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Study Guide Answer Key


2. When a gas is compressed (squeezed into a smaller space) the density of the gas
Gas 1 (MORE dense)

Gas 2 (LESS dense)

4. Nitrogen gas makes up most of Earths troposphere

a. Oxygen is the second most common gas in Earths troposphere.
5. Seasons on Earth are caused by Earths tilt on its axis and its revolution
around the Sun. When Earths axis is pointed toward the Sun, Earth is getting
more solar concentration so it is summer. When Earths axis is pointed away from
the Sun, Earth is getting less solar concentration because the Suns rays are more
spread out (beam spreading) so it is winter.

6. density (red) = 1.5 g/mL density (blue)= 1.3 g/mL; RED is denser

7. Winds are created by differences in air pressure. Air moves from areas of high
pressure to areas of low pressure.
8. This is an inaccurate picture of the water cycle because the real water cycle is much
more complicated. For example, water isnt only evaporated from the oceans it can
evaporate and go into the atmosphere from many other different locations, like
lakes, rivers, the ground, humans (as sweat), and many more! Also, water can be
found in many other locations around Earth, including plants, animals, and the
other locations listed above. Additionally, most of Earths fresh water is trapped in
glaciers. Also, because Earth is over 70% oceans most of the water that does
evaporate from the oceans just goes right back into the ocean.
9. In order for a cloud to form, first water on Earths surface must absorb heat and
evaporate into water vapor. As the water vapor rises, it cools. When the temperature
of the water vapor drops below dew point, water condenses & clouds form.
sea breeze
1) Earths surface doesnt heat
evenly. Land heats faster than
ocean. 2) Warmer air over the land
is less dense & rises, creating a lowpressure area. 3) Cooler, denser air
over the water creates a highpressure area. Wind blows from
high pressure to low pressure

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