Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage Laws

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Kirchhoffs Current and

Voltage Laws

KCL (Kirchhoffs Current Law)

The sum of the currents

entering a node equals the
sum of the currents exiting
a node.


Application of KCL

I1 = 2A

I3 = 5A
I2 = 3A

Problem w/KCL

I1 = ?

I3 = 250 mA
I2 = 150 mA

KVL (Kirchhoffs Voltage Law)

The sum of the potential

differences around a
closed loop equals zero.

Closed Loop #1

Closed Loop #2

Closed Loop #3

Closed Loop #4

Not Closed #1

Not Closed #2

What KVL Really Means

Sum of the Voltage drops

across resistors equals the
Supply Voltage in a Loop.

KVL #1

KVL #2

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