Collegevisitreflection 2 Sophmore

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Name: Brandon Aguilar

Date of Visit:

College/University Visited: PC

Campus Location: Providence

With whom did you attend this event? Saturday Academy

College Visit Reflection
1. What are three things that stood out to you on your visit?
1. Catholic School
2. Athletics
3. Location
2. What is one new thing you learned about this particular college/university or life beyond high school in general, that
you did not know before?
I did not know that PC is associated with the Dominican Friars. Nor did I know how involved religion can be in
the educated.
3. What did you not do that you wish you could have while on this campus?
I saw everything I wanted to see.

4. Reflecting on this visit, what is one question you didn't ask but will ask on a future visit to a different
If a catholic school: How involved is religion in this school?

5. After seeing what this college/university has to offer, do you think you would be happy here? Why or why not?
I would be alright if I attended this school. I wouldnt feel disappointed. The location is good and PC
offers everything I would want to study.

6. How did you truly feel about this campus? What did you like the most? The least?
What I disliked the most is the step price. If I dont receive a high amount of financial aid then I would
have to take out student loans. Student loans would be a burden for me to pay and I dont want to deal with
7. What seemed different or special about this school to you?
The social life is what seems special to me. From what I hear the PC life outside of academics is active.

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