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AICHE Component Failure Rate Data Sources for Probabilistic Safety and Reliability L.C. Cadwallader® and S.A. Eide” * ido Nona! Laban, PO. Pax 1625, dao Falls ID 415, Lee Calan gw (lr eorsjondere) ® Sens « Curis Daght Flow Cantal Compa, 200. Wondrll We, Kaho Fal D 894 Published cline 27 wary 2010 In Wy Online Lary (kona com). 01,1002 10572 Probahistc sity mets, which are being sed fn the comic, monnfactaring. and energy ie trie cre use ve for spt data on fire res of the ‘mechaseal, elena, snsinemenation fi contre, and otter components tha comprise the fninerang systems vt facty. Some. companies That dota ston ars was iia” Other comp ies bire conta bo se ther or databace perform safety assesment. For anasts tbo do hate eter of these options avalable, tb tcle presents dane source tha are rtnerable from the lt ‘rare The access of date dosiments ithe fnternet aby dened © 2010° American Insite Chemical Enginces Proces Sal Pro 29" 250-241 SN Rigwonts fare rate component; data source As prcablistic fey’ assesimene (PSA) poss it ussge. 20 do the concern abot locating sources of Component faire ate dats for fot tee models Fale rte data can also spon equipment aN ay analyses. elabiiy anal, design npeove ment tudes, ude 10 impuone maintenance sat copes, and hfe evel cost anatyses, In adation, ANS ‘mented stems, generates ned for fale rate dt for safety inegray level (iL) asesmnent and vl ‘on Reviews of previo foil rte dts sources are in she Ktersure 23} Ths. ace ces updated da Sources that have een found in the Wteate from 1993 forward. The data sauces are billy described and are ranked according 1 features labcrent ia the Sita set. The ranking Is subjective but there are four +The components are desesbed with enough deal the user cia apply the daa ta Siar Set of components The component described, +The “component failure modes are described (vhich important Toe PSA ‘The sttstce are given 50 the error hounds are known operating environment is te genet, dese ester mean th the data must be well documented and explained. One ofthe pr ‘nie examples of mecting these erica the OREDA, tats book (3) OREDA. mt al of the cies ery ‘well including. the samphe sie, statistics, ore ioxes, operuing. environment, and typeof ei tent, however, OREDA te specie to the offshore 0 and as nds ‘Generic dita may not be as secure a6 in-house dats Tor any ven company. Nonetheless gener {ut can he useful as 4 fist approximation of fle fates and repair times. Once the Tale tree models FRve nial ress, then more imhoune effort can be Sireced to the consponente sented 36 important 1 plant safety or eeaby Data Source Evaluation Healy faire rie vakic will have several ati tutes The int fe component description so the anahyst can sss. how ange of an inference. fede to use that failure rate forthe equipment (0 Ire modeled. Component descriptions wally ae ot vent precise The ckneipton might give the ype of pomp (centnfugal oe reciprocating) ad diver elec frie motor. del engine) hut no. partes of the ump speed, throwghput, energy sept, uid ype, Peal sel pressure) 1A second miporant atabute 6 the error hounds forthe Tale rte” No vale should be repented! wil fonts assoctted ertor tit Randbooks ctten repos faure rates without any error bands. When no err bounds are pve, the aalyst does not now ifthe {Quoted fale ate isan average value with unknown Gro bovis an average value with vally small ‘Stor hounds or 4 satstieal upper own "Std important piece of information is dhe ule mode ofthe faire rte. This cam he emparane when §pplying the dita in 3 computer model such a ul tree Comsier a pam Te fala mee could be als to star fas fn, Teakage, ete When no fare mode given, the usual asstimpoion i that the Fase fate fan all ale moder owerall valu. The Depa Incot of Defense document om fale: modes and mechani tan be sed ae guldance to decomprne the overall