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Streamlining of the employment processes

Chapter I
Employment Units
Article 22:
The Ministry shall set up employment units in locations suitable for both the employers and
workmen to perform the following tasks free of charge:
1- Assist workmen in locating suitable jobs and assist employers in finding suitable
2- Collect and analyze the necessary information on the labor market and its development so
that such information may be available to the various public and private organizations
concerned with economic and social planning.
3- Such offices shall perform the following duties:
3.1- Record the names of job applicants.
3.2- Obtain information on vacant jobs from employers.
3.3- Refer workmens applications to suitable vacancies.
3.4- Extend advice and assistance to job applicants concerning vocational qualification
and training or the re-training required to secure the vacancies.
3.5- Any other matters that the Ministry may decide.
Article 23:
Each citizen in working age who is capable of and has the desire may request to have his name
entered in the employment unit, indicating his date of birth, qualifications, previous experience,
wishes and address.
Article 24:
The Implementary Regulations shall set forth the rules and procedures governing the conduct of
business at the employment units. The same rules shall prescribe the forms of the records, notices
and other documents used in the units operations, as well as the job classification schedules in
accordance with the approved professional classifications, which shall serve as basis for the
organization of employment processes.

Article 25:
Saudi Aramco 4017 (3/90)



DATE: 23-Apr-06

REV. 23-Apr-06

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