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Facing History reflection

1. Describe the Facing History activity.

On Field Day what we did is participate in teamwork building activities in our
designated groups. There was a friendly competition between the many different
groups to serve as an incentive.

2. What did you notice during this activity?

The energy of a group is vital to the success of a group. My groups energy
wasnt as prominent as the others and because of that there was a major and
notable difference in our groups performance and others. The other groups had
much more energy and because of it proved to be a more challenging competition.

3. How did the activity feel?

Activities were physical. Because of this we were forced to partake in acts
which required support and encouragement.

4. What did you learn?

I never realized how important relationships are in group activities. Having
the ability to have strong relationships adds positively to the groups atmosphere,
energy and willingness to participate.
5. What did you contribute?
When I was in the groups I helped make people more comfortable with each
other. I made sure that people werent afraid to interact. My efforts helped my group
become more proactive. I was limited because I recently had my wisdom teeth
pulled and I didnt want to risk breaking my stitches.
6. What are you left wondering about?
What are other ways to build strong relationships?

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