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Kyle Evans-Lee

May 2015

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, The University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fl

Thesis: On the Configuration Spaces of Lens Spaces | Advisor: Prof. Nikolai Saveliev
Gpa: 3.7/4.0
| Detailed List of Qualifying Exams

May 2011

Master of Science in Mathematics, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fl

Emphasis in Algebra and Topology | Advisor: Prof. Nikolai Saveliev
Gpa: 3.6/4.0
| Detailed List of Qualifying Exams

May 2008

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, Willamette University, Willamette, Or

Cum Laude | Advisor: Prof. Johnner Barrett
Gpa: 3.6/4.0

Teaching Experience
May 2014 - Present

Adjunct Professor at Miami Dade College, Kendall, FL

Buisness Calculus, Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Algebra/Trigonometry
- Developing and implementing curriculum for summer school

August 2014 - May 2015

Primary Instructor at University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

Calculus I
- Developed curriculum and taught course for first year calculus
- Held office hours, managed blackboard and webassign

August 2009 - May 2015

Secondary Instructor at University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

Differential Topology, Ordinary Differential Equations, Calculus
- Graded assignments, held reviews and tutored in a University wide tutoring center

Grants and Awards

June 2015
August 2013

Department of Mathematics: Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Miami

Supported by NSF from Collaborative Research Grant DMS #1065905
FRG: The topology and invariants of smooth 4-manifolds

May 2008

Department of Mathematics Award, Willamette University

May 2008

Carson Research Scholarship on Navier Stokes-Equations

Computer Skills
Basic Knowledge:
Intermediate Knowledge:

html, Access, Linux, ubuntu

C++, Java, Python, R, Maple, Matlab and LATEX

Seminars and Presentations

October 2014

On the Homotopy type of the Configuration Spaces of Lens Spaces

Interactions Between Knots and Manifolds | AMS Sectional Meeting
San Francisco State University, CA

February 2014

Different Viewpoints of SO(3)

Graduate Student Seminar
University of Miami, FL

February 2012

On Division Algebras
Graduate Student Seminar
University of Miami, FL

January 2011

Discrete Markov Chains and Parondos Paradox

Graduate Student Seminar
University of Miami, FL

January 2011

An Introduction to Navier-Stokes Equations and Turbulence

Carson Scholar Presentation
Willamette University, OR

Attended Conferences
October 2014

AMS Sectional Meeting: Interactions Between Knots and Manifolds

San Francisco State, CA

August 2014

Graduate Workshop on 4-Manifolds

Stony Brook University, NY

March 2014

FGR Topology Workshop 2014: Topology and Invariants of Smooth 4-manifolds

University of Miami, FL

July 2013

March 2013

Low Dimensional Topology After Floer

Centre de Recherche Mathematiques, Montreal, Canada
FGR Topology Workshop 2014: Topology and Invariants of Smooth 4-manifolds
University of Miami, FL

Interests and Activities

Encryption, Econometrics, Programming, Transcendental Number Theory
Surfing, Traveling

Doctoral of Philosophy in Mathematics

Qualifying Exams
Algebraic Topology
Complex Analysis
Abstract Algebra II

Nikolai Saveliev
Alexander Dvorsky
Alexander Dvorsky

Master of Science Mathematics

Qualifying Exams
Abstract Algebra
General and Differential Topology
Real Analysis

Michelle Wachs
Nikolai Saveliev
Ming-Liang Cai

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