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brandon kelly

stem *

Focus questions
1: What california biome is your area and why?
A. temperate grassland because it has mostly grass and a few trees here and there.
What type of relationships do you see between organism in your area? Name at least 3
of them describe a food chain in your area.
A. bees are attracted to the flowers and the birds like to eat the bees. birds also eat
some seeds.
2: What is mans impact on the area?
stepping on plants.
what are the limiting factors in your area for plants and animals?
limiting factors are size of bushes and tree.
3.why are bacteria important for plants in your area? for animals? for soil?
in general where are fungi found?
in damp shaded areas.
Do you have any in your area?
no, my site is up at the top of the hill and is not shady.
4. research invertebrate in your are and what is their role and where are they fund and
The mains invertebrates are butterflies and grasshoppers and the butterflies bring
pollen to other flowers to create more flowers. The grasshoppers fertilize soil.
they are found in the sky or on plants and in the grass.
5: Identify any bryophytes, seedless vascular plants,gymnosperms, or angiosperms that
you have in your area.
there are yellow flowers in my area and i have identified them as angiosperms
because they have multiple branches at the tip
There is a plant that is sort of orange and it is another angiosperms because it
has multiple buds at the top.
There are 2 type of leave and they are both angiosperms
the dandelion is angiosperms with the multiple buds at the top

what are the essential needed nutrients in soil?
nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus.
methods of pollination in your area.
butterflies, bees, wind

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