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About Monoo

Founded in 2015 and based in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monoo is a trusted social

networking platform for people to discover, find, and join across communities
around the world.
People. Monoo enables people to realize their vision and mission regarding
creating real positive changes for a better world. Monoo supports people on their
productive ages to find their selves by joining communities movements based
on their interest and passion.
Communities. Monoo connects people with communities, communities with
communities and communities with other potential partners to create a bigger
change. Monoo helps communities by creating a single complete page about
their identities to be shared to people in the world.
Earth. Monoo believes in goodness and peace in every single person in the
world. Monoo supports those positive values by its platform in producing and
promoting communities changes for a better world.

Why Monoo?
In this social media era, there are a lot of digital tools, mobile apps/instant
messaging/social platforms, which enable connects people around the world
easily by sharing photos, videos, files, or enabling more accessible connection.
However, Monoo wants to help connecting the dots of people in the world
beyond those merely easier connection. Monoo wants to spread a spirit of
changes and brings those changes to create a better world by communities

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