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The process of converting raw materials, components, or parts (metal/wood)

into standard products (finished goods that meet a customer's expectations

Or specifications).
Manufacturing Processes:
i. Casting and molding;
Casting and molding are similar processes, in which the material in a liquid state or
non solid state is poured or forced into a prepared mold. Both processes depend on
either of expandable or reusable mold. First the material is prepared by softening,
dissolving or mixing it, then once the material is poured or forced into the mold, it
solidify by cooling, drying or chemical reaction. The new solid part or product is
then removed by destroying the mold if it is expandable or by opening the mold if
it is reusable. When the process is done with metal or ceramic, the process is said
to be casting and when it is done with plastic, the process is referred to be molding.
Both casting and molding are the only processes that can directly change the
industrial materials into the finished products/part in one step.

Forming: it is the process which changes the shape and size of the material, but not
the volume of the material. In forming, the forces applied to the material, which is
strong enough to change the size and shape of the material, but not so strong that it
destroys the material itself. Great mechanical force, high air pressure, explosion or
a strong vacuumed air is used to apply the force into the material through or

against the die or mold. All of these tools should be harder and stronger than the
material they formed. Some material is formed at room temperature

Separating: separating changes material in size and shape. There are 2 traditional
separating methods.
Machining changes the shape and size of materials by removing chips or particles
Shearing changes the shape and size of materials by fracturing or breaking of
pieces. In both of these processes, a tool or cutting element is used. More recently
other separating methods have been developed, these includes nontraditional
machining and flame cutting. In nontraditional machining, heat, electrical sparks,
chemical reactions and light like laser is used to separate the pieces or parts from
the original material. In flame cutting, a high temperature torch with a special tip is
used to separate the excess material. Heat is also used to cut plastic material.
Conditioning: changes the internal properties of material such as making the
material harder, stronger, tougher, and more or less elastic.
Reasons for conditioning;
-Improving material machining and forming characteristics
-Removing internal stresses
-giving materials special properties.
OTHER conditioning processes:
Chemical conditioning is used to hardened plastic, concrete and as well as to treat
natural substances to change the properties like treating animal herds to leather.
Mechanical conditioning is used to change the internal structure of the material by
compression, pounding or squeezing. When metal is mechanical conditioned, its

microscopic round, soft grain structure is changed into long, flat and hard grain in
order to make it stronger.
Assembling: All the parts of the products are put together
Methods of assembly:
-Mechanical fastening
Assembly by bonding is used with metal, plastics, wood and ceramics; one method
of bonding uses heat such as welding or melting of 2 pieces of metal.
Mechanical fastening assembling method uses mechanical fasteners like screws,
nuts and bolts and rivets to hold different pieces together. Force is also used such
as pressing one piece into another piece.
Joining is another assembly process to that uses naturally fitting pieces to put

Most products require surface finish, which provides protection and make the
product more attractive, this is called finishing.

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