T22 - I - 2005 - 9 - Environmental Management Plan For Port and Harbour Projects

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Clean Techn Environ Policy (2005) 7: 133141

DOI 10.1007/s10098-004-0266-7


A. K. Gupta S. K. Gupta Rashmi S. Patil

Environmental management plan for port and harbour projects

Received: 15 June 2004 / Accepted: 18 October 2004 / Published online: 6 April 2005
Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Port activities can cause deterioration of air

and marine water quality in the surrounding areas due
to multifarious activities. Hence, for the determination
of levels of pollution, identication of pollution sources,
control and disposal of waste from various point and
non-point sources and for prediction of pollution levels
for future, regular monitoring and assessment are required during the entire construction and operation
phase of a major port. It is extremely essential that port
and harbour projects should have an environmental
management plan (EMP), which also incorporates
monitoring of air and marine water quality along with
the collection of online meteorological data throughout
the life of the project. This paper presents the environmental impacts due to various port activities and their
sources and also discusses the EMP for dierent pollution prevention, protection and control measures.

More than 50% of the world population lives close to
the coast, of which more than 300 million inhabit the
coastal urban cities (Chau 1999; Chua and Ross 1998).
There are signicant increases in maritime trade among
various countries as we enter the twenty rst century. To
meet the increasing demands of population and
A. K. Gupta (&)
Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, 721302, India
E-mail: agupta@civil.iitkgp.ernet.in
Tel.: +91-3222-283428
Fax: +91-3222-255303
S. K. Gupta R. S. Patil
Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Bombay, 400076, India

requirements of the industries, new ports are being

constructed or existing ports are being expanded
throughout the world. This would denitely facilitate
commercial and economic growth but the port activities
are also likely to cause deterioration of air and marine
water quality in the surrounding areas. A port can lead
to severe pollution problem, over a large area due to the
multifarious activities. The increase in emissions of air
pollutants can aect local as well as regional air quality
(Galloway 1989; Gupta et al. 2002; Rodhe 1989; Streets
et al. 2000). With the increase in volume of shipping
trac into and within the region, sea-based pollution is
also a source of concern, especially along heavily congested shipping routes (Chua 1995a, b). Oil and chemical
spills from ships, either from operational activities or
catastrophic accidents (i.e. grounding or collision), also
cause health hazards.
Maritime development usually generates local environmental problems; however, development associated
with sensitive estuaries or inland or freshwater rivers
may yield regional scale problems. The impacts on
environment will dier from place to place depending
upon the variations of geography, hydrology, geology,
ecology, types of shipping, industrialization and urbanization. Hence, for the determination of levels of pollution, identication of pollution sources, control and
disposal of waste from various point and non-point
sources and for prediction of pollution levels for future,
regular monitoring and assessment are required during
the entire construction and operation phase for a major
port. It is mandatory that port and harbour projects
should have an environmental management plan (EMP),
which includes monitoring of air and marine water
quality along with the collection of online meteorological data throughout the life of the project throughout
the world.
This paper tries to identify not only the environmental impact caused or induced by various port
activities and their sources but also discusses dierent
prevention, protection and control measures for air and
water pollution, which will be helpful in evolving an


appropriate EMP for a specic port and harbour projects.

Identification of impacts
Ports and harbours are located either in marine/estuarine zones or on rivers at inland sites far from the sea,
but general guidelines are applicable to both. Various
port and harbour activities including dredging operations, materials disposal, shorezone development,
increased maritime trac and vehicular trac in the
port can results in the release of natural and anthropogenic contaminants to the environment. The pollution
problems usually caused by port and harbour activities
can be categorized as follows:
1. Coastal habitats may be destroyed and navigational
channels silted due to causeway construction and
land reclamation.
2. Unregulated mariculture activities in the port and
harbour areas may threaten navigation safety.
3. Deterioration of surface water quality may occur
during both the construction and operation phases.
4. Harbour operations may produce sewage, bilge
wastes, solid waste and leakage of harmful materials
both from shore and ships.
5. Human and sh health may be aected by contamination of coastal water due to urban euent discharge.
6. Oil pollution is one of the major environmental
hazards resulting from port/harbour and shipping
operations. This includes bilge oil released from
commercial ships handling non-oil cargo as well as
the more common threat from oil tankers.
7. Air pollutant emissions due to ship emissions, loading and unloading activities, construction emission
and emissions due to vehicular movement.

