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Justice Gaudreau

Spanish 1
May 12,2015
panish Reflection
The most meaningful lesson I learned in spanish class was that you shouldn't let your
color bring your confidence down. Just because I am white does not mean that I can't be fluent
in spanish. I am capable of speaking whatever I want if I just put my mind and time to it. This
wasn't a lesson she taught but it was something we discussed when I brought up my color.
Spanish is a difficult language but I am confident with changing the endings to verbs. I
passed majority of my tests with eighties or up and I am proud. Changing the endings of verbs
always came easy to me and I always knew how to do it within a few seconds. That was the
easiest topic that I could process.
I would like to improve on my spanish pronunciation. I feel as if I should practice talking
over my work before presenting. I would say I need about approximately 2-3 days to go over
my project and at least go over it 20 times to get my pronunciation better. That is my goal for
next year.
My best project was my first project Como Soy Yo. It was easy because I talked about
myself in english. At the end of the year we did it in spanish which was good. I was able to
practice my sentences for a while and it was light work. That was my favorite project because I
rather talk about me than something I dont care about.
In spanish I was the silent participator and the follower. I was never confident with
speaking spanish so I would try and avoid any possible time that I had to speak. I regret that
because I know that I need the practice. The worst scenario that could of happened was a little
laughter because of mis pronunciation but nothing more harsh.Also I could've used all of the
practice I could of got. I regret being that person.

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