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This unit will consist of two projects.

The first, which will begin on Tuesday, will briefly

address printmaking historically. The primary focus of this lesson is to introduce reliefprinting techniques. The second project students will explore their personal connections
to Chicago and reflect this connection in an image.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.3 Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when
carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze
the specific results based on explanations in the text.
26.A.4e Analyze and evaluate how tools/technologies and processes combine to convey
26.A.5 Analyze and evaluate how the choice of media, tools, technologies and processes
support and influence the communication of ideas.
Instructional Goals
Students will recognize the significance of printmaking as an art medium.
Students will create a personalized monogram design to be transferred to a
linoleum block in order to make a relief print.
Specific objectives:
Student will use the elements and principles of art to evaluate how historically
significant artists use printmaking to convey meaning and express ideas.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of printmaking techniques by
creating a monogram relief stamp.
This lesson/unit can be connected to Social Studies because printmaking has a rich
history of exploring political and social issues.
This lesson/unit can be connected to Literature because printmaking is often used for
Power Point presentation
Vocabulary list
Font resources
Tracing paper
Only elite could read
Bell Ringer ~5
Give students a half sheet of paper as they enter
Have them write their name at the top.
Ask them to answer 2 questions written on the boardo What do you think printmaking is?
o Have you ever done any printmaking or made rubber stamps?

If yes, which one or both

Introduction ~ 5
Wrap up lesson from previous day.
Introduce printmaking unit.
o Raise hands who has done printmaking or made rubber stamps before
o Ask students to give examples of what they wrote for what printmaking is.
! Guide them to proper definition
! i.e. a way of reproducing text or images
! Where they might see it?
Textbooks, newspapers, ads, instructions/directions,
computer etc.
Power point/Discussion ~ 10 min.
o Very brief context of printmaking. Including Guttenberg Bible 1450
o What is the significance of Johannes Gutenbergs invention of moveable
type and the printing press?
! Prompt- Before printing press books were generally hand written.
! Books were very expensive and took a long time to make.
! Prompt- Only a few people (generally monks) made books.
! Only the rich and clergy could afford them the poor remained
ignorant and uninformed.
! This maintained the power of the wealthy and the church
o AFTER (Gutenberg Revolution)
Books became easier to reproduce, eventually became cheaper.
Middle class could have their own books
The power of information became more accessible
Go back to discussion from the beginning of class- where
they might see it?
Textbooks, newspapers, ads, instructions/directions,
computer etc.
! Commonalities? (Inform, persuade, illustrate, reproducibility)
! Who produces it? From what frame of power is it coming from?
Publishers, Newspaper editors, bloggers, Ad companies.
Text plays a very important part in our daily lives.
o Introduce monogram project ~ 10 min
o What is a monogram?
! a single emblematic or decorative letter; applied initial.
o Show examples of finished monogram
Explain these are done with relief printing. Pass around examples of carved
blocks. What is relief?
o Have students describe what they see. Negative space is carved away
leaving positive space to be printed.
o Give definition- Printmaking technique in which the image is
printed from a raised surface, usually produced by cutting

away non-image material. Introduce vocab words- positive and negative

space. Should know these words from earlier lessons.
Show PP video demo of relief printing. 4min.
Live demo. ~10 min.
Have students gather around the table for live demonstration of actual assignment
and modifications steps 1-6.
o Describe procedure, demo procedure,
o ask to students what step they think is next as demo progresses. (see
attachment for procedure). i.e. Q- After you draw your monogram in
your sketchbook what is the next step? A- transfer image to tracing paper
by tracing it.
o Describe vocabulary words and show examples of tools during demo.

PRINT- The actual picture the artist makes from a

printmaking process.

PRINTMAKING- The process of designing and

producing prints using a printing block, woodcut,
etching, lithographic, or screen-printing.

RELIEF- Printmaking technique in which the image is

printed from a raised surface, usually produced by cutting
away non-image material.

RELIEF PRINT- A means of making prints by creating

a raised design on a flat surface. The design is inked or
covered with color and stamped on paper or another surface.

EDITION- A set of identical prints, that are numbered and


GOUGE- In relief printing, a tool for clearing non-image

areas from a block of wood or linoleum.

LINOLEUM PRINT- A type of relief print in which the

image is cut into a piece of linoleum.

NEGATIVE SPACE- The space around and between the

subject(s) of an image. In relief printing it is the area that is cut away.

POSITIVE SPACE- The areas of an artwork occupied by forms or images; the

opposite of negative space. In relief printing methods the printed design comes
from the positive space,
Question/answer time
Provide students with font resources and a procedure handout for each table.
Objective is to do steps 1,2,3 today

Students begin drawing. ~10

Closure ~ 8
Clean up
Recap what was talked about in class
Restate expectations for lesson
Remind students what they will be doing tomorrow.
Exit slip on back of entrance slipo Rate your understanding of this assignment.
! 1- You dont get it at all
! 10- I get it, lets get started
o Comments and questions
Class participation
Students ability to demonstrate procedure discussed in class
Adaptations and Extensions
Students with disabilities will be given more time to complete project
Student aides will assist with carving linoleum block

Students who complete their monogram early can work on another block with
their last name initial or create another letter to help complete the alphabet.

The second part of this unit will address what is means to be a resident of

Step 1. Select a fonttemplate to draw

Or make one of your own!

Step 2. Use cardboard

2 X 2

drawing monogram

Step 3. Trace monogram onto tracing paper

Step 4. Important:
Place carbon paper
face down
on block.
Place monogram

face down on block

Use a small piece of
tape to hold it in place

Step 5. Trace over image with a dull pencil

color in the positive space
Make sure you trace all your lines.
Hint- the image should appear backwards
when you are finished

Step 6. Use a Sharpie to

( this is the part of the
image you want to keep)
Embellish with

Step 7. Carve away all the grey areas (negative space)

area is carved away you
Leaving the black areas (positive space)
to print!
These tools are

Step 8. When all the grey

Finished and ready

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