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1.Give a word that best describes the persona.
2.Name something that flash about in the poem.
3.From the poem, we can conclude that the persona wants to know what?
4. How does the persona feel about his father not answering his questions?
5.Who do you think the persona in the poem is? Explain why you think so?
6.Who is the persona in the poem?
7.Based on the poem, what element of Nature can be felt but can never be seen?
8.What is the poem about?
9.Which word in the poem shows that the persona has a lot of questions to ask?
10. The phrase blow out refers to ____________
11. The use of wh-questions shows that ?
13. The phrase where can the missing bit be found describes _______________
14. Why is the persona disappointed?
15. Give an expression that tells us that the shape of the moon changes from time
to time
16. The phrase the lightning flash about appeals what?
17. What does The title I wonder reflects ?
18. What does the word fluffy mean?
19. Give one word that describes the persona.
20. What does the persona find puzzling about the birds?
21. In the first stanza, what does the word wonder indicate?
22. What does the phrase if he knows in the last stanza tell about the persona?
23. Who is the persona in the poem?
24. Explain in your own words, what you understand by the last 2 lines.
25. Which phrase in the extract shows that the persona is inquisitive about nature?.

26. Explain in your own words the phrase the trees to take a rest .
27. What is missing according to persona?
28. From the extract, which element in the sky is colorful?
29. What does the phrase fluffy cloud mean?
30. Which element in the extract is described as cannot be seen but can be felt?
31. How would you feel if your questions are not answered?
32. What would you do to get the answers to the questions?
33. What is the poem about?
34. Do you think the boys father knows the answer to his questions?
35. Quote a line/ two lines to support your answer
36. When do we see the rainbow in the sky?
37. The fluffy clouds indicate that the sky is ___________

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