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Prep Vision
LIFE Prep ignites a desire to achieve and inspires students hope for a bright future.
Students develop self-confidence through their accomplishments and are empowered to pursue their dreams.
We provide encouragement and a foundation for perseverance; preparing students to thrive as individuals on a successful life path.

Board Meeting of LIFE Prep

Monday April 27, 2015 from 5:00-6:30 pm in the LIFE Prep Board Room
Members and Guests Present:

1. Consent Items
a. Review/Approval of Agenda
b. Approval of Meeting Minutes
c. Conflict of Interest
d. Disclosures Regarding Agenda Items
2. Public Communications to the Board (2 minutes per)
3. Policy Committee Report Rochelle Molde
4. Executive Committee Report - Ryan Stevens
5. Finance Committee Report - Annie Throndsen
6. Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) Update Alexis Gerrish
7. Financial Report Dawn Jenkins
8. Executive Directors Report - Bart Johnson
9. Board Actions
a. Approve MAP Board Candidate Pang Vang
b. Approve three policies: Student Sex Nondiscrimination Policy; Student, Parental, Family,
and Marital Status Nondiscrimination Policy; and Parent Involvement Policy
c. Approve charter school authorizer contract with the Minnesota Guild of Public Charter
d. Verify date, time, place, and agenda for annual meeting in May
e. Amend the approved FY16 school calendar to eliminate August 24-26 as duty days
f. Approve Form 990
10. Other Business
a. Lease aid board signatures
b. End of the year executive director review
c. Verify committee membership
11. Adjournment

Next Regular Board Meeting: Monday May 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.
Suggested Agenda Items for Next Meeting:

LIFE Prep Mission
LIFE Prep puts students first.
Our progress in closing the achievement gap comes from a commitment to academic accomplishment through the delivery of a rigorous curriculum.
The inclusive multicultural community is a safe place to learn and overcome adversity.
Learning In a Family Environment empowers students to own their success.

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