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The American Revolution

By Alex Soumilas

All About The American Revaluation

It was back in the day when the USA did not
exist.What we now know as the USA was
known as the thirteenth colonies.The
thirteenth colonies were ruled by England at
the time.Instead of being called Americans
back then we were called colonists.
Everyone was enjoying there regular ordinary
in Boston when a group of kids came up to
the red coats (the British).The group of kids
were starting to get on the red coats
nerves.The red coats said to stop but the kids
didn't stop.The red coats yelled stop but at the
same time a group of adult colonists came by
and asked why they were yelling at the
kids.All the colonists in the area knew what
was going on.The colonists started a riot
because the red coats were being
disrespectful to the kids.

The red coats are supposed to just stand

there and take the yelling.this is called the riot
act. The riot act is when if a riot breaks out the
redcoats stand there having to refrain from
any violence for an hour.But what makes this
moment so remembered isn that before an
hour there was already violence.Five people
got shot and died including a free black
man.Everyone got mad because the redcoats
broke the rules of the riot act.this is what
started the revolutionary war(The American

The minute men

(Colonists) were
ready for one of the
first batles of the
revolutionary war.this
was the battle of
Lexington and
Concord.England had
a bigger army than
the minute men.but
the battle went on for
so long they England
forfeited the battle.not
only did the colonists
win the first battle
none of the colonists
were killed.

Everyone was wishing

themselves a merry Christmas
but meanwhile Thomas da train
and his roommate Christopher
were ready to attack at
midnight.They both had there
muskets under there
beds.Christopher woke up
Thomas the train at
midnight.They both got there
muskets. And walked down the
stairs to the front door.They
turned the front door nob and
heard a loud
screech.shhhhhhhhh Thomas
da train said quietly.The door
opened they both took one step
out the door and with a loud gun
fire saw black.

The battle of Trenton is important because it

was a successful sneak attack,it made the
British see the colonists as a threat,and
because it gave the colonists confidence.
The battle of Trenton is important because
they made the British see the colonists as a
threat.The minute m n were not doing so well
in the war and once they won the British
though maybe we won't win this war.
The battle of Trenton is important because it
gave the colonists confidence.They won a
battle witch is something you don't see very
often back then.
The battle of Trenton is important because it
was a successful sneak attack.No minute
men were killed during the sneak attack.
I hope now you know why the battle of
Trenton is important because it was
successful,I gave them confidence,and it
made them see the colonists as a threat.

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