fre rates In fates by fallare modes if that vel of det needed for arabs ‘Monemiler ccwssed 4 Touth dats atebute: the efintion of flue [6 The data repom must make an (ont to be cest on what constes aioe, I the flor #4 pipe a, Iv leak defined as fd dps per minutes declters per minute, Ines. per minut Be aceatters por mimuter For example Bde defined State leks a 50 gallons minute and euptures as ester than that value (Tl Wh water, very sil {Bis of dap per sinute might not even be cased fsa fale, ne an operational inconvenience. Wi ome procest Nis, however, expecaly those that fe tonic or flaminable, ever dpe pet minute would brea sae concern 6 ith data atibte is the age of the das, An ana ys will use this to assess the applicability of tse fulues to the “equipment at hand. Ofen analyss Fnliwe the dite ofthe report idicates the age of the Gita, ut in some cases much older dat are being, reported. ia recently published document. Ag dita might be usefl i the sem OF Eaty 10 be Snalyze isthe same Sinuyge asthe dala set How (ver as file rate data age thee ses aise + New technology components can preclude some failures from occuring so a moRe modern sy tem oll Be overprediel by tsi oer aks time pases, the general knowledge of the Components incresses, Which enoraly meses better maintenance and operations. practices ‘Once atin, recent failure tates could he over predicted, + Newer dais are collected by computerized systems fnd may be more complete than ear data that ‘were leaned minal rom ple logbooks. Published Data Sources "The data sources low are grouped by subject, and then by aie in revere chronologeal ord) T ie Lghes an ecakation ofall of the sted dataset dhserhed here Proce Say Progen V6l29, No) Publisted on behalf ofthe ACRE Generic Data These Mackie Rely Conia NRC fas petaps eyed sealants som nth tink Seten The: RG le_cner 100 commer power plans making maniainy. cons 6 fhe dibs. The twits an noc far ates Mere are thee tent, NRC repr hg ae apple hee. The fins a dscesion Ears ‘me parameter estmaton aad et gue tga! racic for dia colton, aac combination. Sie satis) The second typi of ts in ide, both fae sure and intaning event Ire fluences ta the 29th, the Init for Power Sperone developed the pment Peformance Infomation Exchange (PDD to record fae and opacoing data for key components ll inert ftir power plants rotngy soba at his {Maras 10L Beate PIN alu are bane “on Operating expences of the Nest of ctr power fan the equipment izes ar lrge, erator on The ede of 8000 h por yoo und the gupta few maintenance, The EPO dst ae propery ft the Ele poe ed he se The third import SKC puston an pretebics of fae Ter pase componens, ach piping 2d tanks in 2005, Mannan edited the Itt roease of the surat we on on preven (12. Appenic TS coninsa tech of component allure ie daa Gur ley cope from prvoe eiont ofthis Book anchard published ange, generic dts st 1998 1] wih bash ithe opertions of commen il ear powerplant (1) a the Savane Ree Conon, stu ea orge Deparment of Ene tedusal compler in south Carana The fae tmodes and ever hounds ate denied at cpr fines ae not en Mechanical Data ‘Mors has generated a sct of generic data for snechanical components th median. values and Uipper and lower statistical bounds [15] Mess also ‘lene! sever generic data sources that could he teed for se assessment relbity-aaiaty= ‘aint anal. ‘lr ave operating experience faire rates for a varity of mechinied! and spec ejlpment In use at a chemical processing plant (16. These data ae tell defined forthe tine period that the compenents SOpeeited and have error hours but someunes the ftllure modes are not distinct, Te faure rates for simple mechanical poms (plates shafts are needed, the work hy Vb cam be used 10 hippo analyse jade of faire rates 17 Tue protection sytem data are nceded fo fie sk avesments Hauypimants recent) performed 4 wet pipe sprinkler stem avaiaiay say, inctding the FRequency of spike head sparcast opening 8 OH 101002/H8 September 2010. 