Reviewing Different Types of Spreadsheets

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Reviewing Different Types of

By Jack Parsons

This first spreadsheet is an example of its usage in stock control, in this case
its for a stationery department. The purpose of this type of spreadsheet is to
organise the inventory and stock of an business or store. In this case it is set
out simply by having purpose of each column written in row 2. The names of
the different items are in Column A with the amount of stock at the
beginning in Column B. In Column C, you have the amount of sales made by
each item. In Column D, you have the stock left after the sales. In Column E,
it has the re-order level, the point that if the amount in Column D goes
below, the item will be re-ordered to bring the amount of stock back up.
Column F is unlabelled, but appears to be the column where they write
when an item needs to be re-order.
Spreadsheet found via Google Images

This spreadsheet has several potential features that could be used in order help it
better fulfil its purpose. For example, it could have it so that if the value in Column D
falls below the value in Column E, Column F would gain the value RI-order in it. This
would work by using an IF formula. In this case, it would be the following:
=IF(D3<E3,"Re-order",""). This would help save time as it would mean employees
would have to check if more stock needed to be re-ordered as spreadsheet would say
if it needed to be re-ordered.
Another way spreadsheet features could help improve usability would be they had a
data validation so that only a numerical figure could be entered into Columns B, C, D &
E. This would mean that the employees would have to enter a number and would be
unable to enter a word or other incorrect value. If they did, an error message would
appear telling them what was enter is an invalid value and give them the options of
either trying again or leaving the cell blank. This could help stop unauthorised
tampering as it would been only the correct sort of data could be entered.
Spreadsheet found via Google Images

This the second spreadsheet I found

and is an example of spreadsheets
being used in cost modelling. The
purpose of spreadsheets to in cost
modelling is to help organise the
finances of the person or company
so they can accurately plan ahead.
In this case, it is for a recipe. At the
top they have the different
ingredients plus the quantities and
different types of prices.
Below they have different costs and
amounts in the tables such as batch
ingredient cost, which is how much
each batch of ingredients cost and
original recipe yield, which is how
much the recipe would originally

Spreadsheet found via Google Images

This spreadsheet probably uses variety of

different features and functions to help
its purpose. In this case, its purpose is to
help organise the different amounts of
ingredients and their prices. I believe
that this spreadsheet uses data
validation quite a bit with its trouble to
reduce the possibility of entering
incorrect information. In this case the
creator of the spreadsheet could have
data validation so that only numbers can
be entered the columns listing amounts
and prices. This will stop an accidental
entering of the wrong type of value such
a word or symbol. It also believe the
spreadsheet has used merging of cells as
with the per unit price and ingredient
cost columns, it the dollar symbol at the
front and price at the other end. If it
were me doing this, I would have two
columns for each, the first for the dollar symbol and the second for number that is the price. In the row
above containing the column headings, I would then use merge cell so that it appears to be one column
rather than two separate ones. I also believe that this spreadsheet would use SUM formula so that the
spreadsheet would automatically count up the total price.
Spreadsheet found via Google Images

Usefulness in Productivity,
Accuracy and Presentation Part I
Both spreadsheets will help their users increase productivity and improve
accuracy. Due to having different set ups and purposes, the manner in which
they do so will be different. For example, in the first spreadsheet, they have it
organised so that the amount of items in stock, how many they have sold,
how many are left and how low the amount has to go before they reorder.
The manner is which is done, a grid with black writing in white squares that
are clearly separated by easily visible black lines.
The manner in which his aids the user is that it records and displays the
information accurately. This increased accuracy in turn reduces the amount
of mistakes made or time wasted. The reduced mistakes and wasted time in
turn increases productivity which in turn increases the amount of profit made
by the store. The simplicity of the spreadsheet design means even if the
person using it isnt computer-savvy, they can still use it with ease as long as
they have the correct data.

Usefulness in Productivity,
Accuracy and Presentation Part II
The manner is which the second spreadsheet helps improve productivity and
accuracy is similar yet different. While it helps reduce mistakes and time
wasted, which in turn increases productivity and profit, the way it which it
does so is different. For starters, the spreadsheet contains a great deal more
information and data then the first one.
On it, it also has a grid containing the relevant information. In this case the
spreadsheet is cost modelling for a recipe that has had the amount of
ingredients increased. Due to this, the amount of ingredients and their costs
have increased and this spreadsheet appears to be helping the user organise the
new costs. One main feature of this spreadsheet is that the tables are in colour
and that what appear to be the important parts are highlighted in a different
colour. This makes them stand out to the user. The large amount of detail put
into the spreadsheet aids the user in extensively planning the amount of
ingredients required and the costs of paying for them.

