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Prior to School Opening

Introductory Tasks

Compose and send introductory letters to parents and staff

Meet with PTO President and Board
Meet with Secretaries, Custodians, and Food Service personnel
Host an event to meet school families
Schedule individual meetings with staff
What do we do great?
What are our opportunities for growth?
What systems/traditions are you most proud of?

Leadership Tasks
Familiarize myself with school Mission Statement and Vision
Host an optional staff meeting for all who can attend
Plan the first Professional Development activities
Management of Systems & Traditions Tasks

Conduct a safety inspection of the building.

Review all safety drill procedures (e.g., fire, severe weather, lockdowns)
Develop a plan for weekly communication with staff and stakeholders
Work on master schedule

1st Month of School

Introductory Tasks

Classroom visits for introductory purposes

Welcome Back/Introductory School Assembly
Be visible around building; before, during, and after school
Attend PTO meeting

Leadership Tasks
Review student demographics including enrollment, attendance, gender ratios, ethnicity,
free and reduced lunch populations, inclusion rates, students with special needs, and
school discipline data
Gather information for Curriculum Night
Work on morning announcements
Plan for first staff meeting
Document Review Including review of building budgets, handbooks and board policies,
previous years staff and PTO meeting minutes, staff evaluations, student achievement
data, School Improvement Plan, and students with intervention data

Start grade level meetings

Management of Systems & Traditions Tasks
Meet with crisis response team and review the procedures in crisis management plan
Make contact with representatives from the teachers union
Educate myself on schools M-Step and Common Assessment practices

2nd Month of School

Leadership Tasks

Attend PTO meeting

Continue grade level meetings
Be visible throughout the school, lunch room, recess, hallways, and classrooms
Actively support the teachers in any way possible

Management of Systems & Traditions Tasks

Work on school wide events, i.e. Halloween Parties/Parade and Fun Run
Familiarize myself with conferences schedule and execution

Throughout the 1st Year

Leadership Tasks
Engage the parents to be sure they are integrated in the success of the school
Develop and execute Professional Development sessions and staff meetings that are
valuable and efficient
Continue meetings with grade levels and individual teachers to gain feedback
Develop relationships with students, parents, and staff
Find my leaders in the building, including students and teachers, and find areas where
they can lead and flourish
Listen to whomever wants to talk and learn from whomever wants to teach
Management of Systems & Traditions Tasks
Familiarize myself with M-Step schedule and execution
Learn the culture, i.e. school events, extra-curricular offerings, and traditions

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