257 spur ase seu oyu eu Proenop as cs one separ mae pronunon aay yo09 os on 4 rea ea syonsea rea rsa none on = ae on sera 2661 "p B vosUDG, oor “oany pur eH 00g "0 1 9a 00e "81 008 “pow usuosstey, van xe BAO omy, 002 “5H duo wan, St mw 09, st “PoP IN st want seme ON, zw pouecr Published on behalf ofthe AICHE DOF 1002s Process Sater Pores (V9, No) 238 Seprember 2010, owokamp has analyaed some experience dat for fue protection sisters in Germin lear power Plans 19] Rowekimp gives some genene tao Zctive fire suppression systems cluding catboa dioxide systems) as well a6 the more tational wet pine and dry pipe sprinler stems "Two Finnish reports sere published in 2004 and 2005. Ron compited veka data On spelen 5 iems from nuclear power plans and noe-muciear indus tales 20) Nfyssonen analyzed. fee detection and alam systems fem the same data sou es 2M, Hot ofthese reports ave flue rates and Susi Bouods and desea fhe modes. icctrical Data letieal components requiring modeling can ange fhom electra ditabution syste to standby genes tore 6 tnimerrupible power supple. Flat ditt bution component fase rates are dscussed in the TEE Gold Book [22] Mos ofthe dats ae eponed from sorveys of sity cf nds sources ‘Goo! aces the fellabity of printed circuit hoards i 206 [23 In 2003, Bu dscussed opera tional reliably ver a fve-yeur ime spas for zens fof standby generators suioned in commercal, res ‘deni, inser, and instatonal buildings in Hong. Kong Ls rom 1996 10 2001, Hale reported on a number of letra and mechani componcats that had been Snalyzed in the course of 2 study on US. malay {equipment for electric power generation and dist tion 125-28) Hale did nex give faire modes, ut the ‘veal fave rite and the mean tne to cepa ere Ben. lctonic pars have heen treat! in several pale ‘cations The Reliability Information Anais Center st Gali Air Force Base has. published the Electronic Pans elabisty Data (9) and Noneleceonie Pans Relay Data [30] tepots. These are based on ml tary components and sjzems and are specified by fensronment such a ground-xed Iocan, ground tmobile, atborne, and cher categorie, other Data There ae other data sources that are rather canily undreds of dollars per copy). None of these band hooks oF repons [3i-34) Was purchased for this review and they arent ince in the eeuation uuble Approaches When There Are No Data There ae several avenues to pare when 90 existing fale are data are ready avaiable. The Spalyst can use Felablity prediction techniques oF ‘se a static technique based on 2 known hetine fo component that has operated "withoat any fiures Perhaps the most wellknawn preditlon technique ‘was developed for mitary electro equipment 35 Another ithe military prediction procedure for ‘etanical equipment (36) Sal aher prediction teh ‘igus come from the telccommunisaions Indy Press Saket Pores (Vo.29, No.3) Published on bel ofthe AICHE 5788, The most recent electronics prediction repo isthe Rebubilty Data Handbook from the Inter ‘onal Elecretechnical Commission (39 ‘When an analyst has some field operations expe cence on the sume of sinar type of componeat the one fing modeled and that component has oct Fae in service. then the typical satstial methods for data aralvss ae not val, Several authors Have aadresed the isu of aloe rate estimate with Ro failue evens. The. teterational “atomie Pera ‘Agency (IAEA) gave some dvcction ina isk ase ment manu to calculate aro flutes” fae fae (Go) Willams made an exhaustive study of ts ze failure swe and recommended the use of Bayes Theorem [al Alwordd and Fale siggest + Bayesian pate appeoach wath the Jers. noninformatve por dition (R9} These mow sexes! Saal pproaches are valid and are supported BY the NRC ‘The analyst must select which approach Best Sts the components at hand This ace bus presented a nurmber of data sour ces from the recent