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Brandon Aguilar

The Metamorphosis

Diego White
Read on 1
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka pictures the alienation of people in a capitalistic
society. Gregor, the protagonist, who is a traveling salesmen who is the sole provider of his
family wakes up as a bug. He acts as if nothing has happened and has an indifferent attitude.
He losses his job and becomes unable to provide for his family. Because of this his family ends
up not wanting him. Gregor came to the conclusion that he isnt wanted so he decided to give
up and die. His family then left him and the house they were living in to live for themselves.
Gregors most notable and prominent problem is that turns into a bug. His bug
appearance come with negative consequences that . Towards the end of the part 1 after Gregor
is asking the office manager to put good word in for him because he cant work anymore his
father immediately starts to beat him with a broom. Even though his son has somehow
transformed into a bug and is disabled in many ways he cares more about Gregor not having a
job than his well being. When Gregor needs support the most from his family the most it is them
who turn their back on him. Being betrayed by his family even though he supported all 3 of them
is a heartbreaking problem he undergoes.
Gregor is supposed to represent the commonwealth, the everyday person who lives in a
capitalistic society. Kafka wrote this story in order to show people how this system has people
alienated and too focused on making money. This notable quote, He was a tool of the boss,
without brains or backbone (Kafka) shows how Gregor was as a worker. Kafka wants to show
us how we look like when we become overly dedicated to work and willingly exploited by the
system in order to meet social pressures; in the book these social pressures would be
supporting his family. Though Kafkas message is full of eeriness, what he has to say is
definitely something to consider.

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