Impact on surface water quality

The construction of man-made structures and alteration
of natural waters can lead to direct and indirect impacts
on the water body and ecosystem. Deterioration in
surface water quality can occur during both the construction and operation phases. During the construction
phase, pollution may result from soil run o and sanitary waste from labour force.
Dredging and reclamation result in the formation of
plumes of suspended sediments around dredgers, reclamation outfalls and dumping grounds. Dredging and
dredge spoil disposal activities for port development and
maintenance can induce short- and long-term impacts
on aquatic systems, namely degradation of marine resources such as beaches, estuaries, coral reefs and sheries; resuspension and settlement of sediments,
portioning of toxic contaminants and reintroduction to
the water column; contaminant uptake by and accu-

mulation in sh and shellsh, increased turbidity causing

decrease in light penetration and associated photosynthetic activity, short-term depletions of dissolved oxygen
levels; modied bathymetry causing changes in circulation; possible saltwater intrusion to ground-water;
inland surface water; altered species diversity and
structure of benthic communities; uctuations in water
chemistry, changes in shoreline structure; loss of habitat
and sheries resources.
Harbour operation can produce sewage, bilge
wastes, solid waste, oil discharges and leakages of
harmful materials both from shore and ships. Tens of
thousands of chemicals are used to meet societys
technological and economic needs. Many of these
chemicals nd their way into the marine environment;
therefore, it is important to ascertain whether the
complex mixtures of chemicals found in coastal waters
are causing adverse biological eects on marine
organisms. There are two basic ways by which chemical
contaminants can aect living marine resources: (1) by
directly aecting the exposed organisms own health
and survival, and (2) by contaminating those sheries
resources that other species, including humans, may

Impact on air quality

Air quality in a port area can be aected by dust and
particulates from trac (resuspension of road dust), site
clearing, rock excavation and construction activity, and
emissions from vehicles bringing materials to the site
and from ships and construction equipments. The photochemical reactions (complex chain reactions between
sunlight and gaseous pollutants), emissions from burning waste materials and escaping dust (due to handling
of ne-particulate materials such as fertilizers and minerals) are also major sources of air pollution in port
areas. Air quality can also be aected by secondary
developments such as urbanization and increased
vehicular trac.
Ship emissions are the main source of SO2 in port
and harbour areas. Total emissions from major shipping
activities are estimated to be 236,000 tonne SO2 per
year. Emissions from port activities account for about
4.5% of total shipping emissions, or 10,620 tonne SO2
per year (Streets et al. 1997). Generally, the cheapest
grades of residual oil, containing as much as 5% sulphur, are being used to fuel the commercial eets. The
average sulphur content of marine fuel oils is about
2.8%. In 1997, the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (commonly known
as the MARPOL convention) approved a global cap of
4.5% on the sulphur content of marine fuel oils
(Streets et al. 2000). A signicant fraction of more than
10% of the global NOx production is emitted from
ocean going ships burning fossil fuels (Lawrence and
Crutzen 1999).


Impacts on human health

the European Community. Ports and harbours are

seeking certication under ISO 14000 or its equivalent.

Impacts on human health can be broadly categorized as:

1. Hazards/accidents both onshore and oshore from
handling of hazardous materials such as ammables,
explosives and toxics from vessel collisions
2. Communicable diseases
3. Noise from construction equipment/activity, vehicles,
cargo handling equipment and ship and port public
address systems/sirens
4. Respiratory illness from escaping dust and particulates.
Most health impacts (except communicable diseases)
will generally be conned to the immediate port vicinity/
work environment. Occupational health programmes
should be established and provisions should be made for
adequate medical emergency services.

