2015-04-30-Ess Team Meeting Minutes

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XXXXXX Elementary School

Vision Statement: Our students will be 21st century global leaders who demonstrate a passion for

Mission Statement: XXX staff in collaboration with students, families and community members is
committed to providing an environment that:
celebrates students individuality;
encourages students to make choices in their learning;
provides divers learning experiences; and
creates opportunities for students to reach their full potential


Be on time
Respect confidentiality
Be responsible for follow-up action
Record minutes

ESST- Team Members:

Ms X (Principal)
Ms. X (EST-Resource/Guidance)
Mrs. X (SIW)

Date: April 30, 2015

Discussion Topics
Review last meeting
minutes and follow up

Whole School Items

Educational Assistants

Notes, actions, concerns

Student Led Clubs began last week. All the students did
a great job leading. The basketball club will begin today.
Assembly went very well, the focus this month will be on
School Review went well, the reviewers will be back on
Tuesday to do a follow up meeting. We will talk about
recommendations after school today with the Internal
School Review Team.

Transition Meeting

Progress reports are


XXs Bus

EA requests are due at the end of the month. ESS will

focus on data collection for the next few weeks to ensure
that the requests are accurate.
Resource will check a few things out with X some
teachers have requested based on academic need
however the students needs should be met through Tier
1 and Tier 2 interventions and accommodations.
We will confirm a transition meeting for K on May 15 th at
1:35. resource, kindergarten teacher, and principal will
attend from UMES along with xx, xx and xx from District,
xx will represent the Autism agency and xxs parents will
also be present.
It is thought that it will be suggested that she have a full
time EA in Kindergarten
We determined a list of questions that we have for the
type of support that we can give her at school.
Are underway, and due to principal on Thursday for
Teachers can request for support to finish them. We will
talk about this Thursday at Staff Meeting.
Due to behavioural issues we will collaborate with the
Bus Driver to come up with a seating plan.

Individual Student

Resource, can do some lessons on bus safety with the

students on the bus.

K is back from Florida and we will have her dad in this

week to talk about her PLP, and the accommodations
that we provide for her.
Judith Marginson has requested that we put in a request
for her support in June so that she will be on the case
load in case they move over the summer.
We will ensure that she has supports through the
transition and ensure that we are currently tracking her
supports and evidence that they are effective.
Having a checking with S (SIW), and it is going well. He
is doing well one on one, however continues to have
social issues and some defiance with teacher. He can be
May need some incentive to get him to come to school.
Was in a car accident a few weeks ago, and there was
some bad blood between the parents. It was very
traumatic for him.
Resource will continue to investigate
We reviewed Ns behaviour plan to ensure that the
strategies and accommodations are being maintained. S
(SIW) will continue to collect data (ABC) so that we can
analyze it to ensure that his needs are being met.


Follow Up
Person Responsible
Resource / principal


Expected By
Guidance time with P

Data collection for EA support

Make a seating plan with Gary
Collect data for N behaviour

Check in by end of the

Due at District

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