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Shani occupying 8th house will hurt the Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign)

natives badly on their career and as well as financial related issues.

If the position of the Shani is favourable and gets stronger strength,
then the 2 years period remain comfortable.

Some of the Vrushabha Rasi natives would remain idle or forced to

remain idles or will not have enough oppurtunities to utilize their
talents. In short, it would make the Vrushabha Rasi natives to
remain without any work.

The Vrushabha Rasi natives, will have troubles relations with father
and paternal side. The conflice between the native and his father
will reach peaks and create high tension fo native and his father.
The Vrushabha Rasi natives, who are pursuing college level
studies could face interupptions or hurdles in their education.
In career, proession or business front Face hurdles and temporary
Shani occupying 7th house: The Mars and Shani treat each other
as fierce opponent. The Shani also becomes retrograde from
14.03.2015 to 02.08.2015. The Shani will deliver different set of
results during its retrograde movement period and also during its
eclipse period.

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