Best available techniques

Major port expansion and the development of new ports
oer the opportunity to introduce the use of the most
up-to-date techniques and equipment for port construction, maintenance, operation, cargo handling and
storage. Signicant advances in techniques and technologies have been made in recent years in these elds to
reduce the environmental impacts if correctly handled.
The International Organization of Standardization
(ISO) has formulated the Environmental Management
System (EMS) under ISO 14000. Similarly, most of
Europe adopts a system known as BATNEEC. BATNEEC is a concept relating to environmental protection
that helps dene good practice and is becoming
increasingly popular internationally, particularly within
Fig. 1 Components and
strategies for environmental
management plan (EMP)

EMP for a port and harbour

The EMP should generally include information on the
generation and treatment of solid waste, liquid and
gaseous euents, details of safety measures around the
project, and details of the safety organization including
key personnel. The various strategies for EMP are
summarized in Fig. 1.
An EMP is formulated to mitigate the adverse impacts
arising out of any developmental programme. An EMP
should ensure that resources are used with maximum
eciency, waste generation is minimized, residuals are
treated adequately and products are recovered and
recycled to the maximum extent possible. Stress should
be laid on low waste or cleaner technologies.
An EMP is a required part of environmental impact
assessment of a new port project but could also be
evolved for existing ports. It is useful both during the
construction and operational phases of the new port but
only for operation of existing ports to ensure the eectiveness of the mitigation measures and to give guidance
as to the most appropriate way of dealing with any
unforeseen eects. A regular monitoring programme
needs to be specied in order to check that environmental measures are working and to alert port and
pollution control boards to any pollution or other
environmental problems that might occur during either
the construction or operational phase of the project. A
number of important issues needs to be included in the
EMP, namely:
The review, and where necessary, updating of disaster
management plans for all ports, particularly proce-


dures and management responsibilities. The adequacy

of equipments for handling oil and related liquid bulk
spills and other emergencies should be assessed in the
light of increased trac since the facility was opened.
The review of dredging practices, the toxicity of the
dredged material and the disposal location.
Improving the handling facilities for dry bulk cargoes,
especially for coal and iron ore. This is potentially a
costly exercise and will inevitably be constrained by
nancial considerations.
Providing facilities for collection and disposal of
waste oil and solid waste (garbage) in accordance with
the marine pollution convention. Collection facilities
need to be conveniently located for ships, open at
hours to suit ship movements.
Hazardous waste materials should be separately
collected and disposed o at the designated site.
Health related monitoring should be performed on
the workers who are working in bulk storage area
and handling chemicals.
Facilities need to be brought to the attention of
shippers to encourage their use. The location of the
treatment or disposal facilities needs to be carefully
planned so as not to give rise to negative environmental impacts elsewhere, particularly in the case of
garbage disposal.
Adopting mitigation techniques for reducing the
pollutant concentration like green belt/plantation,
conservation of water and energy etc. Various other
considerations to control air and water quality in
the port and harbour region are discussed below.

Management plan during dredging operation

in the port area
A comprehensive dredging and dredged materials management plan should be considered for the port and
harbour facilities to ensure that project can be carried
out with minimum environmental eects. Both capital
and maintenance dredging aect water quality; particularly turbidity and this in turn can marginally aect
marine ecology and sheries. Capital dredging has high
potential to disperse the ne-grained sediment in the
water column, thereby increasing the particular load.
The initial screening for evaluating disposal options is
based on physical and chemical analysis for geotechnical
character and the presence of contaminants in the sediments. Depending on the physical and chemical character of the dredged material, disposal may be conned,
unconned or treated prior to release in open water,
along the shoreline, or on land.
Maintenance dredging is performed in approach
channels and harbour basins to maintain depth and
width and ensure safe access for large vessels. The
dredged materials from maintenance dredging typically
present a greater disposal problem than deeper sediments removed during construction dredging, since

