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The question doesnt have a utility function.

So there wont be any utility values but just

increase or decrease(I have made 4 points).
Take strategy 1. In strategy one, there are three possible outcomes. 0 unbroken eggs, 6
unbroken eggs or 12 unbroken eggs. So draw a line(blue line) passing through (0,0) ,(6,6)
and (12,12) .
Strategy 2 has 5 outcomes. 0 unbroken eggs, 3 unbroken eggs, 6 , 9 and 12. But we have
to know the utility in each case. lets take 6 unbroken eggs.
In case of 6 unbroken eggs, there are 3 ways. 1) 3 in 1st trip and 3 in 2nd trip. 2) 6 in 1st
trip. 0 in 2nd trip and vice versa.
If you take 6 in the 1st trip , you have the maximum utility(reasons like, you just have to
carry less so reach fast etc etc) . So draw a line(green line) from zero to the concave
curve(Concave because of Diminishing marginal utility law).
Now take 3 unbroken eggs. in case of 3 unbroken eggs, marginal utility will be half of
that of 6.
Take 9 unbroken eggs, utility will more than carrying 6 and less than getting 12. So draw
a straight line here(red line)

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