Iaerature Mont ofthese data are hase on operating experiences of fale and sys tems, 0 the fae rates are valuable fora least the ‘rignal operating environment where the data vere Collected. Some of the data sures ae saa Via free download om the infer. some ate jour anices that must be ordered, and Te are books 10 purchase. "hile the reliably or risk analyst must value each dita source fr inference (0 his OF her ‘needs there are sone vale datasets avilable i the recent iterture lureraruge creo THWC. Angptadk, “Where for an chow failure rate ta,” presented 3 the ISA Conferenos, Houson, Texas, September 2001). Avalable at FR Mons and JF Sut, Data sources for relish fy design aralsis Proc int Mech Bag Pat E Process Mech Ea 207 593) 15-19. Bs Dhillon and H.C. Viswanath, Bibllogeaphy of Tera on tare data, Mieroeiectton Relab 30 (0 538-750, SINTEP, OREDA Onshore Relibity Dasa a tion, Det Norske Vera, Hovik, Norway 002), Relay tnformation” Analysis Center, Falure Mode/Mechanse -Disiibuton “1997. Kelity Dau Analysis Cenger, NY (197), The i991 serion Ofte ropor is abalable at “http www, ‘ducmil/dle'searchyte/>. 6, Ne Moosemiler avoiding pias in assembling fn equlpment failure rate database for Fisk assess tment J Hazard Mater 130 (2008), 128-132 7S" Re, ST Khercha, MB. Caley, DA John: Son, and ML. Marleeny, Component Fxteral Leakage and Rupture Frequency Estes, EGG: SSRE9639, Kaho Nacional Laloniton. November (1991). eae chee! www oN gow! ‘energyeiations/> Or 1010s Sepember am0 259 2 1s a, CL, Atwood, J. LaChance, HE Mane, Dy Anderson, M. Engleharh, D. Whitehead, and T Wheeler Handhook of Parameter Eximation for Probabilistic isk Assessment, NUREGCR-6823 NRC, September (2005) Avable ats chitpd// www.nre gov/teading-rm/doc-collections/ furegs/contract/ > Siubue, TE Wierman, CD, Gentilon, DM, Ras fon. and CL Atwood, Indusin-Average Per Tormance for Components end Intating Events a6 US. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG/CH {6928 NR, February (2007) Avaible at = pe? arene gov reading ra/doc-collections/ ‘uregs/eontract/> Dar Rasmison. TE Wieman, and KJ. Kear ford, “An Overview of the Rliabily an Aval abllsy Dat system (RADS)” Proc. Int Topical Meeting on Probab, Safety Anal (PSAUS), San Francisco, CA, September 11-15, 2005, Amedican Nuclear Soe (2005 SR Gosselin, FA. Simonen, SP Pill, B. OY: [ail Probabilities of Faure and Uncertainty Est tate Information for Passive Components & iter ture Review, NUREG/CR6936, NRC. May (2007) Ilale a SP Mannan, (edon, Lees less Prevention ia the Process Industies,azind_"Wensifcation, AAsesoment and Control, 3rd Eilon, Elsevier ‘aaterworb- Heinemann, Buringon, MA, (2005) Append 18 ‘AvThanchard and BLN, Roy, Savannah Rher Ste Generic DataBase Developmect, WSRC-TR 93-252, Res. 1, May (1998) avaiable at www.0stigow>- SA. Bide and MB Calley, “Genene Component Talure Database” Proc. to, Topical Mecting. on Probab, Sifesy Assess (PSA 53), Clearwater exch FL January 27-29. 1998, American Nuvieat Society (393). Aenlable st chtepe// www. 08t-g0v/ cenergyeitations/> TR Mos, Relabikty Data Handbook, ASME Press, New Yorke 2008), ‘TG. Alber RC: Hunt, SP. Fogany. and JR. Wilson, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant ihre Rate Data, INELS5/0422, do National Laborato ‘Aunt 095) Avaleat cwwmosth. gor TN Vo, TM. Ms, HK, Phan TR. Blckiom, and LO, Castzz, Bats Colleton and Anal in Stpport of Rsk Assessment for Hydroclectte St tions, PNUSA-262°9, October (995). avalible st CHipemanns, Mang 8 Gronbeck,Avalabi iy analysis for a fixed we sprinkler sytem, Fire Safety Journal 43 (2008), 158476. MM, Rowckamp and H.