Jurassic World Trailer Review Part 2

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Jurassic World Trailer Review Part 2

Following the logos of the trailer, this massive shot of the theme park is
revealed. The sheer scale of the shot is impressive and beautiful, adding a
kind of shock-value to the trailer for the audience. Everything in the shot
looks new and clean, bright and colourful. This is the paradise that the film
series is renowned for soon destroying. This ideal shot of paradise lures
the audience into a false sense of safety to be shocked by the violence
and destruction to follow.

This shot following the massive establishing shot of the park itself gives
the audience a sheer sense of thrills and excitement. With this pack to
dinosaurs rushing past the camera it helps set up the film as one of
massive scope and scale. The human characters are centred in the shot

which helps the audience reflect their emotions of amazement and

excitement. The island is beautiful and lush, reflected by the apparent
natural habitat for the dinosaurs. The green colour scheme of the scene
helps reinforce the nature of the scene, but is then contradicted by the
humans on board the vehicle, meaning that the scene is not perhaps as
natural as youd think, a main controversy of the films narrative itself.

This shot again reflects the massive scope of the film with the huge sea
creature compared to what seems to be a Great White Shark, which in
turn is seen as a vicious marine predator. The shot of the sea monster
devouring the seemingly harmless shark again implies a sense of danger
to the audience. Jurassic Park is famous for the astounding T-Rex scene in
which the protagonists of the film are dwarfed by the predator. This film is
adding to that original concept of helplessness by including bigger and
more dangerous prehistoric creatures.

This shot of what seems to be dinosaur bone or genetic material

accompanied by the voiceover Corporate thought genetic modification
would act a wow factor gives us our first insight to the complication of
the plot of the film. The film trailer up until this point had been an
interpretation of paradise, which is then slowly drained away when the
plot takes effect. The first film in the series explored a controversial
technique of cloning, which is then further explored by this film with
genetic modification. They share a similar theme of playing God and

This shot gives us an apparent first glimpse of the antagonist of the film- a
result of the genetic modification. The dinosaur seems to be hiding or
sneaking from something. The fact that the shot doesnt reveal the
monster from the get-go gives the trailer a sense of mystery and danger.
The sinister look of the dinosaur combined with the obscurity of it gives a
sense of danger, particularly when compared with the protagonist being
clearly shown at the beginning of the trailer and comic relief already sets
up the hero vs villain concept of the trailer.

What happened to the sibling?

She ate it
The dialogue just before this shot gives the trailer a sense of danger and
terror. If a dinosaur bigger than a T-Rex can kill a sibling just as big, it
really tells the audience that there is something in the film to be afraid of.
The scale of the dinosaur against the human characters delivers a sense
of overwhelming terror and strength. Its a throwback to the old horror
films in which the antagonist is usually some omnipotent being that
towers over the vulnerable victims. The loud crushing sounds of the
dinosaurs footsteps also enhance the perception of the sheer size of the

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