Esl The Eight Parts of Speech and Worksheet CLM

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The Eight Parts of Speech


A word which is a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can be countable or noncountable Examples: book, horse, car, Empire State Building, house, child, dog, China,
New York
A word that is used to take the place of a noun. There are a number of pronouns, such
as subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, and demonstrative
pronouns. Examples: I, you, we, our, it, they, their, ourselves, itself, your, my, nobody,
who, which, her, his.
A word that is used to describe a noun or pronoun. There are various types of adjectives
(more Later). Examples: proud, purple, Spanish, few, this, huge, sad, happy, tired,
second, none.
A word that indicates ACTION, being, or state of being. Examples: to be, play, run,
walk, drive, study, wait, fill out, take, run, swim, dance, dream, cook, read, study, write,
speak, listen, wilt
A word used to describe a verb which tells how, where, or when something is done.
Examples: carefully, often, very, intelligently, quite, too, rarely, never, always, quickly,
slowly, quietly, softly, comfortably, unknowingly, thoughtfully, genuinely, peacefully,
suspiciously, patiently, lovingly, supposedly, practically, actually
A word that is used to join words or groups of words. Conjunctions are used to connect
two sentences into one more complex sentence. Examples: and, but, or, neither,
because, while, since, although. (The student studied and practiced often, and she
passed the test).
A word used indicating the relationship between a noun or pronoun to another word.
They often tell us where something is located. There are numerous prepositions in
English used in a variety of ways. Examples: in, on, near, until, to, from, after, beyond,
across, toward, behind, next to, through, under, below, beside

A single word or phrase that is used to express strong emotion. Examples:
Wow!, Oh no!, OMG!
Exercise: Please indicate which part of speech the underlined word(s) is/are in
the following sentences:
1. The teachers shoes are brown.
2. I always drive to school.
3. She looked for the green attendance book.
4. He brought the letter for his N400 application to The International Institute.
5. She practiced talking in English with her classmate.
6. Citizenship students must know the N400 vocabulary words and what the
definitions mean.
7. He was late for school that day.
8. It is very important not to interrupt or disturb the class when others are trying to
9. He listened carefully when the teacher spoke to him.
10. If you come to class regularly and practice your N400 vocabulary and history
questions, you will do well on the Citizenship Interview/test.
11. She looked lovingly at her daughter.

Citizenship N400 vocabulary and Parts of Speech Worksheet A

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