Spiritual Health

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The spiritual health is very important because it actually help in finding the

real YOU. People try to follow a path of self-actualization that focus them on their
internal attitudes and values, and make them become a better individual. Picture 2
shows that the spirit, body and mind are connected. Without one element, an
individual will lack itself. These 3 elements are what make you YOU.
Spirituality starts with the individual. Spiritual health for me is composed of
several components. It is the combination of hope, faith, peace, love and beliefs. We
can improve our spiritual health through meditation, prayers and having an
unconditional love with God. Spirituality within the family is very important to
nourish and share the spirituality developed in the individual. This can be achieved
through family activities like attending mass together and having a unity and peace
(picture 3 and 4).
Picture 5 all these words constitute to the spiritual health in the context of
community especially love, care, faith and charitable. Being spiritually healthy does
not only mean that you are a religious person but it also mean that you practice
what you have learned and always do things that will benefit the community. A
spiritually healthy community means that they have all the traits indicated in
picture 5
Picture 6 a spiritually healthy community practice all the traits in picture 5
disregarding someones religion. Every member of a religious group must respect
and love another person belonging to a different religious group.

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