-P. Berg” Reliability data col. lection for fie protection fears, Keres 65 (Gove), 102-08 Y. Rony, ©. Keske-Rahkonen, and JK. Hasson, Raby of sprinkler systema” VET working paper 15, VT Technical Reearch Center of Fis End (2000), Avallable at: awww ft> T.Nyyesnen Rao, and), KeskiRahkonen, “On the relay offre deteton and alain 3) September 2010. Published on Deb of the AICHE » 3 33 ‘sng VTT working paper 18, VE Research Center fof Finland CN). Avaiuble st: www Wt f> Instruton of Bectecal and Electonics Engineers FED), IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Reible. Industral and Commer Pamer systems, IEEE Sid 493-2007, IEEE, Pi sway, N,Febaary 007). 3 Goel and RJ. Graves, Hecoaie system re fis Gollsing prediction models, TEEE Trans Device Miter Relig 6 (2000), 258-255, PY. Du. Barnet, and $M. Chan, Reliabty of Standby’ generators in Hong Kong buings, IEEE Trans Ind Appl 39 (2003), 1592-1995 PS" Hale rand RG, Arno, Survey of eeliabity anc availbily information for power ti tion, power generation, and HVAC’ components forcommercia, industrial and wily isallations AASHRAE Trane 107 C01), 360-349. DS Hole Jean? RG. Arno, Soney of reliability nd avaiailiy information for power ste tion, power generation, and HVAC. components {or commer, iadustil and uty insllations TEE: ‘Tansictons on IncistryApplicstions 37 (Gab1) 191-196 PS. Hale Je-and RG, Amo, Survey of reliability information on Tea id batetes for commercial industri, ad ity installations, Pow 1999 TERE Td Commercial Pomer Syst Tech Conf, Nay 2-5 Sparks, NV. IEEE (1999), pp 138, PS. Hale fr, RG. Amo, and J. Briggs, Oper tional maintenance Guta For pow genertion di Inthuton and HVAC components, IEEE Trans Id ‘Appl 35 959), 252-297 BW" Densoa, W. Ceowell. P Jaworski, and D. Mahar Electronic Pane Reibilty Data 1997, Rel fbiy Information Analy Center, Gass Ale Force Base, NY (1997) W Denson, G. Chandler, W. Cowell, &, Crk, tnd P. Jaworski, Nonelectonic Pars Meliabity Data 1995, NPRDIS, accession tum ADAZSSH71 Relay” Analysis center, “Gris Air Force Base, NY uly (1993. The 1991 version OF his repo avalale at he /warwade ‘mil Exida,” Electrical and! Mechanical Component Relabiity Handbook, 2nd Edition, Exida, LLC Selle, PA (200). value at . SINTER Reltliy Data for Safe Insrumented Systems, PDS. Dats Handoook,” 2006 Editon STESI AOs0S0, SINTER, Trondheim, Norway, Apa (ons) Svea VGH, 2001. CentalizedRelabiy and Evens Database, Reliability Dita for Nuclear Power Plant Components = Analysis for 2004, ZEDB, report NGHTWHlve, Technical Asociaen forthe Gen certion of Elecsiety and Heat (VGB PowerTech GND." Essen, Germany, (QD) Availabe at “cavww.ngb.or/> Ho Prcaecis, SP. Anenis, and P_Aufort, Eu: ean Indisty” Relabilty” Data Bank, ERIEDA Pope, du Eaton, Crete University Pres, Iraklion Cree, Greece (998), Process Say Progpess (Vo129, Noa) 35. US. Deparment of Defense, Reliability Prediction ff Flectonie Fquipment, Mil. HDBK-2I7H, Wash tngion, DC, December (ODD, 36. Naval Surface Warfare Center. Handbook of Rel ality Predicuon Procedures for Mechanical Equipment. NSWC-D, Canleock Division, Te- thes, MD (2009). the 1992 version of ths report is availabe at cheep www.desmi/> 37. J Bennet Tekords reliably Prediction. proce dure" "Upper confidence levels, Proc. Anes Nel. and AMaintainab Symp (RAMS 2008) Las Vegas, NV, January 25-31, 208, TEFE 12008), pp. S255 38, Helleore, Reliability Prediction ocedure for Fee tronic Equipment, technic telerence,TRCNWT 1000332, Morrown, Nj September (1992), Note ». this report has evolved ts Telco document ‘S332, 2006, Telcordia Technologies Inc, Pst amy, ND Internauonal Aecwotechnical Commission, Rel ality Daa Hanabook, Universal Model Tor Rei bly Prediction of Electonas Components Bes and Equipment, IEC"TR 623802004 techn cal epont, Geneva, Stitzerland, August (200), IAFA, Manual of Relbilty Dats Collection for Revweirch Reactor PSAS, IAEA. TECDOC 63 Vienna, Austria, January ( 1992). Available at “cweww.facaorg> MAMLR. Willams and M.C. Thorne, The estimation Of fare rates for low probably event Prog Nucl Esergy 31 (1997) 375-476, Proce Safety Progress (L293) Published on hal of te AICHE OL LOApHS September 2010.24

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