surcial sediments are composed of recently deposited

materials that are usually contaminated. These younger
sediments usually contain natural and anthropogenic
contaminants and can arrive from atmospheric fallout;
erosion of local, surface and channel banks; fallout from
biological activity in the water column; sediment transport from inland waters; point source discharges and
surface runo from the surrounding area. To mitigate
potential contaminant passing from the port area, it
should be addressed through proper design of storm
water handling and treatment facilities; placement of
sewage and wastewater outfalls; compatibility of local
land use (e.g. proximity of agriculture elds or mining
operations), procedures for handling hazardous materials and types of industries permitted to operate in the
port area.
Disposal must be in accordance with applicable regulations. Also, long-term monitoring of the dredging
process and disposal may be required. Mitigation measures recommended for reducing the release of sediments
and nes into the main water body could include:
Containment of the work area with a silt curtain to
prevent excessive release of ne sediments
Use of suction dredger instead of bucket dredger
Dewatering of nes through sediment traps
No dredging works during storms
Halting dredging during the breeding seasons of economically important sh stocks or protected or rare
Plan for minimizing impacts on local ora and fauna,
and screen for the presence of rare, threatened or
endangered species that are indigenous to the project
Monitor local air quality and reduce operations if
unacceptable quality arises.
Management plan to improve marine water quality
in the port area
1. The drains and outfall should be cleaned regularly to
avoid anaerobic decomposition and also for proper
ow of water/wastewater. This will also enable the
characterization of wastewater and calculation of
waste load
2. Domestic and canteen wastewater should be discharged only after proper treatment
3. The solid waste generated from the canteen and other
diused sources should be collected and disposed o
4. The discharge of oil waste into the sea from the following main sources should be controlled
(a) Discharge of oil waste from liquid chemical corridor area. This liquid waste is generated during
tanker cleaning and oils spills during lling
(b) Oil spills at berth during unloading operations
(c) Tanker ballast discharge from ships


5. The discharge of solid waste and sewage from ships

should be controlled. It should be disposed/discharged only after proper treatment
6. Bulk material should not be disposed into the sea. All
drains and roads should be cleaned before the rainy
season to avoid runo from land to sea carrying a
myriad of pollutants including chemicals
7. Temporary bunds should be constructed to contain
surface runo from land sites. Collected runo
should be passed through retention ponds to collect
suspended solids before discharge
8. A treatment system should be provided at the construction camp. This could either be a package plant
or a septic tank
9. A conventional activated sludge sewage treatment
plant is not considered to be appropriate for port
operations owing to uctuations in the volume and
characteristics. The following alternatives for treatment are more appropriate
(a) Either an anaerobic pond followed by facultative
and polishing o ponds discharging to a near
shore outfall
(b) An anaerobic pond discharging to an oshore
10. Sanitary euents should not be discharged into the
harbour itself
11. Oily wastewaters (from fuel storage tanks, maintenance shops, ships bilge water, tank washings) and
runo from dirty areas of the port (vehicle marshalling, parking and fuel storage areas) should all
be collected and passed through an oil water separator before discharge. Wastewater may be returned
to storm water system after treatment
12. Reception facilities for oily wastes from ships should
be provided and their use should be enforced by
monitoring. Penalties may be imposed for oily discharges in and around the port
13. Regular monitoring of water quality should be
carried out within the port and in adjacent waters
during operation to identify adverse environmental
Management plan to improve air quality in the port
and harbour region
1. To control the fugitive emissions during loading and
unloading and storing operations, the following actions have to be taken
Spraying of water or suitable chemical over the
bulk material so that wind blown dust is reduced
A common preventive technique for the control of
fugitive particulate emission is to enclose the sources either fully or partially. Enclosures prevent or
inhibit particulate matter from becoming air borne
as a result of disturbance created by wind or by
mechanical entrainment resulting from the opera-

