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appearance (= nfiare)
honest (= cinstit)
bad-tempered (= temperamental)
moody (= capricios)
beard (= barb)
old (= btrn)
blue-eyed (= cu ochi albatri)
overweight (= supraponderal)
character (= caracter)
patient (= rbdtor)
cheerful (= vesel)
reliable (= de ncredere)
confident (= ncreztor)
selfish (= egoist)
creative (= creativ)
short (= scund)
curly (= crlionat)
shy (= timid)
dark (= brunet)
slim (= slab)
disorganised (= dezorganizat)
sociable (= sociabil)
dynamic (= dinamic, activ)
stubborn (= ncpnat)
fair (= blond)
tall (= nalt)
generous (= generos, darnic)
tolerant (= torlerant)
good-looking (= artos)
well-built (= bine fcut)
handsome (= chipe)
with moustache (= cu musta)
hard-working (= harnic)
with wrinkles (= cu perciuni)
helpful (= de ajutor)
young (=tnr)
I. Completai spaiile libere cu cuvinte potrivite (Fill in the blanks with suitable words):
1) He is a person. He always either smiles, or laughs.
2) Your desk is a mess, you are very
3) She is 16, so she is still
4) She won the Miss World Contest because she was , , ,
5) They are very ; they always come with surprising innovations.
6) Hes never got the courage to tell her his feelings because he was very
7) Although he shaved this morning, after the party he already had
8) They were very while waiting for the doctor to finish.
9) He is as as a mule.
10) He has eaten too much this season, so now hes
II. Descriei-v din punctul de vedere al nfirii fizice i al caracterului (Describe yourself in
point of appearance and character).

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