25CMO Federal Legislative Agenda FY11

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City of Raleigh, North Carolina

Federal Funding Priorities, FY 2011

Submitted to the Raleigh City Council on February 16, 2010

Priority Local Strategic Federal Project Description Funding Needs

Goal Strategic Goal
1. Public Safety Police/Public Clarence E. The Clarence E. Lightner Public $205,000,000 for
Safety Lightner Safety Center will consolidate the construction.
Public Safety City’s public safety operations and
Center other local government offices and
functions into a 16-story, state-of-
the-art facility in Downtown
Raleigh. A centralized location for
public safety operations would
enhance the readiness and
effectiveness of public safety
agencies. LEED Gold certification
would be met at a minimum to
reflect the City’s commitment to
environmental stewardship and
conservation. In addition, the
project will create at least 2,893
new jobs.
2. Transportation Transportation Purchase of The City of Raleigh would like to $4,200,000 for the
New CAT increase its fleet of Capital Area purchase of 14 new
Buses Transit buses to accommodate a buses.
higher level of service to our
residents. A larger fleet would
allow the City to expand routes
and in turn, promote greater use
of public transportation and further
demonstrate its commitment to
becoming a 21st century city of
innovation focused on
environmental, cultural and
economic sustainability.
3. Information Information Fiber Network The City’s current data network $12,000,000 for the
Technology Technology operates at low speeds and high expansion of the fiber
costs. The City is in the process of network and the
installing a new fiber infrastructure purchase of the fiber
for its traffic management system technology and
and would like to expand the network and wireless
network to include approximately equipment.
120 public buildings and many
other community anchor

4. Police Police/Public Technology The Raleigh Police Department $5,006,300 for the
Safety Upgrades has plans to install a Wireless IP purchase and
Video Infrastructure, records installation of
management system, and fixed Wireless IP Video
license plate recognition cameras Infrastructure, a
and touch screen laptops in police records management
vehicles. These technology system and license
upgrades will enhance first plate recognition
responders with the capability, on cameras and touch
a long term basis, to efficiently screen laptops for
and effectively mitigate police vehicles.
unforeseen and anticipated
events. Funding will afford the
necessary equipment and
infrastructure for public safety to
respond to emergencies and save
5. Water and Water Supply Dempsey E. The Dempsey E. Benton Water $5,800,000 for
Sewer Service Protection Benton Water Treatment Plant is a new 20 construction.
Treatment million gallon per day facility that
Plant is currently under construction and
Backwater scheduled to come online in
Waste Facility February of 2010. Waste
treatment facilities are necessary
to process filter backwash and
sedimentation residuals that are
generated form the water plant.
The City received $500,000 in
appropriations funds for this
project for FY 2010.
6. Energy Energy Efficiency Digital Digital Lighting Management $845,000 for
Efficiency Lighting (DLM) Technology includes plug equipment,
Management and play lighting controls that installation, and tie-in
(DLM) automatically configure to the to the automation
Technology most energy efficient sequence of system & emergency
operation in each room based on management
components in the system. DLM dashboard in the
provides convenient, energy Avery C. Upchurch
saving control of dimmed and Municipal Building
switched loads. and One Exchange
DLM meets and exceeds energy
code requirements, saves more
energy than conventional controls,
and provides an unprecedented
return on investment for both new
construction and retrofit projects.

Policy Items

1. Advocate for full federal funding of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block
Grant (EECBG) Program to assist local and state governments to develop and
implement comprehensive energy efficiency strategies.

2. Advocate for carbon allowances for mass transit and local adaptation initiatives
and offset credits to help local governments finance additional investments in
green infrastructure and clean energy projects.

3. Advocate for full federal funding of the Clean Cities program, a government-
industry partnership designed to reduce petroleum consumption in the
transportation sector by advancing the use of alternative fuels and vehicles, idle
reduction technologies, hybrid electric vehicles, fuel blends, and fuel economy

4. Advocate for full federal funding of the Climate Showcase Communities Initiative
to provide grants that help local governments implement innovative programs
and projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

5. Advocate for full federal support of the Sustainable Communities Initiative

through the Environmental Protection Agency. The HUD-DOT-EPA Sustainable
Communities Initiative seeks to improve access to affordable housing, provide
more transportation options and lower transportation costs while protecting the
environment and addressing the challenges of climate change.

6. Advocate for additional funding for clean vehicles and alternative fuels
infrastructure. Reauthorization of federal transportation legislation should fund
low-emission busses, clean local fleets, and local alternative fuels infrastructure.

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