of social and human rights organizations.

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What job did Nelson Mandela take after graduating from the university?
2. What was Nelson interested in when he was a young man?
3. Why did he escape to the capital?
4. How long did Nelson fight for the rights of the African people?

B. Fill in the table below with information about Nelson Mandela.

Place of birth
Place of study
Years in prison
Best achievement

Answer Key

1. a lawyer

2. politics
3. his guardian decided its time for him to get married- he escaped to
the capital to study law.
4. fifteen

Place of birth
Place of study
Years in prison
Best achievement

South African
University of South Africa - Johannesburg
became the president of South Africa

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