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Diorama Assignment

Task: Using a box or base, create a labelled

diorama that demonstrates your understanding
of one of the following topics about the Plague.

Box or base
Models, plasticine figures
Paint, pencils, textas
Sticky tape and glue

Spread of the Plague:

From where did the plague first spread from and how was it
transported to other locations? What roles did merchant ships play?

The Flagellants:
Who were the flagellants? What did they believe? What actions did
they take and why?

Peasant Revolt:
Why were the surviving peasants unhappy? Why did they revolt?
What new laws lead them to take such action?

Medicine and Remedies:

Look at the practices of doctors and a particular remedy that was
used to try and cure a patient who had the plague.

The Rat and the Flea (Yersina Pestis Bacteria):

Where did they plague come from? How were both the Black Rat
(Rattus Rattus) and the flea important for spreading the plague?

The effect of Plague on the body (Bubonic, septicaemic or

What happened to the body when you caught the bubonic,
septicaemic or pneumonic plague? How long did you have to live?
What were your chances of surviving?

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