Usefulness in Productivity,
Accuracy and Presentation Part III
While the first spreadsheet had only a simple table, the second was much more
detailed and complex. In this case it had colours to help the data stand out to
the user while the first spreadsheet was simply enough and small enough to
have just black and white. While the first spreadsheet had enough data to get is
purpose fulfilled, the second covered its data much more extensively. In this
case, it had several tables which each showed different, but related data. The
different items, services and ingredients all had their amounts and costs clearly
stated by their names in the a manner that makes it easy to understand.
Compared to someone who had to memorise the details, it is much easier to
record the many different pieces of information without losing them. If
someone had to remember them, bits could be forgotten or misremembered.
This in turn would lead to an increased amount of mistakes and time wasted
correcting these mistakes. It would also result in money being wasted. Theses
to things, along with other things, would result in a loss of profit.

Usefulness in Productivity,
Accuracy and Presentation Part IV
Both spreadsheets use a variety of features and functions to help and improve
productivity, accuracy and presentation. For example, both likely use data
validation to make sure the value entered into the cell is a number. The data
validation can then be used to reduce the likelihood of entering the incorrect
amount further by giving a set amount of values that the number entered has to be
higher or lower than. This helps by reducing the ability to enter a number to
having to enter a certain selections of numbers. This could help stop the user from
accidentally entering the wrong number. Despite being able to reduce the
potentiality of entering an incorrect value, it can never reduce the possibility to
zero unless one makes it only one value can be entered. In both of these
spreadsheets, that isnt an option because it renders the purpose of such columns
undoable. This means that while the possibility of entering an incorrect value can
be reduced, it cant be reduced to an impossibility. That results in the human user
of the spreadsheet having to make sure they enter the correct amount.

Usefulness in Productivity,
Accuracy and Presentation Part V
The first spreadsheet uses an IF formula to help improve productivity and accuracy by
automating the process for signalling the need for restock. This means that the user
doesnt need to check if the item needs restocking because the spreadsheet will
automatically tell them if they need to restock. One could also improve this further by
having so that the number in column D comes from reducing the number in column B
by the number in column C. This help improve productivity as it would automate the
process for restocking even further. Both of these actions would help employees save
time and effort as the automated process makes it quicker, easier and significantly
reduces the probability of human error.
Another way productivity and accuracy is improved is by the usage of the SUM
formula as it will automatically count a selection of numeral figures. This saves time by
the user not having to do it manually and reduces the likelihood of human error by
automating the process. This means that as long as the correct numbers are counting,
the figure youll get at the end will always be correct or at the very least, always the
correct addition of the chosen numbers.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Part I

Both spreadsheets have different designs and purposes, which in turn means
that both have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, the first
spreadsheet had simplistic design and set up. This makes it easy it to
understand and use, but it lacks more complex details and information. The
small size and lack of colour work well together as its bland and easy to read,
but not too large for the information to get lost within the black and white. The
downside of it is that it doesnt contain much information beyond the basics.
The other contains large amounts of information, but can be unclear if one
doesnt understand all of the detailed terms unlike the previous one, which was
rather simple and easy to read. Due to its large size and complexity, the
colours help the data stand out as is if it was only black and white, it would be
hard to read as it would be lost of black characters and lines against a white
background. So while its information is well organised, detailed and full, its
has the disadvantage of being somewhat hard to understand.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Part II

The features and functions both have different strengths and weaknesses depending on how
they are used. As mentioned before, data validation is useful as it can greatly reduce the
likelihood of human error, but has the disadvantage of being limited on how far it can do so
without affecting the spreadsheets ability to fulfil its purpose. The SUM formula is
extremely useful for counting a total as it will always automatically count up the selected
figures. The IF formula is also useful as it will also automatically do its job without needing
direct input from the user even if still needs indirect input from the user. Using the = so that
a cell value is equal to certain other value is also helpful to automating the spreadsheet and
often saves time.
On the flipside of things, all of these methods and all other features and functions of a
spreadsheet are susceptible to the same weakness of human error in the process of their
creation. While once correctly created, if their maker makes mistake or miscalculation when
designing the features and functions, it will cause mistakes and errors. This means that
regardless the of software or hardware, if the human makes a fault during the creation of the
feature or function, the spreadsheet will be unable to function correctly.

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