tion of the source itself. Enclosure also helps to

contain those emissions that are generated. They
can consist of either some type of permanent
structure or temporary arrangement
It is also observed that during loading and
unloading operations considerable dust is generated
which may be chemical in nature. This could be
harmful to the health of working sta, hence, masks
should be provided to all sta working at the site
and also periodic check of their health should be
carried out
Bulk material should be transported in closed
trucks to avoid wind entrainment
Proper bag lters in conveyor belts must be used for
collection of dust and use of conveyor belts should
be minimized
Resuspension of dust is due to wind and vehicular
movement over the road surface. Controlling
resuspension of road dust may be the most eective
way of reducing particulate pollutant. There are
various methods for reducing entrainment like
(a) Regular cleaning of paved and unpaved roads
(b) Removal of the accumulated dirt from roadside
(c) Regular maintenance of unpaved shoulder on
paved road
(d) paving of access roads should be undertaken;
unpaved roads may lead to dust problems in

2. Vehicles are major sources of air pollution, so better

maintenance of vehicles and control of vehicular
emissions, as for as possible, should be achieved
3. No vehicle should be allowed without proper pollution under control certicate in the port area and
highly polluting vehicles (especially heavy trucks)
should be avoided
4. The plantations and green belts all around the port
area and also in the open area should be increased.
This reduces air and noise pollution
5. Construction and demolition activities, though temporary in nature are important open dust sources.
These activities involve a number of separate dustgenerating operations that must be quantied to
determine the total emissions from the site and thus
their impact on ambient air quality
6. Burning of waste materials should be avoided
7. Emissions from construction operations can be reduced by wet suppression
8. Ambient air quality monitoring should be further
strengthened by adopting the following recommendations
(a) Meteorological monitoring stations should be
installed at dierent heights so that the vertical
prole can be assessed and also automatic facilities provided for recording meteorological data.
This is helpful in estimating the dilution capacity
of atmosphere and in air pollution dispersion


(b) Monitoring of additional parameters, HC and Pb

in the locations, where vehicular pollution is high
(c) Monitoring of PM10 (particulate matter less than
10 lm) and CO should be carried out regularly
because these pollutants directly aect the respiratory system
(d) Exposure or health related monitoring of sensitive
population subgroups like workers, residents and
children etc. should be conducted as a safety

Management plan to minimize public health impacts

The following control measures can be used to reduce
the health impact on persons working in the port and
harbour projects.
1. Temporary and permanent workers should receive
medical examination and necessary treatment before
starting work.
2. Facilities for rst aid should be provided at the port
as well as at the construction site.
3. Proper sanitation should be provided during construction and operation to minimize spread of diseases.
4. Arrangements for quarantine of vessels should be
made in accordance with international practice.
5. In general, it is benecial to install electrical systems
as opposed to pneumatic ones. It is a good noise
reduction strategy.
6. Another possible mitigation measure is proper
installation of machines e.g. providing rubber paddings etc. Muers should be provided wherever
feasible to mue the sounds from engines, motors
etc. Head phones and earplugs can be provided to
workers working in noisy environments.

Other pollution control measures

Operation of port and harbour complexes tend to result
in acceptable sanitation conditions if special provisions
for waste management are included in the planning and
design stage, such as:
Provision of an adequate water distribution system
including pier installations for hose connections to
supply fresh water to ships.
Construction of temporary bunds to contain surface
runo from land sites. Collected runo should be
passed through retention ponds to collect suspended
solids before discharge.
Provision of adequate sewage collection, treatment
and disposal systems to serve the entire port/harbour
complex including a shoreline interceptor for receiving
liquid wastes from all shoreline installations. Special
hose connections must be provided to allow ships to
discharge sewage, bilge wastes and other liquid wastes

