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Name of Cooperative:

San Antonio Farmers

Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Present Address:

Purok Rose, San Antonio,

Tacurong City

Date Registered:

CDA Reg. No. 952012000627 March 25, 1991

Type of Cooperative: Multi-Purpose Cooperative

CBU increased P2500.00 and with a credit


organized Sept. 18, 1984, a church inspired

needs of the members being church of the
organization. The parish priest that year

Credit, Trucking and Milling

was Fr. Collin Bagaforo, DCC.

Tax Identification (TIN): 033-579-846


organization based on the concept that the

Consumer, Marketing,

Coop Identification (CIN): 103120084

membership 198.

San Antonio Farmers MPC was first

poor can be answered through coop

Business Activity:

line from LBP in the amount of P10M, total

The coop is a primary cooperative,

whose members are farmers, started with

Production Loan
Rice Milling
Palay Drying

nine (9) core members-deposit P500.00


each as initial capital build-up total of

P4,500. The amount was used to open a

Gawad Pitak awarde- LBP- Regional Level 1995

Sari-sari store- now is a big consumers

Winner of Municipal, Regional search on


store, which is supported by all membersthe source of all grocery needs daily of
member. The coop continue to soar high,
capital build up coming from members
continue to increase, and at present the

Coop 1995-1996

To establish a community where
everyone is loving, united and
cooperative, productive,
economically stable,
enlightened and informed and
living a coop way of life.

The Coop shall provide services which
will help and sustain economic
sufficiency, social and moral upliftment,
self-reliant, freedom from explotation of
moneyed people, discover potential

1. August 30, 1989- 1st Kolbi acquisitiona rice mill.

2. Aug 1993- Host of LBP Cattle
importation project from Australia.
3. Oct. 28, 1996 1st CFIDP Launching
Sponsor- LBP.
4. July 28, 1998- Warehouse ground
breaking 3 million rice mill project
5. Congressman Roncal Montillacountryside Development fund
acquisition of a Mechanical Drier.
6. Expansion of Solar drier funds from
Coop and Development of Agriculture.

coop leader and promote unity and

cooperation among people and members
as a whole.



Purok Rose, San Antonio, Tacurong City

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