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Cedlial{. lvfmdola,'Pmf, Ltu- &wto"y

- the sukrnscious

process that resufts from informal,

naturalcommunication between people where language is a means,


not a focus nor an end in itself.


Learning.: ,thg ,g91'lscious' prcleess,of ,knowing: abeut language,and being

able to talk about !t; it occurs in a more fonnal situation where the
,properties of, a, language ,are: taught. Language leaming has
traditionally involved gramrnar and voebulary leaming.

Acquisltien ,parallels first .language dev.elopment in children while

leaming approximates the formal teactring of grammar,in classrooms.
Conscious thinking about the rules is said ts occur in second language
railrile uncbnscious



feeling about what is coneet anO approlriaie

language,Acquisition. '

The natura! order hypothesis. lt suggests that grammatical struciures are

aequired in a predictable order for both cfrlldren ind adults, that is, certain
gramrnalical,'..$1ru*qtles:. .are:'- acquired: hefsre others, inespective of the
lang-uage.$sing;learned.,\fffien a,leamerengage$ in, natural communiqation,
then the,'standard order.belovrr.will,6sgrJt' I

Group,1: present pragrssive -tgg,'L$he is rUnniry)

plural -s ffhesg are tables)
',rccipula to be' (The girlls in school,)

,. ,

2: auxiliary',to be',{She,rs
arlicles f&e and

Group:3: ,irregular past forms {She .went home.}

Group 4: regular past -ed (She playedyestenday.)

Third-person-singular -g ($he plays every day.)
Possessive -S (The boy's bag is new.)

rnonitor hypothesis. lt claims ihat conscious learning of grammatical

rules has an extremely limited func*ion in language pertormance: as'a
rnonltoglor editor that lhecks output-, T,rhe msnh6r'.if an'editiqg:,,deviqe that
.maJ[ normally,operate,bef6re,hnguage]pqrfonnance" such editing may oqcur

c) The

before the,na.turql ouFr,lt or,after trre, uuput, via, a. canecting devicel

Krashen suggests that monitronng ocanrs when there is sufficient time, where
th.ere is pressure to communicate correc{y and not just convey meaning, and
when the appropriate rules are known.
d) The input hypothesis. Krashen proposes that when leanrers are exposed to
grammatical features a little beyord their current level {i.e., i + i), frose
features are'aquired'. Acquisition results from comprehensible inpul, which
is,,filad: unders,tandahle.,wjth fia helpl''provided,'hy:fie. context. if leamers
receive,under$tandable,input,'language'stnrctureg will ue nat rauyl*Arii*c,
Ability to communicate in a second language 'emerges' rather tfia;
put in place by teaching


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