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ee tty Oe maid ey Crane cord COI sor, 'S"tmadlator” the 41000" is Capable Sra sas me cso cttan M e a e GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS fi Be iillowess ‘yrounded) ‘4 fyomded) = - == 02 ay Srl lolol ating Pe eee ee eH nce (iy=200 me £52800 =800u) >) | 10000 umber Highest Frequency fr Masimum Ratings One MECHANICAL Soe ee dvs) Se eeeceee “rch fini: Einae $00 AirSyiom Socket Mowing pemion so 2 27. Sime gi Abie Soot esing oe oe Sed freed Recomended Heat Oisipating Conector iia pecs fee eed | Dimensions: ae RADIO FREQUENCY POWER AMPLIFIER AND OSCILLATOR Class-C Telegraphy or FM Telephony MAXIMUM RATINGS (Kerdown condition, fae te 10 Me) DC PLATE VOLTAGE = 5 . D.C SCREEN VOLTAGE : 0-€ GRib YoLTAGe : ae De platecuRReNT © 2] : PLATE DISSIPATION 2 SCREEN DISSIPATION = B50 GRID DISSIPATION. : . TYPICAL OPERATION (Frequencies below 110 Me, one tube) (etna 1156) Copyright 1h by Ete Mecallough, In Dis PLATE MODULATED RADIO FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER Class TelaphonyCarrier Condi MAXIMUM RATINGS (Par fbe to De MATE VOLTAGE © = | === Som MAK YoLISY DC SCREEN VOLTAGE © === == Io MAK. vouLTS De eno voUAcE = = = = = + 5m MAK. YouTS De RATE CURRENT» = 2 == da MAK MA, LATE DISSIPATION oe Be MAX warts SCREEN DISSIPATION Foe Max warts RIO ISIMATION «= = 7 = = MAX WATTS TYPICAL OPERATION (Frequencies below 110 Me, one tube) Seal Sa Te £242 Ee (rn) a ie ee AUDIO FREQUENCY POWER AMPLIFIER AND MODULATOR Cha AB MAXIMUM RATINGS (PER TUBE) D.C PLATE VOLTAGE = D.C SCREEN VOLTAGE > MAXSIGNAL D.C PLATE CURRENT == PLATE DISSIPATION. = = Dot SCREEN DISSIPATION © 50 ¥2.a8s ndudl = 8000 MAX. VOLTS ooo MAX: YOUTS 10) MAX: Ma 2 1000 Max. WATTS 1s MAX. WATTS TYPICAL OPERATION Eten, (Smeal Save, two tbe nln otarvsn speci) aio (oa aba) Pulse Service APPLICATION MECHANICAL } Mounting —The 4-1000A must be mounted vertically. ‘The base may be down or up. The recommended socket for this tube is the SK-800_Air-System Socket D Cooling —Adequate forced-sir cooling must be provided to maintain the base seal temperatures below’ 150°C. and the plate seal temperature below 200°C. ‘Cooling is Simplified by. the use of the Himac SK-500 Air System Socket, ‘and’ ite ‘SK-206 Air Chimney, which control the tow of air around the tube. ‘When the Himec SK-300 Air-System Socket is used, the following flow rates apply to sea level operation, with, fan ambient temperature of 25°C, for the operating con ‘tions. described: ‘At 110 me, with maximum rated plate dissipation, an air flow rate of 45 CPM is required. The corresponding Pressure drop across the socket is 1.2 Inches of water ‘At frequencies below 20 megacycles. an air flow rate ‘of 30 CFM provides adequate cooling. ‘The corresponding Dreamure drop across the socket Ia 05 inches of water Tn the event that an Alr-System Socket and Air Chimney ‘are. not used, ‘air must be circulated through the base of the tube, over the envelope surface and the plate seal in sufficient quantities to maintain the tem- peratures below the maximum ratings. Seal temperature 5 may require that cooling air be supplied to the tube if the filament is maintained at operating tempera- tre during standby periods, Tn any’ questionable situation, the only criterion for correct cooling practice is temperature. “A convenient ‘mothod for measuring tube temperatures is the use of temperature-sensitive’ paint, which melts at certain designated temperatures, One such product is made by the ‘Tempil Corp. 11 W. 25th ‘St, New York 10, N. ¥. ELECTRICAL Filament Voltage—For maximum tube life the filament voltage, as measured directly at the filament pins, should bbe the rated voltage of 7.5 volts, Variations in filament Voltage must be Kept within the range from 7.13 to 787 volts Blas Voltage—The D-C bias voltage for the 4-1000A should not exceed 500 volta, With grid-leak bias, suit- ‘ble means must be provided to prevent excessive plate- ff screen dissipation in the event of loss of excitation. The gridcresistor should be made adjustable to facilitate maintaining the bias voltage and plate current at the ‘desired values from tube #9 tube. In the case of opera tion above 50 Me, it is advisable to Keep the bias voltage as low as possible. (See “Operation.” Seren Voltago—The D-C screen voltage for the 4.1000A stall not kteed 1000 vols Tha seren vallags shown under “Typ ration” are ‘representative voltages for the type of operation involved. gations. in, plate-mod pinte-supply voltage should not exceed 5000 elagthomever Blow? So Mey Sito operaon ‘ted, Pemeenle where: Py Grid dissipation, ug — Peak postive grid to cathode voltage, and TmDee ged current. ver may be measured by means of a suitable peak voitaieter connected stween lament and gid. For suitable peak wtvim, clecuts, ee for instance, ‘Tube Ratings", Eimac News, Jenuary 1945. This article is available in reprint form on request ) ‘Screen Dissipation—The power dissipated by the screen ‘of the 4-1000A must not exceed 15 watts, Screen dissi= pation is likely to rise to excessive values when the plate Yoltage, bias voltage or plate load are removed with fla- ment and. screen voltages. epplied. Suitable. protective ‘means must be provided to limit screen dissipation t0 ‘TS wates in event of elreuit failure. Plate Dissipation—Under normal operating conditions, the plate dissipation of the 4-1000A should not be alc Towed to exceed 1000 watts. In plate modulated amplifier applications, the maxi- mum allowable earrier-condition plate dissipation is 670 ‘alts, The plate dissipation will ise to 1000 watts under 3009% sinusoidal modulation. Plate dissipation in excess of the maximum rating is permissible for. short periods of time, suchas during Ruining procedures, OPERATION CLASS.C R-F AMPLIFIER Neutralization—if reasonable precautions are taken to prevent coupling, between input and output circuits, the 1000A ‘may be operated up to the 10 Mc. region with: ‘out neutralization. In the region between 10 Me. and 30 Me,,"the conventional type af ctoss-neutralising may be ‘used “with push-pull cireuits, In single-ended circuits ofdinery neutralization ‘systems may be used which pro ‘Vide 160° out of phase voltage to the grid. A simple and fective method of neutralizing single-ended tetrode cir= is described by Warren B. Brucne in “How to New raise Your Single-Ended Tetrode Final”, in the August, 1850, iesue of CQ magazine, {At frequencies above 30 Me. the feedback is principally due to sereen-lead-inductance effects. Feedbeck is el inated by’ using series capacitance in the screen leads between the screen and ground. A variable ‘capacitor of {rom 25 to 50 uufds will provide sufficient capacitance to neutralize each tube In the region of 100 Me. When using this ‘method, the two screen terminals on the socket should be strapped together by the shortest possible Tead, ‘The lead from the mid-point of this screen strap to the variable capacitor and from the variable. capacitor 1 {round should be made with as low inductance as possible. In general, plate, grid, filament and screen bypass or screen. neutralizing capacitors should be returned 10 rf round through the In order to take obtainable with the 4-1000A, care should be prevent feedback from the output to input circuits, A Eonventionsl method of obtaining the necessary shielding beween the grid and plate circuits is to use a. suitable metal chassis with the grid circuit mounted below the deck end the ‘plate circuit mounted above the deck. Power supply leads entering the amplifier should be by: passed to ground and properly shielded to avoid feedback Eoupling in these leads. The output circuit and antenna {eeders,should be arranged 20 a2 to preclude any poss bility of feedback into other circuits a VHF Circuits—A typical linear tank circuit for use with the 4-1000A i ment of components to avoid the possibility of acei- dentally creating higher frequency tank circuits than the desired’ one. Ths could occur ia tuning capacitor mere Placed in a position on the line where it would create a Fesonent circuit at or near a harmonic. frequency. A properly neutralized ‘amplifier at the fundamental, t gueney would appear regenerative ‘at higher parasitic frequencies and instability or oscillation would result ‘Any capacitance tuning in the plate line should be kept to a small value, acting as a. trimmer for the shorting-bar tuning. ‘Such s variable espacitor should be Positioned on the plate line as close az possible to the late leads. The. cuning capacitor on the “hall wave" {frid line should be positioned at the extreme end of the fine away'from the tube. Im many cases where parasitic oscillation or regen: erative harmonic amplification occurs, it is not evident Until grid excitation at the fundamental. frequency” i= Applied I the ample wanes in normal manner and the efficiency appears normal for the frequency of opera: ton, it may be assumed that the amplifier is free of parasitic oetillation and harmonic regeneration VHF Operation—Above 50 Me. electron. transit time factors inthe tube become. important, increasing in degree asthe frequency is increased. When the grid wings highly negetive in potential, electrons, "t enroute by the repidl)" changing’ 1 voltage, can be deflected from their normal. paths. If excessively. large Tl plate voltages exist due to light plate loading, these Glectrons are rejected at high velocity to bombard tube parts normally outside the electron stream. This. effect Securs when an amplifier goes into. parasitic oscillation, tts there ty Penctieally no loading in the plate circuit ard the excitation is almost always extremely high. Bombard- ment can cause premature tube failure by a focusing of Stray electrons on metal parts or the glass envelope of 1 tube, Such concentration of @ stray" electron stream ‘will Usually overheat the material at the point of focus, ‘with the probability of gas volvement thet can lead 10 loss of filament. emission or destruction of the tube, Where glass is the overheated material, « small hole or “euck-in” can’ occur, opening the tube to atmosphere Dependent pon the: degre of bombardment Tube fa tures can occur ins matter of minutes, or after a few thousand hours of life. Bither way, the ful life potential isnot realized In order to minimize stray bombardment, the follow- ing rules should be followed in vhf operation of straight through amplifiers. 1. Use # minimum amount of bias (not over 15 to 20 times cutoff) 2, Use only enough drive to obs tion and good pl ‘or lightly loaded. i conditions. are such that. the stage ‘must be operated lightly-loaded, then the driving power eurrent ded operation can or transmission line icing, 44 Operate the screen grid at reasonably high voltage still Kecping within soreen dissipation ratings. GRID VOLTAGE EIMAC_4-1000A CONSTANT CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS SCREEN VOLTAGE=500 VOLTS PLATE CURRENT AMPERES = SCREEN CURRENT AMPERES = GRID CURRENT AMPERES. 1000 72000 3000 “4000 3000 6000 PLATE VOLTAGE 566+ 007 DA

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