into the sewage collection systems. Without these

provisions, ships and onshore installations are likely
to discharge their wastewater directly into the harbour
waters. Also, provision should be made for removal of
all oatable materials including oils.
Provision of a comprehensive solid waste management system for the entire complex including ships.
Provision for control of oil spills at ports and harbours used for importing/exporting petroleum oil or
products from oil reneries.
It is advantageous to plan and design a comprehensive onshore/oshore sanitary waste operation under a
single management system. For port/harbour complexes
that are located near unconned coastal waters with
high diluting/absorbing capacities, it is often feasible to
discharge euents into these waters via a submarine
outfall. This, however, is not acceptable in conned
coastal or inland waters. Whichever waste disposal system is selected, periodic monitoring of its eects on the
environment is essential. This should include monitoring
both inside and outside the port/harbour.
Other pollution control measure should also include:
1. Maintenance of water supply and wastewater treatment system
2. Collection and disposal of waste from ships and
onshore facilities
3. Monitoring and enforcing pollution prevention regulations aecting vessels
4. Carrying out regular monitoring to identify adverse
environmental changes caused by pollution
5. Developing a green belt around the industry, which is
an eective method of attenuation of waste residuals
subsequent to pollution control measures . Green
belts absorb air and water pollutants, arrest noise and
soil erosion as well as create favourable climatic and
aesthetic conditions.

A case study
A study has been conducted in the port and harbour
region under the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT),
New Mumbai, India. This port is situated along the
eastern side of the Mumbai harbour opposite the Elephanta Island, covering a water area of about 52 km2.
The port shares a common channel with Mumbai port
up to the point of entry to the South Elephanta channel.
It is about 6 nautical miles by water route from the
Gateway of India (Gupta et al. 2003a). Figure 2 shows
the map of Mumbai city and the location of JNPT.
Water quality was monitored at six monitoring stations. The stations W1, W2, W3, W4 and W5 were xed,
while station W6 was mobile as shown in Fig. 2. The
water quality survey was carried out once every month.
The survey was arranged in such a way so as to cover the
six stations in two phases covering three stations each
day. To achieve this, three motorized launches were
used, which were anchored at each of the selected sta-


Fig. 2 Location of study area, water and air quality monitoring


tions at the time of sample collection. Nensen type water
samplers of 2.5-l capacity were used to take the water
samples at each station at a depth of 1 m below the
surface, at mid-depth and at 1 m above the sea bottom.
The depth at the station was measured before the collection of water sample using a lead line. A number of
samples were collected at each station for both the ood
and the ebb tides (Gupta et al. 2003a).
Air quality was monitored at ve monitoring stations
and are shown in Fig. 2 (Gupta et al. 2003b). Out of
these ve stations, four were xed and one was adaptable, with its location being changed in every monitoring
cycle. The xed stations were the administration building (AB), port operation centre (POC), residential colony (RC) and Jaskhar police station (JPS). The
adaptable station was one of the following viz., bulk
gate complex (BGC), guest house No.2 (GH2), E2 (near
E2 building), E7 (near E7 building), port users building
(PUB) and opposite conveyer belt (OCB).
In this study, the data collected and analysed from
detailed monitoring of ambient air quality, marine water
quality and meteorological data for a period of 4 years
are presented. Specic conclusions drawn from the study
are as follows:
1. Air quality of the region is generally good. Overall
the annual average NOx, SO2 and TSP levels were
within their standards. However, on many occasions
and at some sites the 24-h limit was exceeded, but





