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Debt Behavior of NU Students

Research Title

Submitted By:
Pring, Alexandra
Alayon, Jasmin
Parba, Jessica
Manubay, Felix

Submitted To:
Prof. Reevan Quedado
Humanities, Social Sciences, and communications

February 28, 2015

The purpose of this study is to know how NU student handles their finances. Our
study aims (1) how often an NU student borrows money. (2) The reason of students to
borrow money. (3) How does this affect their academic performances.

Data were collected from 20 male and 20 females having a total number
of 40 college students. We conducted our survey at National University. The 40
participants in this research are from 9 different colleges in the university from
different year level.

In order to have precise information we gathered data in the use of survey
Our survey question contains demographic profile for us to be able to
know the necessary data on the participants. There are 2 parts in a form of Likert
scale: (1) that covers the knowledge of our respondents about handling their
allowances and; (2) a ten questions survey that covers the spending habits of a
college student.
We handed out our printed questionnaire to our respondents. We gave
them approximately 5-7 minutes to answer the survey scrupulously.
In choosing our respondents, we use convenience sampling method
because it is fast, inexpensive, easy and the subjects are readily available.
Respondents were also selected because of their convenient accessibility and
proximity to the researcher.

In this part we tally the answers of our respondents to know the affects in
students allowance that push them to have debt. Also to find out how these
debts affects their academic performances.
We used the mode analysis because we get the total of the answers: Very
Important, Important, Less Important and Not Important of girls and boys in every
statement. And we did that way also of the other Survey Question who answered:
Always, Sometimes, Often, and Never. We tally all the answers in every
statement by adding the number of respondent who answered the different
choices. And we divide it to the number of our respondents to know the overall
effects of NU Students Having Debt.

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