Abed Ellatif CV

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Abed Ellatif El Yaacoub

Education City,Doha,Qatar P.O Box 24866

Mobile: (00974)77063240 a.elyaacoub@qatar.tamu.edu

Texas A&M University in Qatar
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Graduation May, 2016

Course Skills
Ability to model mechanical engineering systems
design using solid works 3D-printing
Engineering courses to study project planning and applying projects on the material studied


Bilingual, ability to speak in Arabic and English

Proficiency in Microsoft office
Passionate team worker willing to go the extra mile for the best results
Solid negotiator, willing to share my knowledge and listen and learn to others to create the best solution possible
Robust quantitative analysis skills exhibited in class projects
Strategic thinker, able to think outside the box and plan properly in order to complete task faster and more
Undergrad research in the field of AHSS

Education City Texas A&M, Mechanical Engineering Office Assistant student worker
June 2013-June 2014
Managed and prepared for events, establishing great relationships among the community
Interacted with community on a 1 on 1 level and providing assistance and solutions to their problems
Represented the student body in local meetings
Academic Bridge Program, Research Assistant with Dr. Mark Newmark
January 2014-June 2014
Acquisition and collection of professional data related to the research project
Summary and analysis of acquired data
Student Body Government (SBG) Class representative-Class of 2016
Spring 2012-Fall 2013
Worked as part of a student council to study problems and improve our AGGIE student community
Participated in preparation of events sponsored by the SBG
Part of Student Engineers Council (SEC)
Spring 2012-Fall 2014
Participated as part of small community groups in the council each responsible of tasks and events
Participated in the planning and participation of events
Interacted with high school students and provided them with an orientation as part of FAME event years 2013 and 2014
Student Research under the supervision of Dr. Annie Ruimi
Spring2014-December 2014
Data compiling and acquisition using Fortran compiler
Organizing high amount of data
TAMU-Q Debating Club-Senior Member
December, 2013
Coached novice debaters, thus enhancing their speech performance through continuous practice
Represented TAMU-Q in European Universities Debating Championships

-Q team in Qatar Universities Debating League

WISE - World Innovation Summit for Education, Manager
November, 2014
Lead a team of fifteen members to best serve and guide the VIP visitors of WISE
Presented a strategic plan that would best reduce the water wastage and would promote recycling
Promoted reducing water wastage through improving water consumption plans.

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