could subsequently be reduced by proper mitigation

Monthly mean concentrations of NOx were in the
range of 19.559.0 lg/m3. The NOx concentrations
were observed to be the highest during the winter
The concentrations of SO2 increased gradually from
the year 19972000. This may be due to increase in
port activities and ship trac, which have an annual
growth of about 15%.
The maximum concentration of NH3 was observed at
the port operation centre site, which is in close
proximity to the location, where loading and
unloading of fertilizer is carried out. It was found
that gaseous and particulate pollutants have their
maximum values during winter season, while NH3
has a maximum value during post-monsoon season,
conrming the relation of NH3 to ambient temperature.
The TSP concentrations were quite high, particularly
for the sites situated in the areas, where port activity
is high like loading and unloading of the material,
vehicular movement etc. The average TSP values in
general showed a higher concentration in winter and
summer months than in the rainy season.
PM10 data appears to be a constant fraction of the
TSP data throughout the year, indicating common
inuences of meteorology and sources. Particle size
analysis showed PM10 to be 47% of the total TSP
concentration, which is lower than reported for
industrial area and trac junctions in Mumbai.
Anthropogenic sources contribute signicantly to the


PM10 fraction in an industrial region, while contributions from the natural sources are more in a port
and harbour area.
7. Marine water quality results do not show any regular
trend. Correlation, regression and factor analyses
have been carried out for the water quality parameters. The results show that BOD and DO were
inversely correlated. Factor analysis results show that
out of the eight variables four factors have been
drawn, which represent 74% of the variance of the
original data. Over 84% of the variance in suspended
solid, while 76% of the variance in temperature, BOD
and turbidity are accounted for, respectively. Observed and predicted concentrations at dierent sites
were quite close to each other.
A comprehensive database with quality assurance and
quality control for ambient air and marine water quality
for a port area has been generated. The monitoring data
has been collected as per the norms prescribed by the
regulatory authorities of the country and hence can be
very useful for environmental management of the port.
This study, which deals with a comprehensive and
integrated monitoring and modelling of ambient air and
marine water quality in a port area, can be eectively
used for the development of rational control and management strategies to reduce pollution levels due to
various port activities. The results of the study on
identication of sources, hot spots and adverse time
periods for air pollution have led to the recommendation
of the pollution control measures discussed in the previous section for improvement in air and water quality
of the port and harbour region. Some examples of specic pollution control measures are given below:
(a) Suspended particulate matter concentrations were
found to exceed at those stations, which are in close
proximity to the operations area. This is mainly due
to fugitive wind-blown dust during loading and
unloading operations and storages. The concentration of particulate matter can be reduced by spraying water or suitable chemical over the bulk material
so that wind-blown dust is reduced.
(b) A common preventive technique for the control of
fugitive particulate emissions is to enclose the
sources either fully or partially. Proper bag lters in
conveyor belts must be used for collection of dust
and the use of conveyor belt should be minimized.
Results show that resuspension of dust due to wind
and vehicular movement over the road surface is a
major source. Controlling resuspension of road dust
may be the most eective way of reducing particulate pollutants in ambient air.

The environmental strategy to control pollution levels
are as follows:

1. The improvement of existing port operations and

facilities, the movement of bulk cargoes out of ports
where the surrounding environment is particularly
sensitive to pollution and where modern handling
and storage facilities cannot be provided.
2. The concentration of new capacity in those ports that
are most able to handle larger ships and large volumes of cargo and that can therefore justify investment in modern handling equipments which are less
likely to give rise to pollution.
3. The development of new ports away from environmentally sensitive locations, where sucient land
exists for the future expansion of port-related industries. Where ports have to be developed near areas of
environmental importance, or with limited backup
land, careful design and the incorporation of mitigation measures will be used to reduce any adverse
impacts to an absolute minimum.
In view of the likely increase in port development
over the next decade, it is suggested that government in
every country should consider the eventual establishment of a specialist port environmental planning unit,
which could be responsible for gathering improved data
on coastal environment in the vicinity of key ports,
advising on environmental issues and identifying new
practices, techniques and technologies.
Acknowledgements The authors are very thankful to the management and sta of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, New Mumbai,
India, for providing cooperation and nancial support for carrying
out the project entitled Environmental Management Plan for
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Area.

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